First Day of School Pt. 2

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-Rainy is above! \_^•^_/

Echo's POV

I wave to Dahvie as he drives off. On the way to school, we agreed that he should he out of here as fast as he can before the crazy fangirls attack him. How humiliating would that be?

I jog up to Crystal. "Oh shit, waddup?" I greet. "Hey, Echo!" Crystal replies. I see another girl with Crystal. "Who's this?" I ask. "Oh," Crystal begins, "this is my girlfriend, Rainy."

Rainy smiles at me, "So you're Echo. I've heard so much about you." "H-Hi," I force out. Crystal was supposed to be my girlfriend! Now, this Rainy shows up and takes her away! I may have to kill a bitch.

"No need to be shy, Echo. Rainy is very friendly," Crystal says and Rainy pecks her cheek. It takes all of my strength not to bitch slap Rainy. She is just rubbing her and Crystal's relationship in my face.

"Oh, I'm not trying to be shy. I was just uh...." What the hell do I say? I'm supposed to be a supportive friend and here, I want to slap my best friend's girlfriend! Damnit, why does life have to be so hard?

"Shyness is okay," Crystal says, hugging me. Rainy gives her a "seriously?" look. Is Rainy mad that Crystal is hugging me? The school bell rings, signaling that it's time for class to start. "Uh, bye Crystal. Bye Rainy. It was nice seeing you guys!" I say. "It was nice meeting you, too," Rainy replies. "Bye!" She and Crystal say in unison.

I seriously hate Rainy.

-Lunch Time-

I take my lunch tray and sit at a table, alone. I didn't join Crystal and Rainy since they were at the "Popular" table. Only popular students can sit there. I'm not popular and don't want to be. I have enough fame on social media.

Well, what little I have.

Jut because I was adopted by Jayy and Dahvie, didn't make me famous. It just gave me a small bit of temporary popularity. I stopped get followers a week after I was adopted. Not that it bothered me.

"May I sit here?"

I snap out of my own little world and look up. I see a tall boy with dark brown, blonde, and red hair. It looks similar to Garrett Ecstasy's. "Um, sure."

The boy sits next to me, making me smile a little. "I recognise you," he says. Did he just sit by me because I'm the adoptive child of Jayy and Dahvs? He better have not!

"From where?" I demand. "Twitter, YouTube, Wattpad, and Instagram," this mystery boy replies. "You were adopted by JayyVon and Dahvie Vanity, am I correct?" I nod, "Yes, I was. About two months ago." "Well, I'm glad that you're here. Not just because of that, but because I've always thought you were a nice girl," boy explains.

"If you're asking me out, I'm not interested," I inform him. He turns to me, looking as if he is about to laugh. "I'm not asking you out. I'm trying to befriend you." Oh, you could've told me you shady son of a bitch.

"I'm Garret," he says. "I'm Echo," I reply. Wait, is his name Garrett? No, it can't be Garrett Ecstasy! I think that Garrett is out of school and too old to attend this school. Plus, the Garrett sitting beside me doesn't have glasses, is too thin, and is too pale to be backstabbing Garrett.

"Do you know how much you remind me of Garrett Ecstasy?" I ask. He nods, "Yeah. I get that a lot. But, I hate Ecstasy. He wasn't good enough for BOTDF or Dahvie. The liar spread rumors. Now I don't do that," he explains, putting emphasis on the 'I.'

"So, what do you have next?" I ask after minutes of silence. "Science with Mr. Jorel," Garrett replies. "Same," I say. "Looks like we'll be together for a while," Garrett smiles.

Maybe he's the one I should date.

666 Words!

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