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-Above is Echo's new hair style. Just image it dyed silver.

Echo's POV

After about an hour of styling, snipping, and dying with some rage, my hair is finished. I finally look in the mirror again. It looks fantastic!

"Nice!" I comment. "Good! I'm glad you like it. I didn't make it exactly like Dahvie's. I wanted you to have originality," Iris replies. "Well, it look great!" I comment again, "Thank you!" "You're welcome! I'm happy to do it!" Iris says and hugs me.

Crystal smiles at me. "It looks beautiful!" she says. "Thank you," I reply. I glare at Jayy and Dahvie playfully, "Don't you two start making out. We need to go." Dahvie rolls his eyes in a playful manner, "Fine."

"So soon?" Iris asks. Then, Dahvie whispers something in her ear. She smiles and nods. I laugh because of how short Dahvie looks next to Iris. He has to stand on his tiptoes to whisper something in her ear! "She'll like that," Iris says. "What?" I demand. "Nothing," Dahvie and Jayy reply quickly in unison.

"Wait," I say dramatically, "if my MPreg fan fiction is becoming real, just nod slowly." Jayy and Dahvs look confused. Crystal bursts out laughing. "What? No! That's not happening. But I do know that if we want to he on time, we'll have to get going now!" Jayy says. I smirk at him, "You don't even know what MPreg is you motherhumper."

I hug Iris, "See 'ya later." She hugs back, "I'll see you too. Be good to Jayy and Dahvs." "I'm not promising anything," I reply. She chuckles, "get outta here."

We all get in the car again. "What is the surprise?" I ask. "If we told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," Jayy replies. "But I hate surprises!" I exclaim. "Bull! You love surprises!" Crystal counters. "Way to defend me, Felisha," I say as I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know I'm a bitch," Crystal replies.

I fake gasp, "MY PRECIOUS, INNOCENT FRIEND JUST CUSSED!" I scream, almost making Dahvie wreck. "Echo!" Everyone in the car yells. "I'm sa very sorry," I reply. "No apologies, I'm not sorry!" Crystal adds.

(A/N a guy walked up to me and said, "I'm sa horny." 😂😂😂)

"Are we there yet?" I ask. I repeat this four times before someone says something. "No! We are not there yet!" I wait a few seconds, "How about now?" "No!" Jayy yells back. This continues on.

After thirty minutes of that, I finally get the answer I want.

"Are we there yet?!" I demand. "No!" Jayy and Crystal yell in unison. "Actually, we are," Dahvie says, trying to sound sophisticated. "Lie to me again," I challenge Jayy. He smirks, "Challenge accepted."

We all get out, me first of course. I try to run directly to the house but feel someone grab my shoulder. "Let me go!" I yell. "No. You must wait for your surprise," Dahvie says. I glare at him, "IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME GOOOOO!"

"Not gonna work this time," Crystal says.

"I'll go see if it's ready. Jayy, Crystal, hold her back here," Dahvie says pointing to me. "Will do Capn'!" Crystal exclaims, doing a fake salute. Dahvie smiles at her and walks to the house.

Crystal and Jayy immediately grab my arms. "Let. Me. Go." I demand.





I finally give in. They're not going to let me go.

"What if I promise not to run away?"

"Echo, I've known you since kindergarten. You're not going to stay still," Crystal says. "Fuck both of you," I say, trying to fake anger.

"You guys can come in!" I hear Dahvie yell from inside. Crystal and Jayy look at each other before letting me go. As soon as their hands leave my arms, I sprint to the house. Well, more like mansion.

I slowly open the door. I peek in; it's pitch black inside. I cautiously step in. The lights are switched on and I see it: Deuce.

I stand their in shock. "How the hell did you guys know I'm a fan of 9 Lives?" I ask. "I may or may not have looked through the music playlist on your IPod. You've got a good one!" Dahvie says winking.

I walk up to Deuce. He towers over me. "H-Hello, Deuce," I say. "Hello. Dahvs here has told me a lot about you. Also, please, call me Aaron," he replies. I fangirl; HE JUST TOLD ME TO CALL HIM AARON INSTEAD OF DEUCE!

"Anyways, Jeffree and Nathan told me to tell you that Devil was on a shelf when they left. Daddy scared him," Aaron says. "What a Puddy Tat," I joke. Aaron smiles at me. I love him so much!

"Um, Aaron, if she ever scares you, you can tell her to fuck off," Dahvie informs Deuce. He chuckles, "I've had fans do worse. She's not half as bad as most." "Really?" Dahvie and I ask as once. "Yeah," Aaron replies.

Crystal and Jayy come into the house. Crystal smiles as soon as she sees Aaron. "Deuce! Nine Lives! Oh my fuck!" she yells. I grab her by the shoulders, "Woah, calm down Crys." "I can't be calm! Deuce fucking Nine Lives is in here!" she exclaims.

I push her towards Deuce. "Here, heal her." He awkwardly hugs her. I giggle as her eyes widen. As soon as he pulls away, she falls to the ground.

"I think we've kept you long enough. You can leave if you want," Jayy suggests. "Thanks. I'll see you guys sometime. Maybe it'll be less awkward," Deuce replies as he looks down at Crystal. "She's stunned," I add.

I wave as Deuce leaves. I hope we can hang out sometime later. Hopefully it won't be as weird.

Shout out to MiscalPixelStudios for eating MY chicken sandwich. Fuck you, Miscal. Anyways, 2 chapters in one day. I'm proud of myself!


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