Asking Him

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Echo's POV

Great, Jayy has gone home. Now I can ask Garrett to be my boyfriend.

Yeah, it's weird for a girl to ask a guy. But that's how the best relationships start out, right? I mean, it did for my friend! And no, no Crystal. I doubt she asked Rainy. Crys is too shy to do that kind of stuff.

But back to the task at hand.

I have to ask Garrett! Yes, I just met him a week ago. But I like him! I won't allow myself to question it. I'll hurt myself that way. How? I'll think about it too much. I've hurt myself a lot by doing that.

Garrett walks up to me. I look at him and smile. "Garrett," I begin, "I have something to say." "Wait, I do too," he replies. "Let me go first!" I beg. "Okay," he caves in, "lady's first."

"Garrett, will you be my boyfriend?"

Garrett smiles, "Yes! I would. That's what I wanted to ask you. I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend!"

"Well, Garrett, I will," I smile brightly at him. I haven't been this happy in awhile. The whole Crystal and Rainy thing has had me bummed out. Up until now.

Garrett shyly pets my hair, "It's nice to know we were on the same page." "Agreed," I reply, "or else it would have felt a little weird and awkward." "Hey, it's only awkward if you make it awkward," Garrett says. I smirk and raise an eyebrow, "True."

"Ready to tell your parents?" Garrett asks.

"Wait, no. Have you seen Dahvie and Jayy? They'll kill us!" I reply.

"Oh, I've seen Jayy. I can take him," Garrett assures me.

I shrug, "Okay, it's not my funeral. Let's do it."

Garrett and I walk hand in hand to Dahvie and Jayy's mansion house thing. The pathway to it is quiet. Unusually quiet. Are Dahvs and Jay Jay dead?

I unlock the gate for Garrett and I. We walk up to the house, which is a long way from the road. Damn, they need an escalator thing here or something. We finally arrive at the door and I unlock it. I open the door for Garrett and move aside so he can step in, "Go in."

He steps in with a smile on his face! He should be scared! Dahvie and Jayy are going to kill him! I know Jayy said he would approve of us, but he may have changed his mind!

I hear muffled moans coming from Dahvie and Jayy's bedroom. Garrett must hear them two since we both start giggling uncontrollably. "D-Dahvie and J-Jayy are f-fucking!" I exclaim, trying very hard to keep quiet. "L-Let's open the do-door on them!" Garrett nods in agreement.

We make our way up the stairs and tiptoe to the bedroom. Before we open it, I put my ear up to the door. I hear Dahvie yell, "Please, Master! Please just fuck me!" The urge to giggle cuts off the rest. Now I know that Dahvie is submissive and has a master kink. Two things I already knew!

"On three," I whisper. Garrett nods and whispers, "1.....2....3!" He twists the doorknob and the door flies open. Dahvie shrieks and pushes Jayy off of him. Jayy lands in the floor next to the bed. Neither of them have any clothing on. "I didn't need to see that!" I scream and cover my eyes. Garrett laughs and does the same. Soon, we're both laughing.

"Echo, what the fuck?!" Jayy yells. "We need to talk!" I reply. Both of them sigh. "Go downstairs and we'll be right down," Dahvie says. Garrett and I uncover our eyes and go downstairs.

"That was awesome!" He exclaims, "best thing ever!" "Yes! I totally agree!" I reply. We sit on the couch beside each other, closely. Devil jumps up in my lap and purrs loudly. I scratch him behind his ear and he begins to doze off. This is why I love cats. You can make them go to sleeBye
Dahvie and Jayy come downstairs. They sit in different locations in the lounge room. Dahvie on the couch with Garrett and I and Jayy in the reclining chair.

"So, what is it?" Dahvie asks.

"What is what?" I reply.

"What did we need to know?" Jayy asks, glaring at Garrett.

I clear my throat, "Garrett and I are dating!" I announce. Dahvie smiles; Jayy gives us a quizzical look. "That's great. If anything sexual goes on in between you too, I will kill Garrett," he warns. Garrett and I nod in understanding.

"And, remember, no sleeping in the same bed," Dahvie adds, "you two are only 14 and 15. You're not even at the legal age."

Oh shit, here comes the lecture.


After talks and warnings, Garrett and I are alone once again. "That went well," I say. "Yeah, it did. Better than we both thought," Garrett replies.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Echo."

So they're together now? Yaay! Time skip warning in the next chapter! Maybe the epilogue? Idk. Bye Aqualines!

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