Chapter 7- Driving lessons and some more fun

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Peter was bored. Like, too bored. The type of bored, that you get on your parents' nerves. No Spider-Man, no lab, so what else? It was a weekend, and Peter finished his entire homework and read forward in his Physics textbook. He was literally jumping of walls, which greatly displeased Pepper, but she couldn't blame him. Tony spent his day in the lab, but knowing that his hyperactive son was upstairs he couldn't let him down and not visit him once in a while. The boy was sitting round, watching some random movies and TV shows, occasionally biting on some leftovers. 

"OK. I am tired of this. Peter, I'm going to teach you to drive. You can't be a Stark and not know how to drive at the age of fifteen." Tony suddenly exclaimed, when he came to visit Peter. The teenager was sprawled on the couch, watching, what seemed to be a Star Wars movie. 

Peter jumped up. His face beaming, his eyes shining with joy. 

"YEEESSSS! I'M GOING DRIVING! OH MY GOD, THANK YOU SO MUCH, TONY!" he yelled, literally jumping onto the ceiling. Tony didn't expect such a reaction. He just smirked at the boy's antics and took the kid down to the garage.

"Take that one." Tony said, pointing to a car at the far end of his huge garage. It wasn't his fanciest models, not the shiniest, but perfect for Peter. The boy sprinted to the car and got in, the happiness increasing. 

"You coming?" the boy asked excitedly. Tony rolled his eyes and got in. He began explaining the car mechanics to Peter, and in a few minutes, Peter started the engine.

"OK, Spider-Boy, let's do it." Tony said, putting on his sunglasses and putting some AC/DC on the radio. FRIDAY opened the garage and Peter slowly drove out. It was an early afternoon, so people where mostly at home, which meant the streets were a little less full than during later afternoon hours. Peter drove around 50mph. It was only when he saw a clearer road he sped up, feeling even more confident. 

"How fast can this car go?" he asked, more to himself. He gently put pressure on the pedal, increasing the speed.

"Hey! Hey! Not so quickly, underoos." Tony exclaimed. "You cross past 60, and I'm driving." Tony threatened. Peter just laughed it off, which left Tony smirking.

"Watch it, Spider-Man." Tony said. It was only five minutes later when they heard Tony's phone ringing. It was Pepper. Tony put it on speaker.

"Hello?" he asked, "what's up?" 

"Don't you "what's up" me, Tony Stark. Where the hell are you two, I'm waiting here with lunch!" Pepper exclaimed. Tony looked at Peter. The boy mouthed a "whoops", and Tony whispered a "let's get back, quickly." The call ended, and Peter didn't hesitate to go past 60 this time and neither did Tony protest. Pepper wasn't a person to mess up with, and the two knew this well enough.

The arrived and sprinted to the lift, greeted by Pepper's angry face.

"Um- sorry." Peter just said quickly.

"It's alright, honey." she said, looking strictly towards Tony, mouthing a "did you just take him driving?!" Tony just put his arms up in defeat.

"He was bored, Pepper. And I wasn't going to let him get himself killed."

"I had it under control, Pepper." Peter added, sitting himself down next to Pepper and gazing at the plate of food in front of him and digging in.

They engaged in a light conversation during lunch. Afterwards, they spend a nice afternoon eating snacks and watching some comedies. 

It was 3:30 p.m. when Tony decided to go down to his lab, while Pepper decided to reply to some emails. Peter thought he should text Ned and MJ. 

-Hey, what's up guys? A moment later his phone buzzed. It was MJ.

-Nothing. What are you doing?

-Bored. Got grounded. No Spider-Man or lab. Sucks. Tony taught me how to ride today.

-Wow! That's so cool mate! Ned joined the conversation.

-Wanna meet up you two? Peter asked.- My place?

-Sure. Will ask, but probably yes. Ned replied.

-What about you, MJ? You're welcome, btw. Peter wrote.

-Fine. I'll see you two dumb-asses.

The conversation ended, and Peter stood up from the couch and entered the lift. 

"Pepper's office, FRIDAY." He said.

"Very well, Peter." the AI replied. Peter knocked on the door, and upon hearing an "enter" he walked in, seeing Pepper behind her desk, typing something rapidly. She looked up, and upon seeing Pepper her gaze softened.

"Something happening?" she asked kindly. Peter stood hesitantly by the door for a while.

"Are you busy? I didn't want to-" Peter started but got cut off by Pepper quickly.

"You are welcome anytime, Peter. Don't you forget that." Pepper said firmly. "Come here." The boy walked towards her desk.

"I have a question. Can Ned and MJ visit me today?" Peter asked. 

"Of course, Peter." she said.

"Thank you, Pepper." the boy replied, he was just about to walk out when Pepper called his name.

"And, Peter, don't break anything." she said strictly. The teenager grinned widely. "I'm finishing work in around thirty minutes, I'll come over." she then added. Peter closed the door and texted his friends, saying they can. 

Thirty minutes later, FRIDAY alerted that the two arrived and were standing in the lobby. Peter entered the lift and rode downstairs to greet his friends.

"Hey." he said, doing his special handshake with Ned and fist- bumping MJ. Ever since MJ found out that Peter was Spider-Man, she got pretty close to Ned and Peter. They hanged around together even more. 

"Wow, this place is lit." MJ commented, looking around. 

"Upstairs is even better." Ned said.

"Are the Avengers here as well?" MJ asked, once they got into the lift.

"No. They have some SHIELD business or whatever so they are staying at the compound," Peter replied. "Tony wanted to sell the Tower, but decided against it, knowing that it was better for Pepper with her work and for me to go to school. And anyways, he was pretty attached to this building." Peter said, smiling.

They arrived in the living-room, greeted by Pepper.

"Hello, Ned, it's good to see again, and you must be Michelle?" Pepper said.

"Yes, hello, it's good to see you, Ms. Potts." MJ said.

"Pepper is just fine." Pepper replied, she then looked towards Peter, who was busy preparing some hot chocolate and taking out some biscuits.

"I'll be in my office if you need me. And I'll drag Tony out of the lab in some time, for some socializing." Pepper said. MJ smirked, and Peter just rolled his eyes. Pepper left them.

"So? How's it living here? With Tony and Pepper?" MJ asked, sitting on the counter, while Peter threw some biscuits on a large plate. Ned was sitting by the table, munching on some cookies.

"It's so cool, I mean apart from when I piss them, Tony goes nuts. He took me driving today, I was so bored with my grounding and stuff. Pepper got pretty scary when she heard. It's really nice. They really care. Tony's not the person the media portray." Peter said, sitting down next to Ned. MJ followed, sitting in front of the two.

"You wanna see the building. It's massive." Peter said.

"Sure." MJ replied. They walked to the lift, Peter telling FRIDAY to go to the top floor. They were on the floor just below.

"I'll show you the view." Peter exclaimed, opening the doors to the massive balcony. There was a nice garden and a swimming- pool and the view was amazing. Peter couldn't help it, he too had to stare in awe. They lay down on some sunbeds and sipped on their hot chocolates. 

"Wanna go swimming?" Peter suddenly asked. "I'll give you some costumes  Tony's got a whole closet with some random clothes, he'll sure let you borrow something." Peter replied.

"Man, that's so awesome!" Ned exclaimed. MJ nodded her head excitedly. They went downstairs and entered a room, which even Peter never visited that often. It was a huge closet, with Tony's old clothes and some not even used. They walked deeper, trying to get through piles of towels and shirts.

"How much clothes does he have?!" MJ exclaimed, trying to get past a wardrobe of suits, located pretty much in the middle of the room.

"Too much." Peter replied. They walked towards one of the drawers which revealed some trunks which still had a price tag. Ned took them. They found some bikinis, and MJ took a pair that fitted.

"Let's go!" Ned said excitedly. They walked out and changed themselves. 

It was also Peter's first time swimming in this swimming-pool. The water was pleasantly warm. Peter grabbed some sodas from the small fridge located near the swimming-pool. They swam for a little, playing some random games and enjoying themselves. They talked and laughed, sipping on their sodas. 

At around 5:30 they decided to get out, knowing that they had to eat something proper. They showered and put on their clothes, drying their hair. They arrived downstairs, seeing Tony sitting on the couch, checking the internet.

"Hello." MJ greeted him. "I'm MJ." she said, with her usual careless tone.

"Tony." Tony said. He waved at Ned and came to Peter, ruffling his hair.

"So? Been at the swimming-pool already? Didn't invite me?" Tony pouted, while Peter rolled his eyes, sitting down on the couch, waving his friends to come over.

"You can be such a child, Tony." Peter said. 

"I agree." they heard Pepper's voice. The woman came to them and sat down next to MJ.

"So? We should probably get to know each other." Pepper said. They hit it off immediately. And just when one would think the day couldn't get any better, the lift gave out a "ping" revealing the team, all dressed in normal clothes, as if it was completely normal for them to suddenly appear at the Tower.

"Oh my God!" Ned shrieked in excitement, "it's the Avengers!"

"Wow." MJ stared at them. 

"Hey! For God's sake, Rogers, it's not he bloody war anymore, it's the 21st century, learn to send a text." Tony joked, coming up and greeting the team. 

The Avengers noticed Ned and MJ, and quickly greeted them, introducing themselves (as if that was necessary). As Peter predicted, everyone hit it off instantly, MJ quickly befriending Natasha. They played some games, chatted about Star Wars, the war, missions, politics (MJ obviously talked about her protests). They ate dinner together and soon after, Ned and MJ had to leave.

When the lift closed, it was obviously Peter that became the center of attention. Everyone, of course, had to know everything about what had happened in the week they have been away, learning about Peter's grounding, school, Spider-Man. Equally excited Peter, had to ask about what the team had been up to. 

It was Pepper that realized how late it was. She shooed Peter to his room, knowing that Peter had school tomorrow. After a few complaints from the team, and Peter's puppy-dog eyes, they boy said goodnight and walked to his room. He smiled to himself and realized what a marvelous day it was. The best day after May's death. 

A day to remember.

Hello everyone!

It would mean a world to me if you commented and reviewed my story. I would love to hear some of your ideas!


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