Chapter 11- The date + Tony being Tony

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Saying they were excited was an understatement. A huge understatement. Ned could see it clearly. Peter and MJ couldn't stop looking at each other. And so on Friday afternoon, the two practically ran out of the building, to meet not Happy, but the one and only Tony Stark, himself, sitting in his shiny, new Audi. He wore his Stark Industries hoodie (for some tragic camouflage) and sunglasses (that's probably obvious by now.) When he saw the two looking surprised, he smiled like a complete dork.

"Hop in." he said. Peter rolled his eyes and opened the door for MJ, "brought some cinnamon rolls for you two lovebirds." he said, passing on a bag to the back. Peter grabbed it eagerly and the two engulfed the still hot rolls.

"No making out." Tony added, before driving out onto the streets, heading for the museum.

"Shut up, Tony." Peter replied, before returning to the conversation with MJ, talking about the exhibition, Tony chipping in a few times. They arrived at the museum and entered the exhibition. Peter thought it wasn't really needed to show the tickets, as only the face of a Tony Stark was enough for them to enter a science museum.

They were geeking out at everything they saw. Tony was literally a child, fortunately he left the two alone. They saw a brand new video of a supernova collapsing into a black hole. They spent time putting together a simple circuit board, which turned into a competition about who will do it the fastest, it wasn't a surprise when Tony won. There was also a section dedicated to robots, of course Iron Man had to be mentioned, showing all the suits Tony Stark made (Tony enjoyed that the most.), that nerd even made pictures of himself, for the fun of it. 

When their cue finally came, the three entered the show room in which they were presenting the 3D screening, which turned out to be a game with VR glasses. Peter and MJ totally lost it at this point. 

They all logged into the game, and found themselves in the NASA spaceship, which you had to figure out how to start. Obviously, Tony, having been the one that actually helped NASA build this model, was elsewhere, finding an interest in making glasses of water on the spaceship. That man. 

After fifteen minutes of trial and error, Peter and MJ started the spaceship, programming it to go to Mars. There, the three had to set-up a living site and before sunset return from a mission to find a crater. They had the times of their lives, I mean, science nerds, in a virtual reality, a game of the future, building a freakin' spaceship, that was an attraction of a lifetime.

"Wow." Peter said, after taking his VR glasses. MJ smiled sincerely.

"Loved it." she said.

"OK, come on lovebirds, time to go." Tony exclaimed. The two blushed. Before Tony could register, the twos lips vaguely touched each other. After a few fans made their selfies with Tony, and a couple of autographs, they finally managed to get to the car. Tony dropped them off at a pizza restaurant, which Peter and Tony dubbed the 'best in town'.

"Be there at six or text me if you decide to swing home." Tony said, winking at the two, before driving off, in the most show-off fashion possible. Peter took MJ's hand tentatively and they entered the restaurant. They sat down at a table for two.

"So, how was it, you liked it, pretty awesome with the VR tech?" Peter asked.

"Of course I did, it's science. Thanks so much, Peter." MJ replied. Peter looked down, embarrassed. He looked up into the loving eyes of MJ.

"Pizza?" he asked. They ordered four pizzas, with an unhealthy proportion of 3:1 for Peter, but come on, his metabolism. They chatted about school, plans for the future, and life in  general, eating pizza in the most climatic pizzeria in town. MJ just rolled her eyes when Peter just gulped down the last one. After paying the bill and another staring contest, Peter broke the silence.

"Car or webs?" he asked, smiling secretly.

"You mean, spidermaning? Like, swinging?" MJ asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice. Peter raised his jumper sleeve, revealing the web-shooters. MJ's smile made the question of cars or webs pretty rhetorical.

"I think I choose webs." she replied. They left the restaurant and entered a small alley where Peter changed into his suit.

"The Tower?" MJ asked. Peter nodded his head.

"Well, if you want a movie night." Peter said, "oh, and watch out for the team, they came immediately when they heard you're my date. They are still kids at heart." Peter said, and MJ just rolled her eyes.

"Wait, aren't they gonna see me? Your fans? They photograph you whenever they see you." MJ asked.

"Not from that high up." Peter said, gazing up at the New York rooftops and holding MJ he landed on the rooftops, swinging through the air. He knew exactly MJ was feeling in this moment. It was eternal. Flying through the sky was the best moment ever, he knew this feeling all too well and both couldn't hide their smiles.

They arrived at Stark Tower fifteen minutes later, swinging to the penthouse balcony, which was linked with Peter's bedroom. Peter undressed himself and they both entered the living-room, finding the entire team there. Well, fuck. 

"Yey, here they are." Tony said, munching on a Dorito. The team seemed to be having a party by the look of the living-room, with popcorn everywhere, cola drinks and any other junk food you could find at the nearby store (It was probably all planned.). Visibly, Pepper was still working as she would have never allowed for such a mess. 

"You're gonna stand there or are you joining us?" Tony then asked, "some entertainment is in order." 

"Yeah, we're in the cinema if anything." Peter replied quickly and took MJ to the lift, smirking when he saw Tony's face. Before the lift door's closed, Peter shouted, "And I'm telling Pepper!" That kid.

After the two asked FRIDAY to play Titanic, Peter and MJ made themselves comfortable on the gigantic couch, making some popcorn and bringing along a few drinks. They were hardly focusing on the film, their eyes returning to one another. And after a few more glances they finally kissed, and for the both of them it was finally what they wanted to do since the beginning of the day. Peter Parker was in love with the girl he always wanted and MJ felt that she finally found that person. It happened and the few seconds were better than the exhibition, the pizza, the swinging put together, it was what they had wanted to do ever since they set eyes on each other.

It was nearing to twelve when the film ended, and the two were already fast asleep when the end- credits rolled. When Tony entered the cinema, he just asked FRIDAY to make a picture of the two. It was a sight worth remembering, and for blackmail in the future. Tony never forgot the embarrassing photos of Peter, and neither did he forget this one.

Yeah, so another chapter with some Peter/MJ and Tony being a complete dork. I promise this is the last chapter concentrated on the love, and there will be more action in future chapters, so don't worry, does who don't like those romantic chapters. You have my word!

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