Chapter 5- Trouble

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It was a month since Peter's Aunt May died. Everyone had gotten used to the spider-ling living in the house, actually finding that the atmosphere was even brighter than how it had been before. Peter had cheered up after the accident, laughing and joking more often, looking as if he was now actually enjoying himself. 

It was another normal Monday morning, Peter cursing at Friday to just shut up and let him sleep. It was only after Tony grabbed him by his feet and pulled him out of bed that put Peter on his feet.

"Uh, can you remind me why Monday's exist?" Peter muttered, when Tony threw some clean clothes at him and turned to head towards the door. Tony just grinned wickedly. 

"Come on, hurry up. I'm waiting in the kitchen." Tony exclaimed. Peter dressed slowly and after brushing his teeth and an attempt to calm his hair he managed to arrive in the common room, where Tony was waiting for him. They were eating a quick breakfast when Happy arrived.

"Spider's ready?" Happy asked, fiddling with the car keys.

"Yep." Tony replied, pushing Peter playfully towards the door. The boy scowled. "I have two meetings today, so I'll be late today." he then said, before the lift door closed with Peter and Happy inside.

Peter's day at school went as always and he couldn't wait for it to finish. They were sitting together at lunch, discussing about Tony's suit and the Avengers.

"Can I come to you today?" Ned asked. 

"Yeah. I'll just tell Tony. Though, he has two meeting in the afternoon, so he won't be there. I'll send him a text." Peter replied. He couldn't wait for Ned to see the lab, workshop, everything really. Ned was probably excited even more, he was practically jumping. They walked to the toilets, for Peter to write to Tony.

-Can Ned come over today? They waited five minutes, when the reply came.

-Sure, ask Friday to order something for you. I'll be at seven. Just don't break anything. Labs are out of bounds.

-Sure.Thanks. Bye.

"He said yes. Happy's gonna pick us up." Peter replied. School went quickly after lunch, with only Physics and Chemistry, and when they arrived at the parking lot, they saw Happy instantly sitting in a brand new Audi.

"Hello, who's that?" Happy asked, eyeing Ned carefully.

"My best friend, Ned. He's coming over today." Peter replied, opening the door and sitting down behind Happy. He was just about to call Ned in, when he saw him admiring the car.

"Wow." Ned only said, sitting down next to Peter.

"Said the same thing when I first saw this car." Peter said, grinning.

"So? How was school today?" Happy asked, looking at us through the rear-view mirror, when they were speeding through the streets. 

"Boring. We've got like a ton of Chemistry homework to do this week." Peter said. After a few more questions, Peter and Ned were off talking about Star Wars, Avengers, experiments and whatever else that interested them. When they arrived, they couldn't continue their conversation, as Ned was admiring everything.

Peter was nudging him on the shoulder to get to the lift, which took them up into the living quarters. They arrived in Peter's room, which apart from the bigger size, new furniture, Stark computer and a glass panel going out to a huge balcony, it was mostly the same with clothes lying on the floor, textbooks everywhere and a whole lot of LEGO.  What made Ned laugh was the Spider-Man covers on Peter's bed. Tony bought them for the sake of irony.

"Oh yeah, forgot to clean." Peter said, trying to throw some clothes into his wardrobe and cleaning up his desk. 

"I've seen worse. Your previous room was mostly demolished. Seriously, I don't mind, bro." Ned said, sitting on Peter's bed. Peter looked at him, ordering his textbooks on his desk.

"It's more about Pepper. She would go nuts if she saw my room in this state." Peter said. The both laughed. "And when she gets furious, you have to run." 

After a quick clean-up, they ordered some Thai food, which came within the next twenty minutes. When they were full, Peter took Ned round the Tower, showing him what was on each floor. They didn't enter every floor, as it would take a few more hours to visit every single room. When they arrived at Tony's workshop, the lights were off.

"Are you sure we are allowed here, Peter?" Ned asked hesitantly, when the walked towards the door. Peter knew they weren't, but why would it hurt to show his friend around the legendary workshop of Tony Stark. And maybe Tony specifically told him the labs were out of bounds, but it wasn't as if they were going to destroy something. Peter bit his lip, trying to decide if it was a good idea. 

"Come on." Peter said, putting in the code. They entered, Friday turning the lights on. Now, it wasn't only Ned that wowed at the sight, it was Peter as well. In front of them was the Iron Man suit, opened, with all its machinery visible. Clearly, Tony was working on some upgrade, as not only was the suit opened, but many files on the transparent screens around the room. There were several blueprints lying around on the already messy desk. Peter figured out why Tony banned him from entering the workshop. But it still didn't stop the boys from looking around, admiring all the programming and wires.

"DUDE! This is awesome!" Ned exclaimed. "Look at those repulsors!" They rushed to the desk, noticing that Tony took them out of the suit, evidently needing to change something.

"Do you think they work?" Peter then asked, taking one into his hand.

"You'd better not try. What if you break something?" Ned said seriously. Peter hesitated.

"Let's try, we'll use it with low power and shoot at a trash can." Peter said, figuring out how to use the repulsor. "Yeah, I've got it." he said and pointed towards the trash can. Boom! They both jerked back. There was a large hole going through the bin, spilling some water bottles, crumpled papers and some eaten fruits.

"That was so cool!" Ned said.

"Try it." Peter said, giving the repulsor to Ned. The effect was similar, the hole just grew. 

"Let's try it with bigger power!" Peter exclaimed. Peter adjusted the settings and pointed towards the bin. It was only then when they heard the lift beeping and the doors sliding open, revealing Tony Stark with an unimpressed look on his face.

"No, you will not try it with bigger power." Tony said, coming towards Peter and snatching the repulsor from his hand. It was at this moment when Peter realized he was in big trouble. He gulped.

"Ned, I think it would be better for you to go home." Peter said, still eyeing Tony, as he walked towards his suit and checking through the mechanics. Clearly, the genius, didn't want an audience when he wanted to yell at Peter, and Peter knew it was for the better, as he didn't want Ned in trouble because of him.

"Fine. See you tomorrow in school." Ned said. They waved at each other. When the lift doors closed, Tony looked at Peter, followed by a very uncomfortable silence.

"You know what? I think I should have let you try it with bigger power. At least you would know the consequences of using my things and playing with them, when I clearly told you not to enter my lab, and play with my suit!" Tony shouted. Peter just wished he could be shot by a repulsor right now, or just sink into the ground. Tony was angry, no, he was completely, utterly pissed at him! "Do you know what would happen if you increased the power and shot at something?! Do you know what would happen if you accidentally shoot it at Ned? At a chemical? Do you know what would happen then?! You could have died, Peter! You could have killed Ned!" he walked towards Peter, "destroy my suit, destroy the lab, I don't care. But not you, Pete. Not you." 

A tear rolled down Peter's cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Tony. So sorry. I didn't know-, please." Peter started apologizing, tears springing into his eyes. Tony was turned around, and Peter couldn't see his face. He dropped his head. "I'm so sorry." Tony turned to look at him, pure anger in his eyes.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I told you, Peter, that you weren't allowed in my lab. But what did you do? You directly disobeyed me, doing the one thing I told you not to do!" Tony shouted. Peter decided to look up at the man, disappointment and anger painted on his face. Peter couldn't look any longer. Silence arose.

"You're grounded for a month. No lab with or without me, nothing to do with any kinds of experiments." Tony said. Peter looked shocked. Every day he spent at least two hours in the workshop. Not doing anything in the workshop was torture!

"What?! Tony, please, it won't happen again!" Peter protested.

"No, Peter. And now go, before I do something I'll regret." Tony said strictly, piercing the teen with a cold look. Peter just looked at him with hatred and sprinted out, tears rolling down his cheeks. He slammed the door to his room shut. He dropped to the floor, his back against the door. Tony knew he loved the lab. Tony knew he couldn't spend a day without it. Tony knew he enjoyed working with him. Tony knew all this, but he took it away for an entire month! He cursed and decided that the only thing he could do now, was to go out as Spider-Man. It would clear his mind, quieten the anger boiling inside him. He put on his suit and jumped out of the window. 

He stopped four burglaries, a large TV and from being stolen, helped three dogs, a lady, two kids from being beaten up. He looked at his watch. It was nearly one in the morning. But then he spotted smoke in the distance. His spider instincts were on fire. He webbed himself to the apartment block, where people were screaming and panicking, running out of the block. Smoke was covering the top half of the building, and Peter knew there were people inside. He webbed himself up into the grey, black smoke. He was coughing, the smoke getting into his system. It was getting hotter. Karen alerted him of the quickly growing temperatures, but he ignored them, being perfectly aware of the dangers. He heard screams, entering through a window. Through the smoke he saw two kids, a boy around seven and a girl around five years old, sitting down crying next to their mother, who was sprawled on the floor, presumably dead. Their was a large wound on her head, from which blood was flowing rapidly.

Peter ran to them, grabbing the girl and boy, who were shouting for their mum, but after checking on the woman, he knew he couldn't do anything now. The children lost their parent and Peter knew exactly the pain of losing someone close to them. He knew the feeling too well.

The floor was falling apart, and Peter webbed himself out, feeling relieved to feel the cold air. The kids were crying, and Peter was trying hard to calm them down. He landed on the ground, where medics were already tending to wounded people. Spider-Man took the kids into a hug.

"Hey. It's alright. Spider-Man came to the rescue. There is nothing to worry about." he comforted them. "What are your names?" he asked.

"Lisa." the girl replied.

"Bob." the boy said, looking at Spider-Man, visibly understanding who rescued them. 

"Okay, Lisa, Bob, I'll take you to the medics, and they will see if you are alright?" Peter whispered. They both nodded.

"Where is mummy?" the girl then asked.

"She's, she's...gone." Peter replied, gulping. The girl didn't know what had happened, she was looking at Spider-Man completely not understanding. The boy threw himself onto Peter's arms, crying and screaming for his mum to come back.

"Bob...Bob...stay strong for her, okay, buddy. Stay strong. She will be happy for you. Please, smile for her." Peter whispered into the boys ear. The boy looked at Peter, smiling faintly. "It's going to be okay, buddy. What would your mummy want? She would want you to be happy and care for your sister. Stay strong." Peter repeated. The boy nodded his head. He took Lisa by the hand.

"Mr. Spider-Man, can you stay with us?" the boy asked. Peter just looked at the boys sad face.

"Yeah, sure." he replied, taking the two to the medics. The doctors checked for any injuries. The boy had a deep cut on his stomach and leg, but apart from that he was fine. The girl only suffered a few cuts to the head and arms. Peter sighed in relief when he realized the kids were safe. He crouched down, to look Bob in the eyes, who was holding his sister tightly.

"Do you have a dad? Any living relatives that could take you in?" Peter asked calmly. The boy was thinking.

"Daddy died, he was shot." Peter winced inside. A feeling of emptiness entered his heart, he had felt a similar sensation to this one when his last relatives had died. Uncle Ben and now Aunt May. He couldn't have felt the kids any better. They were now orphans.

Just then, a police officer with another man came towards Peter. It was only when Bob and Lisa shouted "Uncle Eddy" that Peter understood that the police officer had found a relative of the kids. 'Uncle Eddy' hugged the two. He too had tears in his eyes, his glasses foggy. He then turned towards Peter.

"I don't know how to thank-you for saving them. I wouldn't survive loosing not only my sister, but these two. Thank- you so much, Spider-Man." The man hugged him.

"It's nothing. It's what I do." Peter replied. He then turned towards the two kids and crouched down to be on their level. "Be strong, for me, for your mum, okay?" he said and waved at them, webbing himself to the nearest building. It was 2:30 and he knew he was in trouble, again.

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