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Echo's POV

I slowly arouse, memories of last night coming to my mind. I remember meeting Deuce, er, Aaron. He was gentleman. Those boys in Hollywood Undead have no idea what they're talking about!

After ten minutes of procrastinating getting up, I get out of bed. I make the bed up. Then, I go to my closet and get greyish skinny jeans and a Batman shirt. I quickly put them on.

As I walk downstairs, I hear Jayy and Dahvie talking quietly. I silently walk further down the steps to hear them better.

"......Are you sure she's ready?..." "Dahvie, she's fourteen, almost fifteen. She's more than ready...." What are they talking about? I listen closer. "But I don't want her getting bullied or unwanted attention." "Dahvs, calm down. She can fight. I've known her long enough to know that..."

Oh no, school.

I used to love school. I could get away from my drunk of a Mom and doormat of a Dad. Now, I have two awesome parents and never, ever want to leave them! Do these parents want to send me to Hell?

"Dahvie!" I call out. "Jayy!" Their conversation silences. "Yes?" Dahvie yells back. "Do I have to go to school?" I ask. "Come here. We'll talk about it!" Dahvie replies. I walk down the rest of the stairs and to them.

"Echo, we're not sure if we want to send you to a public school or not. Jayy and I don't have to tour for another four months and that's all the time you'll be in school. Maybe you could try it," Dahvie explains. "No." I reply. "I mean, sorry, no. I don't want to go to school."

"Why not?" Jayy asks. "Because used to, when I went to school, people would always crowd around  me and try to be my friend since I had dyed hair. I didn't like big crowds. That's why I hate school," I answer.

"Understandable," Jayy says in a reassuring tone.

"If I start, can I start next month?" I ask. Dahvie nods. "Sure. Now let's get some breakfast!" "Yes! I'm starving!" I yell with enthusiasm.

Hopefully they'll forget about this whole "school" ordeal.

Short chapter, I know. More updates soon, I promise.

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