Telling Crystal

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Echo's POV

A Week Later

I've called Crystal and Garrett to get over here. I need to tell Crystal about my boyfriend in person. Garrett will be here so Crystal can meet him. I'm sure she'll like him! Right?

I scroll through Twitter, seeing interesting ads and updates about my favorite bands. Black Veil Brides is even releasing a new album! So is Falling in Reverse! Jeez, I love it when this happens. I'll have all kinds of new music!

I hear someone knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I yell. Dahvie walks in and sits on the bed beside me. "Echo, you've been a little more quiet and hermit like lately. Everything okay?" He asks.

I nod, "I'm fine. Just not in the mood to socialize." "Okay," Dahvie replies, "You just worry me sometimes." I sit up beside him, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine!" He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Your friend and boyfriend will be here soon. They called me." Why did they call him and not me?

"Why'd they call you?" I question. Dahvie shrugs, "Probably couldn't get you to answer." I check my phone and see that I have no signal in my room. Oops. "Oh, yeah. That's why," I say, smiling to hide my embarrassment.

Dahvie gets up from my bed. "I'll be downstairs if you need me. Just holler," he tells me. "Okay," I reply. Then, he steps out of my room. I'm alone again! Yay!

I go back to Twitter and see a new tweet. It says that Superfruit uploaded a new video. Damn it, I don't really have time to watch it. My best bitches will be here soon! I retweet the tweet and put my phone away.

I hope Garrett and Crystal get here soon. Very soon. I'm very impatient.

Then, speak of the devil, Garrett and Crystal burst through the door. Do we have friend telepathy? I thought that was only for twins!

"What up jackass?" Crystal asks before plopping down beside me on my bed. "I don't know, that sky?" I reply. "Yeah, I guess," Crystal says. We both start laughing for no reason whatsoever. That's why we're friends! We laugh at the stupidest things.

"Hey, what about me?" Garrett asks. I scoot over, "Sit down." He smirks and sits beside me. "Should we tell her?" He whispers in my ear and I nod.

"Crystal," I say, getting her attention. "I have something to tell you. "Really?" She asks. I nod. "Garrett and I are dating!" She looks at Garrett beside me, "So that's who you are!" She yells, "I thought you were a stalker!" "Well, I am a stalker wannabe," Garrett smiles.

"So is that all?" Crystal asks. "Yeah," I reply. "Sorry I didn't have anything else to say. BUT SUPERFRUIT UPLOADED A NEW VIDEO!"  Crystal squeals, "Mitch is Bae!"

"What is Superfruit?" Garrett asks. Crystal and I gasp, "You don't know what Superfruit is?" He nods. "We need to show him," Crystal says, "or he can't date you." I nod and grab my phone. Next, I go back to Twitter and click on the video link. After a few short minutes of waiting, the video loads.

"Welcome to Superfruit best show on the internet!" Scott says as usual. "My name is September!" "And my name is October!" Mitch adds. "And together we make up months of the year!" Scott concludes with a smile. In the video, they did the "Smash or Pass" challenge. They smashed people like Joey Graceffa and Tyler Oaklyn and passed people like  Markiplier and PewDiePie.

"Well, that was cool," Garrett says. "It definitely was!" Crystal exclaims. I nod, "Best video ever! I've been waiting for them to do "Smash or Pass" forever!"

Crystal looks at Garrett and I. "Scömiché is a cute couple than you two," she teases. Garrett and I laugh, "Yeah, we know."

I hope we're all friends forever!

Next is the epilogue! Bye!

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