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Echo's POV

Dahvie finally comes and picks me up at the end of the school day. I got Garrett's number in another class that we're in together: Social Studies. I haven't talked to Crystal since I met Rainy. I just can't face Crystal again....

"How was school?" Dahvie asks. "It was....good," I reply. Dahvie doesn't look like he believes me. "Echo, tell me the truth." "Fine, today was terrible! Crystal got a girlfriend and all of my teachers and peers kept asking me about you and Jayy. The only good part about today was meeting Garrett," I explain.

"Who is this Garrett?" Dahvie asks. "A random kid," I reply, "I got his number, but I probably won't call him. Even though I may or may not have formed a teensy crush." Yeah, I know I said Crystal was my true love and I wasn't interested in Garrett, my heart had other plans.

Dahvie smiles and raises an eyebrow, "Jayy will have to approve of this "Garrett" first." My face flushes red. "What?! I wasn't thinking of dating him or anything......" Damn it, I am. I wouldn't care having him as a boyfriend. Even though I just met him. Hell, this could be love at first sight! No, wait, it is love at first sight!

"Sure you weren't," Dahvie says, snapping me out of my weird thoughts. "Okay, you caught me. I kind of am," I say and smile. Garrett would be a good boyfriend. "But, remember, Jayy doesn't approve of just any guy," Dahvie explains. "Psh, he'll definitely approve of Garrett! Garrett is kind, shy, funny, and smart. Why wouldn't Jayy like him?" I ask.

"Because, if Garrett is anything like Daniel, Jayy will disapprove of him. He wouldn't want you to get hurt like he did those years ago."

That makes me think: what if Garrett ends up like Daniel did for Jayy? A painful, hard to forget memory? What of Garrett leaves me or doesn't want to be with me? Then, I'd be definitely be hurt. Crushed, even.

I'll just have to hope.

I have to hope that Garrett likes me back. I have to hope that Jayy approves. I have to hope that Garrett is nothing like Daniel was. I don't want this to end terribly.

And, if Garrett rejects me, I still want to be friends with him. Sure, it could probably be awkward in between us but awkward is better than ignoring or shutting each other out.

As I said, I'll just have to hope.

(A/N: I feel that my chapters are losing quality.....Sorry that they're short!)

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