Chapter 3- Lab work

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After two weeks, Peter returned to school. The story the school was fed with was that Peter went somewhere for the Stark Internship. No one apart from the principal and Ned knew the true story.

"I'm so sorry for you." Ned started. "I couldn't believe what happened. She was such a lovely woman, I also miss her. I'm so sorry for you, Peter." 

"It's alright, Ned. Just please, let's not talk about it." 

It was only after school, when another person started to question Peter's story. MJ. She tagged along with Ned and Peter after school, so when Happy arrived in one of Tony's shiny cars, people just stared. MJ looked at Peter questioningly.

"Why is he here for you?" MJ asked. 

"Stark Internship." Peter replied, waving to Happy.

"That's the first time, you got a promotion or something?" MJ asked, eyeing him carefully. Peter didn't reply, just waved to Ned and MJ in goodbye, before getting into the car. Once they were on the New York streets, heading to the Tower, Happy decided to talk.

"So? How was school today?" Happy asked.

"Normal." I shrugged.

"Tony's got something for you." Happy said, Peter at once looked interested.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"You'll see, just go down to his lab. F.R.I.D.A.Y'S ordering pizza today." Happy replied. Soon after, they arrived at the Avengers' Tower. Peter jumped out of the car and raced to the lift, which took him down to the labs. Peter opened the door and walked inside, taking in all the new tech surrounding him. This was a place out of a dream!

"Kid?" Tony started. "You could learn to knock." Peter rapidly turned to face the billionaire.

"Oh, sorry, Mr.- Tony! Happy told me you had-" he started.

"Yes! Peter, come here. I already did a few minor upgrades to your suit, but I need some of your ideas here." Tony said, pulling Peter towards his desk, upon which lay his suit. For the next two hours, Tony and Peter were working together, engaged in a task they both greatly enjoyed. Just before the clock hit 7:00 p.m. Natasha came down to call them for dinner, Peter's suit was ready, and the only thing Peter had to do now, was check it out.

"You've been working for two hours straight, you would mind to assure us of your existence the next time you decide to engage in your science antics." Natasha said. The two looked towards the door.

"We just finished." Peter said.

"Dinner's ready." Natasha replied. 

Peter definitely felt better today. Tony pulled him out of his thoughts and spending time with the team did put a smile on his face.This was probably the best day Peter had since that day.

Hello everyone! I know this was a shorter chapter, but I hope to write some more. Anyways, please comment! I need some fresh ideas and I would be very pleased to hear your thoughts on this work!

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