Not To Be

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Jayy's POV

I can't believe Echo likes a guy! I refuse to let her date him until I meet him and can trust him. I will NOT let anyone break my little girl's heart.

If they do, they'll have hell to pay.

I understand why Dahvie gave me that talk. It was so I wouldn't try to kill the boy already. I don't care what he says, I need to confront him. Not in a rapist's way, but a way to scare the living shit out of him. I can't let him think he can walk all over me, Echo, or Dahvie. Then, I'll definitely kill him.

I really want to meet this little twerp. As I'm saying, I need to see if I can trust him. I'm not 100% I can. Since his name is 'Garrett.' I don't trust anyone named Garrett. Dahvie and I have decided on that.

"Echo," I call out, "Echo!"

"What?" She replies/asks loudly.

"Get in here! We need to talk!" I reply.

I hear Echo come downstairs. She walks up to me. "Yeah?"

"Echo, we need to talk."

Echo sits on the white couch. I sit beside her. Devil jumps up and curls up in her lap. She scratches behind his ear, causing him to purr loudly. Which is very annoying and relaxing at the same time.

"If it's about Garrett, then just get on with it," Echo demands.

"First," I say, "you do not talk to me in that tone. Second, yes it is about this Garrett guy you like." "Hey! I'm not 100% sure if I like him yet. It's just a small crush!" Echo interjects. Likely story.

"Anyways, I would like to meet this Garrett; see if I can trust him. If I can, you two may date. If I can't, then you two will be separated. I will call the school and arrange that if I don't trust him." I explain.

Echo gives me a 'seriously?' look. "Hey, I know men and boys. I know if I can trust them or not," I say sassily. "Jayy, do you really have to scare the shit out of Garrett to confirm that he's the one I can date?" Echo asks. I nod, "In some cases, pain and fear can help. This is one of those cases."

"When can I meet him?"

Echo crosses her arms across her chest and doesn't reply. I will not have that attitude! "Either you tell me, or you are grounded young lady," I state, "Your choice." Echo's expression and body language softens.

"Fine," she sighs, "you can meet him on Thursday. He is free." "Okay, Echo. That's all I needed to know. You may go back to your room if you would like," I inform her.

Echo gets up from the couch and skips up to her bedroom. She has no idea what I will actually do to Garrett. Now, should I treat him how I treated Daniel in the "Damaged" music video or how I treated Dahvie in the "Bewitched" music video. I don't know, I have a few days.

See you Thursday, Mr. Garrett.

I'm getting 2 BOTDF shirts soon. =) Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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