Chapter 10- MJ

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(A/N): And here's another chapter! This ones a little love one, for those of you who ship Peter with MJ (I do.) It won't be a huge part of the story, so don't worry if you don't want to see them together. I'll keep the friendship, maybe tagging along a kiss somewhere... OK, I'm giving away too much, I don't know anything about that, but don't worry, it's not going to be around the love a lot. Just had to add some teenager love. Sorry again to those who don't ship them, you can read the next parts, because even I don't really want to concentrate on the romance, to be honest. I'm repeating myself, ugh! Thanks to all the people that read this fan-fiction! Please comment and review! I'm open to suggestions!

So. MJ. Peter really couldn't hide the fact that he was completely in love with this girl. 

Science. Peter kept staring at her. 

English. Peter kept thinking about her.

After school. Peter kept texting her, for any goddamn reason he could think of. 

And the problem was, Peter Parker was scared to ask her out. 

It was a Friday afternoon. After saying bye to both Ned and MJ, cheeks blushing when looking at the girl, he jogged to where Happy was standing. 

"Hi, kid." Happy greeted him, when they both sat down in the car.

"Hello." Peter replied. His eyes still went to stare out of the window, to where MJ was still standing with Ned. 

"What are you staring at?" Happy asked, when they drove away.

"Oh-uh-nothing." Peter replied quickly, turning his head as fast as he could, his cheeks still blushing in a faint red color.

"Yeah, sure." Happy replied, not convinced. After a moments of uncomfortable silence, in which Peter was desperately trying to occupy himself in reading a random etiquette on Happy's bottle of water, Happy broke the silence.

"So, that girl, Michelle, you like her?" Happy asked, bringing on the topic again. Peter's heart started to thump faster, he felt his cheeks getting reader within seconds. He looked up.

"What?!" Peter exclaimed, cursing himself for being that obvious, he looked at Happy and decided that it was more of a statement than a question, "yeah, maybe." he replied hesitantly. Happy smiled knowingly.

"You scared to ask her out?" Happy questioned, knowing the situation of girl problems all too well. Peter pierced Happy with a death stare, knowing that his situation was lost. He sighed.

"Yeah. Like, I like her, OK, I have a crush on her, and I think she likes me-"

"You can be sure she does have a crush on you too, Pete." Happy interrupted him. Peter fixed a glare.

"And how would you know that?! She is so discreet with everything!" Peter exclaimed, annoyed, raising his hands in defeat.

"Didn't you see how she looks at you, Peter, I know my stuff, she can't hide it, just like you. So, for God's sake, make the situation better for the both of you, and ask her out. What does she like? Go somewhere. Don't choose the cinema, it's boring. That's my suggestion." Happy replied. Peter sighed again. 

"It's not that easy, Happy. Like, what the hell, who wants a guy like me, Peter Parker, a clumsy, shy guy, who never had a girlfriend in his life and is too scared to ask one out." Peter said, looking away.

"Yeah, Tony's the one for this kind of talk with you." Happy said, ending the conversation. A few minutes later, they arrived at the Tower. Peter arrived to the penthouse, finding Rhodey and Tony sitting around.

"Hey, kiddo. How was school?" Tony asked. Peter dropped his bag on the counter and opened the fridge.

"What's for lunch?" Peter asked, ignoring Tony's question.

"How was school?"

"What's for lunch?" Peter pressed on. Rhodes just rolled his eyes when hearing the two. Sometimes he really had doubts if Peter wasn't in fact Tony's biological son.

"OK, kid, something is bothering you, what's up?" Tony asked, placing down his glass of coffee and looking at the teens back. The teen continued to stare at the insides of the fridge, evidently hesitating with the answer.

"MJ." Peter replied in a whisper. Tony clapped his hands and stood up.

"Girl problems." Rhodey stated, pointing his finger at Tony.

"Peter's in love. Peter's in love..." Tony chanted.

"Hey, stop!" Peter shouted, turning round, cheeks red. Tony smiled wildly.

"Problem asking her out? Scared she doesn't like you?" Tony asked, grabbing Peter's shoulder and sitting him down on the couch, "believe me, I went through the same."

"Huh, sure. What girl wouldn't want to date Tony Stark." Peter murmured. The two men smirked. It was Rhodes that answered.

"Believe me, kid. Tony had some rough times at MIT, being four years younger, no one wanted someone like a know-it-all toddler." Rhodey said.

"Hey!" Tony exclaimed.

"I've got some pretty embarrassing stories of Tony, kid." Rhodey said and Peter's face lit up in curiosity. 

"Don't embarrass me in front of the kid, Rhodey." Tony said, he turned to Peter, "so, Pete, what's got into you this time, what's stopping you?"

"Who would want me? I'm literally nothing. Peter Parker, the high school looser." Peter mumbled.

"Yeah, kid, totally. You're not Spider-Man, you don't spend nights battling crime in one of the highest crime-rated cities in the U.S, risking your own skin to save lives. You're totally not a science genius, top of his class in a school full of nerds, you're totally not the cutest, puppy-eyed kid there is and you don't have the purest ever personality. Pity." Tony said, words dripping with sarcasm. Rhodey winked at Tony, Peter looked up.

"Thanks, and now, how the bloody hell am I supposed to approach her? Oh hey MJ, you wanna go out with me?" Peter asked angrily. 

"First of all, watch your language, and second of all, you'd stutter too much." Tony replied.

"Thanks a lot, that was very motivating." Peter replied sarcastically, "so? What am I supposed to say?"

"The way Peter Parker would do it." Tony replied, Rhodey gave him the thumbs up.

"What? Nobody wants a Peter Parker." Peter replied, voice completely drained of any energy or motivation.

"MJ would. She likes you the way you are." Tony replied, knowing that he won this conversation. Peter sighed.


"But don't send her a text, it's lame." Rhodey added.

"Yeah, yeah, fine, OK, I've got it." he looked up, "I have-um- homework." Peter said and walked out. He slammed the door shut and landed on his bed. At least the theoretical part was off his chest.

Rhodey and Tony high-fived. "That went well." Rhodey said.

"Believe me, that's only the start." Tony said. 

It costed Peter two sleepless nights, two days of worrying, a lecture from Pepper, another talk with Tony, a workout in the gym with Steve, to finally let it go and deciding that he was ready to ask out MJ. It was Tony that drove Peter to school on Monday to analyse every possible outcome of the conversation that was about to happen. Tony stopped the car in a reasonably empty place, to avoid attention from the students that were slowly piling into the sun-lit building. 

"OK, Peter, you ready?" Tony asked, "you're making a bigger deal out of it than it is worth, Spider-boy. What is it? Your wedding day?" he joked.

"Shut up, Tony. It is a big deal! I'm asking a girl out, OK!?" Peter exclaimed, gripping his bag tighter.

"Calm down, calm down. You approach her, don't act, just be yourself, the Peter everyone likes. If it goes wrong, which I highly doubt, what do you say?"

"Let's just forget that." Peter replies, remembering yesterday's night talk with Tony about every possible outcome.

"If it goes right?" Tony questioned, putting on his glasses and his hand on the wheel.

"Invite her to the new science exhibition on premium tickets with a 3D screening of the galaxy." Peter recited. 

"Correct, now of you go, wonder boy." Tony said. Peter stepped out, and Tony left him, driving off. Peter gasped and took in a deep breath to calm himself down. He walked towards the entrance and found Ned standing next to his locker.

"Hi, Peter." Ned said. They did their special handshake.

"Dude, I've gotta tell you something. It's crazy." Peter said. Ned's face turned serious.

"What is it?! Spider-Man business? Some new super-villain? You do remember I'm your guy in the-" Ned rambled on, excitement pumping through his veins.

"I'm asking MJ out." Peter interrupted him in mid-sentence. 

"Wow, wow, wow. Wait. You're asking her out? Like to date her? Oh, dude, she's gonna love you." Ned said, genuinely feeling happy for his best friend.

"You sure? You know she's always so discreet and stuff." Peter said, worry getting over him again.

"Dude, chill. She likes you. She has a crush on you, like, obviously." Ned said, while they walked down to Spanish class and sitting at the very back. The conversation ended when the teacher walked in, but there was no way that Peter was gonna listen to the teacher or in any other lessons. His heart thumped, he was sweating and constantly gazed at the clock in every single lesson. Just calm down. Everything's gonna be OK. Just chill. She likes you. You like her.

Peter's stomach was curling in on itself when the the bell rang, announcing the end of the school day. Peter grabbed his bag and walked out. He knew that MJ would leave her own History class any second. He waited by the door, while the students left the classroom in a hurry. MJ cam out last. Peter smiled at her.

"Thought I would wait for you." Peter said. MJ smiled back, evidently happy that Peter was willing to wait for her, "so-um- I have a-um question. I know-um-Oh God- OK, so-um- it's stupid, but um- do you wanna, maybe, you know, go- go out with me?" Peter stuttered, clutching his Midtown High School sweatshirts' sleeve. 

"Yeah, sure! Sounds great!" MJ replied, for once in her life, sounding truthful and sincere. Peter looked up.

"You really want that?" he asked, uncertainly.

"Well yeah, I said yes." MJ replied in her usual tone, but the true smile on her face gave her feelings away, "I would really like that, Peter." They smiled. This went fast.

"See you then on Friday in the new science exhibition in the New York Hall of Science." Peter said.

"You kidding? But isn't the 3D screening is only open on premium tickets, right, and you have to get them like three months earlier?" MJ said. Peter's smile brightened.

"Tony Stark isn't most people, fortunately." Peter said. He took out a ticket from his left pocket and handed it to MJ.

"You're something else, Peter Parker- Stark. The one exhibit I thought I would never thought I'd see." MJ said, after examining the ticket she added, "is Tony going with us? It would be nice."

"Of course he is, but don't worry, he'll stay away but I'm sure he's gonna geek out there, he's a real nerd." Peter said. They separated, after waving each other goodbye. Peter couldn't hold back the smile he was forming on his face. He practically skipped to the car in which Tony Stark sat, waiting for the teenager. 

The man seemed to have been working in the lab, as he still had his oil- stained jeans on along with his AC/DC shirt. Upon seeing Peter's face his heart warmed.

"How'd it go, Spider-Man?" he asked, when Peter entered the car. Peter just grinned at him.

"Ice-cream?" Tony asked, knowing the answer.

"Ice-cream." Peter repeated.

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