Chapter 1

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“Arcadian Collin, Larentia Caleb, Ulrich Radolf, Ylva Oldolf, Apil-zo-mayzo.... Mother of gothel.”

“And who are those?” Sasha asks as she adores her angelic beauty and figure in front of the mirror.

“They’re the characters in this book, mom!”

My mom drops her red lipstick and brushes her beautiful dark-brown hair with a beautiful glass comb her boyfriend, Mr. Fabian bought for her from France.

“OMG Sue! When on earth would you stop reading that fucking, old book!!” She grabs the book from my hand.

“I haven’t finish reading it yet mum! Please, let me flip through it once more!...”

“Sweetie, You should concentrate more on watching cartoons, playing games and other reading comic books not any of these bore books.” She huffs.

“But mum, you know I love adventures and history. I love reading and researching about the past and future. I’m not a baby any more as you can see.”

“Whatever, you’re still a baby to me... You’re only ten. For now, I’ll keep this book... Are you sure you’d prefer staying alone here with mary?” Sasha asked earnestly.

“Yes mum, take care with Fabian... I'll be a good girl.” I faced down and sadly entered my room.

I know I won’t see my mom for the next 2 weeks because she and her so called boyfriend wants to travel to Canada...


On afternoon, a bunch of men entered and carry me away somewhere... I don't know where.

“Why my dear, why should I stop?” He shrugged beside me.

“Because I’m confused... I don’t know if this is supposed to happen sir! I don’t think it’s right...” I muttered confusedly.

“Don’t worry dear, everything is under control.” The one with a gigantic scar across his dried,  bonny cheek beams a gentle smile as he zoomed off the road.

I watched how serious the face of the man beside me were... So strict, dull and they had this coconut shaped head with spiky hair on it.

At least, I don’t feel so nervous now. Just then, The song she sang to me flashed through my memory... I remembered my mother.

“If I may ask? Where’s my mother..”


“Where’s my mother?!”

None of them answered... They all gazed at me in total astonishment... Speechless.

“Shhh... We ‘re taking you to a better place.” The driver assured.

“W...what place?” I glaced round at the hefty men that surrounded me, One after another.

“Yes baby, Call me Leo... Don't worry about anything. We're going to a land of toys and magic. It’s called wonderland. I don’t think you’ve heard about it. Have you?” Leo brought up.

“Yaaay! I’ve heard a lot about Wonderland and The life of adalynn." I became extremely excited and imagined myself playing with Alice and other sweet, colourfully creatures at wonderland. We drove for hours and hours.

At last, we finally stopped at a cottage.

“Is this it?” I asked nervously. The place seemed so old and deserted. Everything was so dead and I became scared.

"No! I would never enter a place like this!" l barked

"Common kid! We don't have time for your fucking bullshit!! " Sharkey yelled the last word but I wasn't scared of him or any of them.

The one with the gigantic scar held my hand as tight as he could and dragged me in.

"Leave me alone, ugly idiot!"  I spat as I quickly bit his hand off.

He threw me away and brings out an injection.

"What's that?!" My voice suddenly chocked.

"Just for you, little bitch! Go to hell!! " he and others laughed wickedly at my foolishness.

I became do scared,  no knowing where to go or run to. Definitely,  no one would listen to my idiotic excuse now." I thought as looked down in defeat.

"I'm do sorry, dude... I was only joking, let's move in" I joked with a toothy - sheepishly laughter,  hoping they would believe my this time because I HATE injections.

"Hahaha haha... " They all roared into an uncontrollable laughter. I hated how the driver held his pot-belly laughing all his disgusting lungs out.

Leo rubbed my head childishly as tears fell from his eyes due to the laughter.

Then I looked at the one with the scar as he leaves my hand. I smiled, suddenly felt free when he said...

"Don't worry dumbass, you'll need this." He said and  quickly injects me with something only God knows what chemical.

Everything became blurry immediately. I feel down as I felt Leo carrying me. Then everything became dark all I heard was their wicked laughter until I couldn't hear anything...


Hello readers,

I'm really sorry, I haven't been updating 'HOME ALONE WITH THE UNKNOWN' for a while now. Honestly, I've known the end of this story but I've been so busy that I almost forgot about it. Well, I'm not sure when to write or update the next chapter but until then, I'll try as soon as possible.

                         Happy reading.


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