Chapter 8- Prank War and high school troubles

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Clint had made it clear on Sunday afternoon. Prank war had started and no one could say they weren't participating (except Vision, he seemed to see everything and Wanda who just stayed with Vision). Ever since the classic prank of: pink dye in Steve's shampoo, war had officially started. 

At exactly 7:17 P.M. on Sunday afternoon, Steve Rogers made his way to his room. Instead of being there for the next forty- five minutes to wash, he returned five minutes later with his bottle of shampoo, and threw it straight at Clint, who had been watching a TV show, with a smirk on his face ever since Steve left the common room. 

"What the hell, Clint!?" Steve yelled at the archer, who was now trying hard to suppress laughter. 

"Language." Tony commented, looking very pleased with himself for pointing that out to Captain America.

"Look at your... face." and Clint was literally rolling on the floor with laughter. Steve turned red, and everyone was soon joining Clint. 

It was only when Peter met eyes with Steve, mouthing "revenge" to Cap, when the Captain nodded his head. One other person caught this exchange, Natasha, who only winked at the two.

On Monday, Peter opened his eyes to see both Steve and Nat in his room, clearly waiting for him to wake up. They seemed to have very serious faces on, but Peter knew exactly why the two were in his room at 7:00 A.M.

"What? At 7:00 A.M. Jesus!" Peter muttered, looking from Nat to Steve.

"Okay, first rule, Spider-Boy, prank wars are to be taken seriously, so get up before Clint decides to throw water at you." Nat said. Peter rolled his eyes and before he knew Nat grabbed his sheets.

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed. He stood up and got greeted with his jeans and tee-shirt flying towards him after being thrown to him by Steve.

"Come on, hurry up, you've got school in an hour and if we don't come down to breakfast within the next fifteen minutes they are going to get suspicious." Cap said. 

"The war already ended, by the way." Peter said sarcastically, when he made his way to his bathroom. He changed quickly and came back to his room. He sat back on his bed and eyed the two.

"So, do we have a plan then?" Peter asked hesitantly.

"Yes. The first one's on Tony. You know his collection of Iron Man suits? Well, we changed them  for teddy bears. Steve's got a special hiding place for the suits, and plus, Tony's going to get pretty furious when he sees his car covered in posit-it notes." Natasha said, a smirk playing on the corners of her mouth.

"You did it all already?" Peter asked.

"We did the teddy bears this morning, you're doing the post-it notes." Steve said. 

"Tony has a gala tonight. He is going to use his fanciest car. Today, at 9:00 p.m. you go down to the garage and cover his Audi with post-it notes." Natasha said. Peter nodded his head.


Natasha took a huge stack of post-it notes and placed them in Peter's hands. 

"And by the way, you watch your back today, because you will be getting pretty dirty today if I know Clint and Tony well enough." Natasha said.

"You guys are crazy." Peter just said. Natasha and Steve only laughed, before they one by one left their room, with a two minute gap between them.

When Peter arrived in the common room, only Tony and Vision where present.

"Where is everyone?" Peter asked, joining Tony by the table and munching on a waffle.

"Clint decided that he needs to go shopping, tagging along Wanda and Sam." Tony replied. "And Pepper's at an SI meeting." He ruffled Peter's hair.

"An' 'u 'idn't 'ome?" Peter asked, mouth full. Tony looked at him with a scolding look.

"They got enough of me for now." Tony replied, while Peter laughed. 

After Happy dropped off Peter at school, Ned appeared at the front doors. Peter walked to him.

"Hi, Ned." Peter said. 

"Hey, how was the weekend? Did the Avengers stay longer? What are they up to now?" Ned exploded with questions, while they did their secret handshake.

"You won't believe what is happening now. I'll tell you today in Chem." Peter said.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" Ned exclaimed.

"Shut up, Ned." Peter hissed, while they made their way to English class. They sat down at the back row. 

"Oh, crap. We're getting our Christmas break report cards next week, and there are parent- teacher meetings this Friday." Ned muttered. Peter looked at him, frightened.

"Oops." Peter only said. He well knew that he was close to failing three subjects. With all that had happened with Aunt May, he couldn't quite find the energy and motivation to concentrate on History, Geo and Spanish. He forgot to turn several essays in History and Geo and he received a 55% on his Spanish exam. And what would Tony say? He couldn't just appear on a parent- teacher meeting without raising rumors, and Peter didn't know what he would say when he sees a C or even a D for three subjects. Obviously, he will have A's for Maths,Calculus, Physics and Chem, and probably a B for Biology, English and Gym, but having C's and maybe D's for the rest wasn't going to make Tony and Pepper happy, even though the subjects weren't so important. Peter knew that his Sophomore year went really well, but now, when he was a Junior and with everything that had happened, made him gulp. 

He got snatched back to reality when Ned poked him with his pen.

"What are you going to do, Peter? Tony can't come to the meetings on Friday, can he?" Ned asked. Peter shrugged.

"The principal will probably arrange separate meetings on a different day." Peter replied, "And I'm scared for Spanish, History and Geo." 

Just then the bell rang, which meant Chem class.

"So tell me what's going on." Ned asked excitedly, once they sat down at the end of the classroom.

"Prank war." Peter stated, taking out his textbook and notebook.

"Wow! That's so cool! So the Avengers prank each other?!" Ned exclaimed.

"Keep it down, Ned." Peter hissed, "so basically yesterday Clint put pink dye in Cap's shampoo. Cap wanted revenge, so he, Natasha and I decided to prank Tony, as we know that he is teamed up with Clint and Sam, as Tony would never be on the same team as Cap when it comes to pranks. They came to my room at seven in the morning and told me they swapped Tony's suit collection for teddy bears and I am going to stick post-it notes on Tony's car, as he's going to a gala or something tonight." Peter explained. Ned was laughing his head off.

"That's so cool!" Ned exclaimed. They got several looks from their classmates.

"And I'm also planning to swap Tony's favorite sunglasses for a Hello Kitty pair." Peter added. They grinned at each other. 

The day went quickly, and just when Peter was about to leave, he got called to the Principal's office, knowing exactly what was the reason.

"Mr.Parker, please come in." Principal Morita said, opening the door to his office. He walked in and sat down in front of the desk.

"You're here regarding the parent- teacher meetings on Friday. Your teachers, especially your History, Geography and Spanish teachers want to see your guardian regarding your grades, because no one can deny the fact, that you are doing very poorly in these classes compared to your other subjects. However, as we want to keep your current guardian a secret, I advise that Mr.Stark  and Ms.Potts will manage to arrange a meeting on Saturday if they are able to. So please could you pass on the message to your guardians to contact me if they find a suitable time." Mr.Morita said, passing on a note. Peter nodded his head and said a quick goodbye before he rushed out of school, greeted by Happy who was impatiently waiting in the car.

"What took you so long?" he asked, when Peter got into the Audi.

"Oh, um, we had to discuss the date for the next Decathlon meeting." Peter replied. No way, he was going to tell Happy what was actually going on and how bad his grades got. And he still couldn't face Tony and Pepper and tell them to arrange a meeting. The note from the principal was now resting in his Physics textbook, and he didn't intend to take it out.

They arrived at the Tower, Peter sprinting to the lift, begging for food. He slid across the floor of the kitchen, arriving just in front of the fridge. He didn't even realize the presence of the team who was trying hard not to laugh when watching Peter's hunt for food.

"Spider-boy's going to eat our entire fridge, huh?" Tony said, when Peter took some pizza leftovers, Chinese leftovers and a cake baked by Wanda and Vision a day ago. Trying hard to take it all into his hands, a package of Chinese food in between his teeth, he sat down at the table.

He bit the piece of pizza and looked at the amused faces of the team.

"Wha'? I'm 'ungry." Peter said. The team just laughed. He then met eyes with Steve and Nat, sending a knowing glance.

"How was school today?" Nat asked.

"Boring, that English teacher keeps taking about Shakespeare all day, you can die of boredom, MJ slept for the entire lesson." Peter said.

"So, where's my suit collection?" Tony suddenly asked, looking from Steve to Nat to Peter, "because I was greeted with a bunch of teddy bears this morning." The three erupted into laughter. Clint, Wanda, Sam and Vision had amused looks on their faces.

"They do look pretty nice though, especially the one in the middle with the Iron Man tee-shirt." Tony said. The three of them grinned widely.

"You'll have them eventually, Shellhead." Nat said. 

At seven, Steve and Nat decided to train, leaving Peter with Tony, Clint, Wanda, Sam and Vision. Peter decided to do some homework before he went down to the garage. But just when he was opening his room door he got covered in red paint! Shit. Paint was dripping off him, feeling as it entered through the back of his shirt. He was all sticky. His hair was practically red, and he had paint on his eyelashes. The intense smell was getting through his nose. 

Peter did a step forward, but he didn't realize there was a rope stretched in front of him, and before he knew he fell to the floor, paint spreading onto the ground. Well, shit.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Peter yelled, and he heard laughs and footsteps. Peter sat on his floor, paint dripping, annoyed as hell. Well, prank went well. Clint, Tony and Sam appeared round the corner, and upon seeing his face of complete despair, they erupted even more.

"I hate you," Peter muttered, he looked at the three evilly.

After having a wash and cleaning his room he checked the time. 8:45 P.M. Time to get revenge. He discreetly walked towards the elevator, telling FRIDAY to get down to the garage. He walked towards Tony's fanciest car and got to work, covering every inch of the orange color on the outside. When he was finished he opened the car door and placed the hello kitty glasses on Tony's seat with a note saying: Looks fancy enough.

He then went back up and decided to watch an episode of Friends. Half way through it, Tony walked in, dressed fancily, his hair styled and his shoes polished. 

"Hello, spider-paint, all clean?" Tony joked, smiling smugly.

"Shut up." Peter said. Pepper then entered, also dressed for the gala. She came up to Peter, and kissed him on the top of his head. 

"How are you?" she asked, turning all-motherly.

"Good. When are you guys coming back?" he asked. 

"Somewhere around two, so you better be sleeping." Pepper said sternly.

"Yeah, I will. Don't worry." Peter said. A moment later, Steve and Natasha walked out of the lift and sat on the couch next to Peter.

"We'll take care of him, keep him out of trouble." Nat said, winking discreetly at Peter. Tony and Pepper then walked into the lift, only to be seen two minutes later.

"You did it, right?" Nat asked. The fifteen year old nodded his head.

"I swapped Tony's favorite glasses for a hello kitty pair and a note saying: Looks fancy enough." he then said. Steve and Nat laughed loudly.

"You are really getting the hang of this now, aren't you?" Nat said.

"Now, let's see the reaction." Steve said. They could barely contain the laughter, when they heard the lift doors opening and saw Pepper charging right at Peter.

"Peter Parker- Stark!" she shouted (the adoption was already completed), "you better explain yourself right now, mister!"

Tony then appeared wearing the hello kitty glasses. Steve, Nat and Tony were now dying of laughter, Pepper awaiting an explanation, having no clue, what was the reason by having a whole car covered in post-it notes.

"It was their idea." Peter said, pointing at Steve and Nat, "and anyways, Tony decided to cover me in red paint an hour ago." Pepper's gaze turned towards Tony, who pouted.

"Is this one of your prank wars?" Pepper asked, sighing. The three nodded.

"As Spider-paint said-"

"Hey! That's not my name!" Peter exclaimed in annoyance, while Tony grinned.

"The glasses are very fancy, do I look good?" he said, checking himself in a mirror.

"And what about the car?" Pepper asked.

"What's wrong with post-it notes?" Tony asked. There was another moment of laughter. Pepper just shook her head.

"I am definitely not driving in a car covered in post-it notes, Anthony Stark." she said, "Let's take the other Audi."

And so they left, the three smiling in satisfaction.

And so, the only three people left to prank were Clint, Nat and Sam, but they seemed to sort it out their own assassin and war-like way. With weapons. Instead, filled with paint balls. On Tuesday, it turned out to be a grand finale of the entire prank-war, as everyone participated. An entire floor was demolished, and when Pepper came in the same afternoon she just screamed, nearly biting Tony's head off for allowing such a thing. At least everyone was now even. A day later, after a tiresome clean-up, the team decided to get back to the compound, saying they needed some air and because they wanted to do some field training. 

Peter went to school on Wednesday, still not bringing himself to tell Tony and Pepper about the meeting and his grades. He met the principal, telling him they still didn't pick a suitable time. Unfortunately, Tony and Pepper did not find out about it they way Peter wanted it to be. Instead, of telling about it himself, he got greeted by two very disappointed faces.

"What happened?" he asked hesitantly, when he arrived in the common room, where he found Tony and Pepper sitting by the table. Tony placed the crumbled note Peter had been hiding in his Physics textbook on the table.

"Care to explain this?" he said angrily. Peter gulped. This was not going well.

"I wanted to tell you on Monday about the meeting, but I just didn't want to bring it up-"

"Why?" Tony pushed.

"Because...because, I knew you would be know-"

"Stop right there. So you are telling us that you waited three days, because you were too scared to admit that you were failing three classes, and instead of coming to us and saying that it would be for the better to arrange a meeting so we can help you get a better grade, you decided to hide the truth from us and do what exactly?" Tony asked, furious. Peter gulped.

"I...I wanted to tell you guys, I didn't want you to find out about it like this." Peter replied.

"We want to help you, Peter. We are very disappointed in you, and if you decide that hiding it like this will make your situation better isn't the right choice. We know what you went through, but not doing anything about what it is affecting won't help you." Pepper said calmly. Peter nodded his head.

"I'm sorry." Peter muttered.

The meeting was set for 10:00 A.M. on Saturday after a phone call Tony had with the principal, and by the look Tony gave Peter during dinner, didn't make Peter any more comfortable.


So I'm planning to continue this story, I have many more ideas but I am open to suggestions. Please comment and review!


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