Chapter 6- Consequences

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It was nearly three when he landed in his bedroom and changed into his pajamas. He knew that Tony was waiting for him, so when Friday alerted him that he is expected in the common room he just sighed and left the room. He looked at a mirror once, and realized that he was hurt. 

He had a huge bruise on his cheek and on his forehead, but mostly he was fine. His right arm felt slightly numb, but that was probably because of the falling roof he got slammed by. He sighed once again and walked out. When he reached the common room he realized both Tony and Pepper were there. 

When they saw him, he gulped when he saw the furious look Tony had on his face. Pepper looked more caring, and upon seeing the large bruises on his face she came over and hugged the boy. That little comfort made Peter calm himself down a bit, but looking at Tony's face he could feel his muscles tense up.

"Do you know what time is it?" Tony hissed.

"3:00 a.m." Peter muttered.

"And what time is your curfew?" he asked.

"12:00 on school days." Peter replied, head down.

"I think we both would like an explanation, of why you decided to come three hours later." Tony was completely furious.

"I just didn't want to come back. There was an apartment block on fire-"

"We know the story, kid. But nothing explains you from why you came so late." Tony replied.

"I'm sorry." Peter said. There was an uncomfortable silence, and Peter knew Tony was trying hard not to rip his head off. Today, not only did he enter the lab and had played with the repulsor, but had missed curfew by three hours. This was definitely not going well. Peter just wanted to run, hide or get himself killed, not to be stuck, feeling guilty, seeing Tony's angered and disappointed face. 

"You're grounded from Spider-Man for two weeks." Tony exclaimed. Peter raised his head instantly.

"No!" This was completely unfair. Tony not only banned him from the lab for a month, but also decided to take away Spider-Man. "I can't enter the lab for a month, and now I can't even be Spider-Man?!" Peter shouted. There was silence. "This is unfair! What am I supposed to do now?!"

"Well clearly, you can't handle a curfew at 12:00 or not entering my lab for one day." Tony replied, in a too calm voice for Peter's liking. Peter's eyes were shining with anger. 

"You can't do this to me!" Peter yelled. There was another moment of silence.

"You know what? We were worried sick here. You didn't answer any of our texts or phone calls, and seeing Spider-Man swinging into a blazing apartment building, what was the one thing we were thinking about?" Tony asked. He stood up and walked to Peter. "We care, Pete. We care. Get some sleep." He then said and the only thing Peter could do now was turn and walk back to the lift. He knew well that he screwed up, big time.

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