To Be or Not To Be

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Echo's POV

Dahvie and I finally arrive home. After we had our little chat about Garrett, the rest of our car ride was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence either. It was very mutual and comfortable.

"I'm home!" I shout. Devil looks up at me with a "shut the fuck up" look. So what if I woke him up? This lazy ass cat needs to be awake every once in a while.

Jayy walks up to me, "How was school?" He asks. "It was okay. I met a guy," I reply. Jayy tenses up, "Who is this guy?" He asks. "Oh, just a guy named Garrett," I reply. "You're asking so many questions!"

"And did you meet Garrett?"

"He sat beside me at lunch. He was my first friend."

"Do you like him in more than a friendly way?"

"Yes, I do...."

"I have to meet him before he can date you!"

Dahvie was right about this. Jayy probably won't approve. "Fine. You and Garrett can meet sometime. How about Friday?"

"Sure, then I can get ready. You two better stay five feet away from each other till Friday!" Jayy commands. I laugh, "Yeah, I will."

I look to Dahvie he does not look amused. "Jayy, can we talk?" He asks. Jayy nods. I look at them and then run upstairs. Something is about to go down.

Dahvie's POV

"Jayy, can we talk?" I ask. Jayy nods. Echo looks in between us and then runs upstairs. She made a wise decision.

"Jayy," I begin, "you need to let Echo be happy and date whoever she wants." He looks at me, "But Dahvie, I don't want her to get hurt. I don't want her to jump into a relationship, just to get dumped on. I don't want her and Garrett to end up like me and Daniel."

"I completely understand, Jayy. But, we need to let her learn her lesson. Let her date Garrett and she'll learn whether or not to wait before asking another person to be in that kind of relationship," I explain to Jayy. He still doesn't look phased.

"Dahvie, it's not that I don't trust Echo. It's that I don't trust the boy! He will do anything to get her alone! Anything! I don't want her to be with a guy I don't trust!" Jayy says in his defense. "Believe me, I've dated guys and I am a guy! I know this stuff!"

Wow, Jayy has never really been this protective of something before. Echo must mean a lot to him. That's not a surprise. We've known her ever since she was four years old!

"Okay, Jayy. We'll talk to Echo about this later. But please, don't try to scare the boy when you meet him," I say. "No promises!" Jayy replies.

I sure hope Garrett's family has life insurance or something..... They'll definitely need it when Jayy's done with him.

Jayy's getting pretty protective of Echo! Don't worry, he doesn't have a crush on her or anything. He just loves her as if she were his own daughter...... It's hard to explain. Bye!!!

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