Chapter 4- New Life

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Out of all the people Peter had already seen and spoken too, there was only one more person Peter had to meet- Pepper. After Tony finally proposed to Pepper, the busy woman started to live with Tony. It wouldn't be long until there was going to be an actual wedding, but with all the work for Stark Industries and Peter's appearance, there was no time for marriage.

They sat round the table, eating. Peter still didn't feel very comfortable with all his childhood heroes, but the team soon realized and had engaged Peter into conversations.

Pepper was the nicest woman Peter had ever met. She was firm and strict, but she was so caring and loving. She and Natasha were the only two people that could actually stop Tony from doing anything stupid and Peter had the time of his life seeing Tony being smacked in the face with a newspaper by Natasha. 

It was never silent in the Tower with all the pranks Clint decided to pull, and the team's antics like deciding where to sit on the couches, what was going to be for lunch and dinner or Steve's constant reminders about Avengers' practices. Pepper was the only "normal" one round here, so she just rolled her eyes, sending death stares at Tony and trying to calm everyone down. Peter definitely had a blast seeing all this havoc.

"You could at least set a good example for Peter." she exclaimed, after Clint, Sam and Tony decided to start a food fight. Peter blushed but couldn't hide the grin on his face.

"Come on, Spiderling!" Tony just shouted, throwing some food onto Peter. Peter in response threw his food onto Tony and the war started, with Steve and Rhodes joining in. Pepper, Natasha and Wanda just rolled their eyes, trying hard to avoid flying pieces of chicken. 

"Thank-you for choosing to clean up for us." Natasha said, smirking. The boys decided not to protest, frowning in annoyance. Anyway's they never bothered to argue with Natasha.

After the living-room looked more like it used to do, it was nearing to eleven, and Peter got shooed back into his room by Pepper. Peter reluctantly agreed after Pepper send him a stern look. He wished everyone goodnight.

The next morning, Peter slept in late. Knowing that after yesterday's "party" he was too tired to go out as Spider-Man, as he fell asleep nearly instantly. Asking F.R.I.D.A.Y what time it was, he realized it was Saturday, which explained why no one decided to wake him up for school. Lazily pulling up some clothes he walked to the common room, to see Tony and Pepper drinking coffee.

"Morning," Peter muttered, yawning.

"Good-morning, sleepyhead. Finally decided to wake up?" Tony said. "You hungry?" Peter just nodded his head, sitting down next to Pepper.

"Where's the team?" Peter asked, munching on a waffle.

"They decided to go back to the compound," Pepper responded, and seeing Peter's disappointed face, she added, "though they're coming back on Wednesday." Peter's face lit up. After a moment of silence, and Peter's tenth waffle(not crazy, just his metabolism), the conversation started again. Peter hadn't wanted to ask this question before, fearing another answer from the one he had hoped, he decided to ask it now.

"Can I go out as Spider-Man as usual?" Peter asked. Both Tony and Pepper looked at him.

"Of course you can, why bother asking?" Tony replied. Peter shrugged.

"But hold on, mister. What about homework?" Pepper suddenly asked, raising her eyebrows in a questioning look. 

"Will do it now," Peter grumbled and Tony smirked. After he ate his waffles, apologizing again for eating so much, to which Tony just replied: "Shut up", leaving Pepper shaking her head and sending him a fifth death stare on the same morning. 

At around four, Peter finished his homework and decided to phone Ned, to keep him updated.

"So?! How's it living with Tony Stark?! Did you meet the other Avengers? How is Captain America and Black Widow in real life? Did you see the Iron Man suit?" Ned showered him with questions.

"Ned. Just chill, dude. Yeah, I've met the others, they are really cool. We had a food fight last night together, but they went back to the compound. No, I still didn't see Tony's suit, but he promised he will take me down to his workshop and lab." Peter responded.

"Wow. Can I come over some time?" Ned then asked.

"Sure! Just have to ask Tony. He'll probably say yes." Peter said.

"Can't wait! Okay, I have to end, Mum's calling me. Bye." Ned said.

"Bye." And the phone call ended. Peter lay down on his bed thinking about Aunt May. He couldn't help the tears falling down his cheeks. He managed to occupy his mind with something else, grabbing a Physics textbook. It was nearing to five, when he decided to put on his suit and go out as Spider-Man. But just as he was opening his cupboard, Friday stopped him.

"Mr. Stark said he wants you to eat lunch before you went out." Friday informed him. Peter looked up.

"Seriously? Tell him I'm not hungry." Peter replied.

"If you won't come, he's going to personally drag you to the kitchen." Friday then said. Peter rolled his eyes.

"I wanna see him try." Peter replied, smirking. 

"Mr. Stark has been informed. He's on his way." Friday said, completely not understanding sarcasm.

"Tell him, I was joking. Friday, for God's sake, have a sense of humor for once. Jeez!" Peter exclaimed, putting back the suit and lazily walking towards the lift, which took him down to the living-room. Tony was waiting for him by the bar table, checking something on his tablet.

"Tony-" Peter started.

"Eat." he ordered, pointing to the plate of food. Peter grumbled and sat down. "Pepper would kill me if she knew I let you out as Spider-Man without eating anything." Peter just rolled his eyes.

"Can you tell your A.I. to tell apart sarcasm from the time I actually mean something?" Peter asked.

"I'm still learning, Mr.Parker." Friday replied, in a somewhat hurtful tone.

At six, Peter put on his suit and swung onto the New York streets, taking the New York air he had so badly missed.

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