Chapter 9- Oops

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Another week past, and Peter was banned from Spider-Man until he caught up on his work. At least the team kept him company. Everything went as normal, until the Avengers, were called in to stop a secret part of HYDRA from taking new biochemistry experiments from the hidden SHIELD labs down in Virginia. 

A meeting was immediately set with Nick Fury(yes, he finally decided to come back from the dead) and a quick plan was sketched. Peter's curiosity got the better of him. He was currently working on his Spanish project, Face-timing Ned, as his partner for the project.

"Wait, something's happening. I think the Avengers are being called in, I'm gonna check it out." Peter said, stopping mid-sentence after explaining his idea.

"Aren't you gonna get into trouble? You know, it's the Avengers being called in, it's gotta be serious." Ned said, "they wouldn't want you eavesdropping."

"But come on, how bad could it be? And it's not like they're gonna find out." Peter said, and after seeing Ned's face he added, "I'm Spider-Man". Ned sighed.

"Update me." he said and the face time ended. Peter decided that it's no where near safe eavesdropping through the door. He decided to enter the air vents, which because of Clint's escapades have been made bigger. He put his mask on only, to have Karen with him and after jumping onto the ceiling made his way towards the meeting room. He peered down, and saw the Avengers, with Agent Coulson (yay, he was alive), Nick Fury, and two more SHIELD agents.

"Okay, this is serious." Peter thought to himself. He listened carefully. Lab experiments? Dangerous biochemical weapons? Shit, this is serious! He remembered the last time the Avengers got to deal with chemicals which had then led to the disaster in Sokovia, but this time with SHIELD agents with them, it was evidently planned thoroughly. It still amazed Peter how only a twenty minute conversation could finish off with a perfect tactic. Peter wasn't hesitating with his decision. The Avengers needed as much help as possible, and Spider-Man was more than ready for this job. He realized the dangers, the consequences of a poisonous gas that even his spider enhanced body couldn't get rid off if it entered his system.

The Quint-jet was ready when the Avengers, having already dressed arrived on the platform. It was pretty easy for Peter to enter the back of the plane, where he made himself comfortable in between four storage cases with most probably guns. It was a twenty minute flight, having a super- fast quint- jet, but for Peter it seemed like days, being squeezed to a pulp with no source of light, except the small torch that was lit on by Karen. Peter called Ned updating him on where he was going, and realizing that he was in deep shit if anyone saw him there. Ned warned him, after checking out what type of chemical weapons could be hidden in a secret SHIELD laboratory. 

After twenty- six minutes, the Quint-jet landed and the Avengers piled out, taking positions. Peter couldn't risk putting on his comms, just to listen to what was going on. He more or less knew the plan, knowing that Tony, Natasha, Vision and Clint were going to keep away the HYDRA team that was probably high on something to keep them fit for fighting a team of superheroes, while Steve and Sam will try to get the weapons out of harms' reach.

The battle started pretty quickly, Peter making the roof of the building a perfect spot to catch HYDRA men from entering the labs, by shooting them from the roof. He knew that sooner or later the webs were going to give him away, but he needed to show the team and especially Tony that he was ready to be part of these "retreats". He realized the presence of someone else on the roof and when he turned around he saw Clint running towards him, visibly angry with finding the teenager on a mission.

"What the hell are you doing here, Peter?!" Clint shouted, grabbing Peter by the arm, "you were told to stay at the Tower, nobody told you were allowed to come with us?! Those anyone for Gods' sake know about you!?"

"No, but come on, Clint! I can help you, guys!" Peter replied.

"Just shut up for now, and go somewhere safe, we don't want you dead because you were too stupid to listen to us!" Clint shouted.

"If I'm already here, I might as well help you guys!"

"No you won't! Now get down, I'm gonna tell the team that a blue and red kid in spandex decided to help us!" Clint said. Peter was annoyed. He wasn't going anywhere, he flew all this way, squeezed inside boxes full of weapons to help the Avengers. Gazing up, he saw Iron Man shooting down HYDRA agents, Captain America shooting that vibranium frisbee at HYDRA agents like if it was a piece of cake destroying squads of agents with one hit, Wanda and Vision doing their own magic, Clint soon joining them with his bow and and arrows. This was a show you could watch for hours.

He webbed himself down, kicking four men and snatching their guns. A show he wanted to prove he could be part of, he then added to himselfHe turned around, facing the main entrance, and found six HYDRA agents running his way, shooting. He danced around the flying bullets, and send them all towards the building wall, tangled up in webs.

"Better watch your back, next time, guys." he said to them. 

Just then, he saw Natasha running up to him.

"Peter?!" she hissed, shooting two others running their way, still looking at Peter. 

"Hey, Natasha." Peter replied, webbing himself up.

"Tony's gonna be furious, kid, because I definitely don't want you running around here!" Natasha shouted after him.

"Sorry,  but I'm still fighting!" Peter only said. He entered the building, hearing a faint "PETER!" from the outside. The building looked as if it would come down at any second. 

"Peter, the likelihood of the building falling down is at 82%, you have around two minutes before the building collapses. I recommend you stay away. Peter." Karen said.

"I know, Karen, but I gotta go help Sam!" Peter replied. He noticed Sam on the other end, he seemed to be destroying the walls that were holding up this place, the roof was coming down straight at the HYDRA agents, which meant Peter as well. Shit! He needed to escape. The wall he came through was trapped, and the roof wasn't an escape route either as it would collapse under his weight. Suddenly, the images from when he was trapped under the rubble flooded his mind. The pain he felt, his pleading screams for help. He began panicking. His heartbeat began to rapidly increase, he began shaking. His eyesight blurred and he heard ringing in his ears. No. No. This was not happening.

"Peter, are you alright? Your heartbeat has increased dramatically, should I call Mr. Stark?" Karen asked. Peter didn't register. 

"Please...PLEASE! Someone...HELP ME! I'm stuck...please...please." Peter whimpered. His eyes gazed up once more, just when the ceiling began descending down. "NOOOOOO!" he yelled. Just when his arms were about to collide with the concrete, a hand grabbed him and flew him to safety. Peter gasped in relief, taking in the air. He was free. He looked up and saw that the person that caught him was Iron Man. Tony. His dad.

They landed on the Quint-jet, the team already there. Gazing around, Peter realized the team weren't to happy with seeing him there. Tony stepped out of the suit, his eyes literally blazing with fury. He came towards Peter, grabbing the mask off his face, revealing the petrified look on Peter's face.

"What the FUCK were you thinking!?" he yelled. Peter backed away a few steps, visibly terrified of Tony.


"Oh, so now you're sorry!? So tell me, what were you thinking when you entered this Quint-jet today?! What made you act like a stupid, spoiled brat, going into battle with nothing, no plan, no tactic, not a single way of communicating with any of us, just to play hero!" Tony shouted. Peter's eyes began to water, he backed away onto the wall of the plane.

"Tony that's enough, calm down, now." Natasha said and grabbed his arm taking him towards the cockpit. Peter dropped onto the bench, tears rolling down his cheeks. He covered his face with his hands. Steve went to sit next to the boy, putting an arm round his shoulder.

"Hey, Pete, look at me." Steve said. The boy slowly rose his head, barely meeting eyes with Cap.

"Tony cares, OK? He didn't mean anything he said. You just have to understand that he is worried about you. He doesn't want to see you hurt, and you did scare the shit out of him today with the stunt you pulled." Steve said, "believe me when I say that Tony's very protective about the people he loves." Peter nodded his head.

"What did I do?" Peter whispered.

"Hey, hey, hey, bud, you did wrong, but don't stress it now. Don't blame yourself for how Tony reacted. He had no right to yell at you like that. But remembers, he cares. And when you scare him, he's going to be very protective. You clearly did bad, but Tony should never react like that." Steve said.

They landed a few minutes later. The team joining the SHIELD agents for a debrief. Peter was taken back to the living quarters, where Pepper was waiting for him, clearly unhappy about what he had done.

"Peter Parker- Stark, what had entered that genius head of yours?" Pepper asked, folding her arms.

"I'm sorry, Pepper. I just wanted to help." Peter said. He couldn't face Tony again, he couldn't get the disappointed and furious look Tony gave him.

"I was worried sick, Peter! You going on with those idiots, you could've hurt yourself!" Pepper said, her eyes softened when she saw how broken the teenager looked, "come here, Peter." she said. She hugged the boy tightly. "You're in a lot of trouble, young man." she whispered into his head. 

Peter was then sent into his room. He phoned Ned telling him what had happened.

"Dude, what the hell? You went there, no one having the faintest idea about where you were. Like, seriously, you're in some deep shit this time! Fighting HYDRA agents?!" Ned exclaimed. 

"I know. Tony is so furious. I'm really scared." Peter said, not being able to hide the clear worry in his voice, "what did I do?" he asked again.

"Man, come on, you screwed big time, and you'll probably we grounded, for like forever, because you know you weren't even allowed to put on the Spider- Man suit at all-" 

"Ned, please, just don't add on to what I feel now. I'm the worst son anyone can have."

"Hey, Peter, don't say that mate. You know it's not true." Ned said, trying to comfort Peter. 

"I probably need to end now, Ned. See you in school tomorrow. Bye." 

"Bye, Peter, and good luck." Ned said. The phone call ended and Peter sighed, dropping his phone and falling onto his bed. An hour later he heard a knock on his door. He replied with a faint "come in". Tony entered.

"Hi." Peter greeted him, unsure.

"I want to hear the full story." Tony said. Peter looked down at his fingers, he was currently playing with.

"So, um, I was doing my Spanish project with Ned, and, um, I heard the alarm call from Nick Fury, so I guessed there was something going on. I went into the air vents, and listened to the conversation, so I decided to help you, I wanted to prove that I was good enough to join you on your missions. I entered the Quint-jet and stayed hidden with the weapons." He dared to look up into Tony's disappointed eyes. Thankfully, the anger had gone by now, "I'm so sorry."

"I don't want to hear it, Peter. Continue." Tony said firmly. Peter looked down again.

"You guys landed, I went after you. I took my position on the roof. I met Clint, then Natasha-"

"Who both told you to go back to the Quint-jet, yes." Tony added.

"Yeah. So-um then I entered the building. I saw Sam destroying the walls, I knew the building would fall and-" he paused, breathing heavily, "I-I- do you remember the- the Vulture? So-um, yeah he once dropped a-a building on me, and I'm scared, because I was trapped there, and I started having these nightmares with me getting stuck under the rubble. And when the building fell down today, I began panicking. I had this vision and had a panic attack. I know it sounds stupid. I'm sorry." Peter said, tears began rolling down his cheeks. Tony instinctively went to hug the kid. Peter began to calm down. Tony felt the boy completely, he too had reoccurring nightmares about the wormhole. He learnt to deal with them. But he couldn't survive the fact, that a sixteen year old kid, his sixteen year old son, had to go through the same. He couldn't live with that. What did this kid do to deserve such a life? Losing his entire family, holding the weight of a superhero and suffering through all this pain?!

"Kid, Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Tony said. Peter wiped the tears off his face, hiding it in Tony's chest.

"I didn't want you to think I'm weak." Peter whispered. These words stung Tony.

"No, Peter. You are the strongest person I know. You are a better person than anyone. I was wrong about you, you are better than me, and you've got nothing to prove to me. And don't think for one second that you are weak or a disappointment, you're the greatest son I could ever have. Peter, you hear me?"

"Yeah." Peter said. Tony patted the kid on the shoulder.

"You're still grounded for a month, Spider-boy." Tony said, "and remember this, Peter, you pull a stunt like this again, you're in hot water, kid. You scared the shit out of me today, and you tell us about what you are doing, before you go partying with your webs. If the building had dropped on you, I wouldn't be sure you would come out of it in one piece, kiddo. No going with us until I say so." 

Tony went out, nearly closing the door behind him, but clearly changing his mind. 

"You hungry? Pepper cooked some enchiladas." he said. Peter's face brightened.



Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my story, and double thanks to the ones that voted. (I probably said that already, but it really does mean a lot, not kidding.)

It's been quite a while since I updated, and I'm sorry. I hope the next gap won't be as long. I've got a nice idea about the next chapter, a few sleepless nights with imagining perfect dialogues and I'm good to go. 

Please comment, some feedback would be wonderful!


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