Chapter 2

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"Don't worry dumbass, you'll need this." He said and  quickly injects me with something only God knows what chemical.

Everything became blurry immediately. I feel down as I felt Leo carrying me. Then everything became dark all I heard was their wicked laughter until I couldn't hear anything...


The following day...

It was already dark but there was an old lamp placed on the table behind me. Surprised, I opened my weak eyes, Stretched my arms out and yawned as if I had slept for  thousands of centuries. 

My blurry eyes visioned me an elderly woman of about sixty-eight years old, She brings me a cup of hot chicken soup to drink.

The woman had a permed hair and looked really older than someone of her age. She had wrinkles and scars all over her sad, lifeless face. I felt so exhausted so I payed no attention to her and wondered who must have ordered these people to bring me down here. It’s now clear to me that I was kidnapped.

"I wouldn't eat anything or speak to anyone!" I thought within myself. Surely made up my mind, pretending to be asleep.

The elderly woman moved closer to me and examined, there was only an inch between us because I could feel her warm-minty breath fanning my face as I pretend to still be asleep.

“Little Angel, Are you awake?"

"Silence." I didn't move or even breath.

She came to my front but I turned, wearing an emotionless face.

"All I want right now is to be  ALONE!" I stressed in my mind, not wanting to disrespect the old woman.

Her voice sounds so gentle and sweet... I immediately remembered how my dad calls me "LITTLE ANGEL"

"Little Angel, Wake up and stop pretending to be asleep. You have eaten anything since you are brought here yesterday."  She wore a funny-toothy smile on.

This time, I had to stop pretending so I opened my eyes and buried my he'd under the pillow, not wanting to hear any of her seductive words.

"Please my dear, Have some soup. You most be very hungry by now, I really know what you're going through.” She placed the cup on the table.

I became surprised...thinking.

“B…but how do you know my name?” I nibbled.

“Don’t worry dear, I’ll tell you what you don’t know today.” She sat on a chair opposite me.

“Do you know Mr. Fabian?”

“Y..yes, H..he’s my dad’s closest friend.”

“Ok, Mr. Fabian is behind all of these. He ordered everyone here to bring you and we’ve all been living here for years now. He kept us house arrest because we disobeyed him one way or the other. Some people that tried to escape died.  He killed them all in this house because he locks each door with different passwords, nobody knows why. He wants you to be his daughter... That’s why he got you kidnapped.” She said, handling the cup to me.

“What?! Mr. Fabian is evil! He’s a green snake in the green grass... the one bad apple!”

Mrs. Emma cupped my mouth.

“Don’t scream my dear…He might be here at anytime.”

“What? Does he watch you too?”

“No no no no… I know you don’t like Mr.Fabian, but don’t hate him at least. He is the man of his words. He’s filthy rich and there’s nothing wrong or bad about him.”

"What?!" I yelled in disbelief.

"Shhh! Shhh!!" Keep it low,  darling. Someone might hear you."  She placed her index finger on my lip.

"Okay, whatever." I whispered and continued.

"My mom hadn’t tell me much about him but I know him well enough. My dad also told me a lot about him."

He was my dad’s best friend and their friendship started since their childhood. They schooled together, graduated together and decided to work together… To establish their own company and work together as partners.”

“So what happened thereafter..” Her eyebrows furrowed.

“My dad was a successful land-dealer and Mr. Fabian also was but he helped my dad advertise the properties and invite buyers."

"Okay, what happened after that?" She asked, looking more interested.

"Mr. Fabian bought the land beside our house after which he swindled the sum of $100, 000,000 from my dad." I paused and looked around as if someone was watching or listening from somewhere.

"Don't worry dearie, no one's around." Emma looked at me in a way that asked me to continue.

“Thereafter, He hired thieves to rob our house and they took everything valuable away from us. We became broke and poor. My dad asked him for some money but Mr. Fabian lied he was penniless.”

"My mom knows him well, they were close friends in college. He cheated my dad and gave him little, more like 5% out of the gain. Soon, It was my mom’s birthday and my dad only celebrated it with a cake and some sweets. Mr. Fabian visited with an expensive surprise package.”

“Ma, do you know what?” I brought up.

“What’s it dearie?” She asked quirking her gray eyebrow.

“My mom and Mr. Fabian were lovers in high school.”

“What? You mean they were lovers and your dad was married to her?” She quibbles.

“Actually, my dad wasn’t aware they were having an affair because Mr. Fabian cheated on my mom and dumped her for other girls... Along the line, he left the college for another then my mum later met my dad.”

“How do you know so much?” She frowned her eyebrow, getting more interested.

"I usually spends more time with my dad than my mum. My dad calls me his little angel or his princess Suessy. Sasha, ughh! She's my mom is more of a fashion monger than a mother. My dad told me everything but to cut the long story short, Mr. fabian started visiting our house from time to time.”

“Why?” Her eyes popped.

“It's because of my mum...  He brings various kinds of gift to my mum almost everyday. Soon enough, She started becoming so obsessed with lastest designs and trends that she ever wanted.

"On her twenty-fifth birthday, she asked my dad to buy her a diamond necklace or else... Going through hell after the robbery attack, she still demands of this and that... Things that my dad can’t even afford.”

“But.. why’s she like that? I never knew Sasha to be like that.” She was more concerned.

"Oh,  So bad! What next did your dad did after seeing all of these?"

A tiny smile made it's way through my lips as I  slowly whispered  "My mother?"

"At first, she said they were just friends but later, she started giving unreasonable excuses, she had no time for me and my dad
She hardly stays at home and comes home very late... And sometimes, she spends her night elsewhere, giving my dad flimsy excuses. She can so make and bake up stories? Thank goodness I'm nothing like her.I only too after her looks, nothing more. Do you know what?"


"My dad become worried, He suspected something fishy going on between both of them but it was later confirmed when he brought the diamond jewelry to our house on her birthday."

"So bad, I feel for your dad. Tell me, where's he now?"

I remembered the moments we spent together, he would bath me, cook and feed me, take me to school, do my homeworks with me, play with me, sing me lullabies and tell me fairy tales. I missed my dad so much. Tears gathered my face, I took a deep breath and continued.

"He committed sucide... He left one one evening and jumped into an ocean. His body was found floating on the surface of.. Of the water. My dad was my everything, only if he was alive... I wouldn't be a nuisance for My mum and her annoying boyfriend."

Tears forming in her eyes were visible.

"Why are you so interested? Tell me about yourself."

"You full name is Emma Flynn. I’m a widow... Fabian’s father, pedro killed my husband. They threatened that if I report to the police, they’d kill me and my son, Charming so I let the story die in me."

"Your son was Charming? So was my dad. Suezan Charming."

"Wow! What a coincidence?"She blushed.

Just then, A dried smokey hand covered her mouth, another pointing a gun to her head. Guess who? Fabian Stones.

Mrs. Emma shivers and closed her eyes, scared of being shot.

"Get the fuck outta here old rag! All you do is to eat and gossip!" He barked and pushed her away.

Her old, weak body fell on the ground like a bag of bones, she couldn't get up easily.

"I'm so sorry, I was only trying to-"

"I said out!" Fabian interupted and points to the door.

Poor Emma, I wanted to help her but she

What rude and disrespectful annoying creature he must be. I wonder why my mum falls in love with a beast like him but I think they're perfect for each other. Whatever!

"You've got no option than to obey my rules and follow my instructions, baby doll." He placed dirty hands on my head, patting my hair.

I pushed his hands away disgustingly and gritted my teeth in frustration. Just then, my stomach grumbled.

"Oh! My princess must be hungry. I watched as his wicked smile curved into a devilish smirk.

I rolled my eyes out at him and looked at him disgustingly, the way he deserved. 

"I sure hate this man... I feel like killing him!" Different, stupid thoughts played in my mind but I know, surely, it's something CRAZY.... YEAH, AND I MEANNIT! I.  WOULD. DO. SOMETHING!!.

He went to the table, took a flowery_designed flat plate and dished the vegetable pizza Emma made for us. It's tasty aroma filled the room which made my stomach even grumble.

"Wow! This looks so spicy, sure you'll love it!" he busted but I faced down.

He brought a piece to me and persuaded me to eat but I didn't. I looked away instead.

"Have something, baby doll." He grinned.

"Not interested!" I spat, moving away from him like a monster.

The then paused and then suddenly bursts into an unreasonable laughter at my timidness.

I only became more angry, I looked away, folding my tiny arms on my chest.

"Humm... Yummy, Are you sure you're not interested?" His deep voice seduced as if I was a month old baby.

"Ughhh!..." I felt like plastering the hot pizza on his ugly face and send him straight to hell that very minute. "I'm NOT hungry!" I barked back at him.

"Don't get me annoyed, girl! Or I'll get you injected again." He bragged with a serious smirk.

"No no no no no.. I'll eat, sir." I quickly Cooperated and started eating in a happy mood.

And yes of course, he fed me and I was just thinking of what next to do.

"Look! There's an ant 🐜 in your shirt! I screamed and used my hand to push the plate away as I killed the ant.

"Oh, that's so brave of you baby doll." He comments as I shyly smiled looking at the poor dead ant and the pizza he had brought, lying on the floor.

I quickly picked it up and placed it back into the plate.

"Awwww! I'm sorry sir"  I mumbled slowly, stressing the last word sir as I I really mean it.

"Don't worry, baby doll.  I'd just leave you now.  Have a rest, okay? " he smiled honestly as he layed my back on the bed,  covering me with the thick blanket.

I only wore a childish smile and pretend to be sleeping.

Hello readers,

I'm really sorry, I haven't been updating 'HOME ALONE WITH THE UNKNOWN' for a while now. Honestly, I've known the end of this story but I've been so busy that I almost forgot about it. Well, I'm not sure when to write or update the next chapter but until then, I'll try as soon as possible.

                         Happy reading.


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