Chapter 3

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"Look! There's an ant 🐜 in your shirt! I screamed and used my hand to push the plate away as I killed the ant.

"Oh, that's so brave of you baby doll." He comments as I shyly smiled looking at the poor dead ant and the pizza he had brought, lying on the floor.

I quickly picked it up and placed it back into the plate.

"Awwww! I'm sorry siiir.."  I mumbled slowly, stressing the last word sir as I I really mean it.

"Don't worry, baby doll.  I'd just leave you now. Have a rest, okay?"he smiled honestly.

I only wore a childish smile and pretend to be sleeping.

Peeping and blinking my eyes severally, I saw what he pressed.

"24434" So that was the password, I thought in my head.

After her left, I hissed and laughed at his stupidity. Thanks goodness he left, his presence stinks me.

I looked around the room, what I could do. Opening the shelves, I was dumbfounded to see various sections of books out of which were Merlin, Harry Potter, Romeo And Juliet, Mother Night, Cinderella and thousands more.
With these were some exercise books so I took one to jot any new word I find in it. After reading, I could check it up in the dictionary.
Just then, my eyes caught a book called 'A Visit To Nania With Prince Caspian' The animated graphics were amazing so I decided to read..  At least, I would be busy with something. I quickly jumped on the bed opening the each page with excitement.

Hours Later...

I was already stressed out, lying with the book next to me, i looked at the edge corner of the book saying page 45. What an interesting story this is, thank goodness mum wasn't here to stop me this time and in this prison, the feeling of freedom sparked in me... For one reason I was feeling angry and another, I was feeling happy.

I stretched gently as I slept off on the soft bed.


"My little Angel, My Suzzy!"

I heard a voice calling me as I stared at the big ocean. I recognized it! It was my dad's.

"Dad! Where re you?" I turned around but there wasn't anybody. "Dad!!"

"I'm here my daughter, right here beside you."

"I know you're still alive dad! But I really can't see you! I need you dad, I've missed you so much! You can't imagine"

"I see and feel you my love... Be patient, time will tell!”

"You said what?!" I steamed in the dark, all alone as my voice echoed back at me.

"Be patient, time will tell!” the voice slowly fades away.

"You said what! Dad!! Dad!!!"

I felt two eyes staring at me

Just then, I woke up to find Fabians sharp eyes staring at me. It was like that of an hungry lion ready to pound on me. He must have heard me calling my dad.

"Good morning sunshine. I see you're still stressed..." He greeted with a bright smile.

" Good morning Fabian." I swallowed. "How long have you been here?"

"Just a while, did you sleep well daddy's girl?"
He quirks.

"Y..yes  of course. Sure, i did" i looked confused

"What does he mean by that! Daddy's girl" I muttered within myself as my heart stared beating.

He moved closer, cupping my cheeks with his wide hands and staring into my ocean blue eyes.

"Its best you erase every memory of charming because he's a dead man now. No matter how much you miss your dad, he would never come back."

I looked away and closed my eyes. Digesting what he just said inside of me, Nothing came out but tears.

"I know."

"Better!" He wore a goaty laughter. "I know you're a smart little girl."

I faked a smile as he moves an inch away. " You're a bookworm, I guess?"

"Yes, I am."

"Just like your father! Every moment we shared together were the best but I can't fight Mr. Death for that, can I?"

"No sir." 

He stood up holding my right hand, I followed him. 

He pressed the button '24434' again but I looked away, pretending I was looking at the ceiling. The door automatically opened as we walked through the corridor.

"Do you know where you are, baby doll"

"No I don't. This might be, probably one of you hang outs... I mean one of your houses sir."

He turns left and pressed '987666'

"This building was the first your dad sold for me. I would say its my favourite hose because its the best.

The door automatically opened and closed as we entered. On the wall of this room were my dads pictures. I was baffled Fabian still had all of this.

"And where is this?" Concern plaited my shaky voice as I smiled at the pictures.

"This used to be your dad's room, baby doll. After we graduated from college, he have me this as a present, I remembered his every words and smiles... I'll say this is also his house.

I thought you weren't in good times with him before this death... Although he trusted you

"Yeah, I trusted him too but be was the real betrayal..." Pocketing his hands, he walked to one of the pictures they had together. "He married Sash, I couldn't forgive him for that."
I don't know why but I felt the truth in his words.

"He never wronged you Fabian, i guess you're just who you are... You'll probably never change.

"You're who you are, You'll probably never change."  He walks up to me, staring into my eyes like he was searching for something. I don't know, maybe a needle or something but there was darkness in his eyes. "You use his words."

"Am his daughter not yours. You can hide me as much as you want to you can never change me. And that, I'm sure of!"

"You're sure bold, just like him I'm not surprised, but trust me baby doll, you'll never be him. He wore a smirk "And if you are, I'll surely take that out of you... I promise."

Beep! Beep!!

His phone rang as he receives the call.

"Yes Jax! What's it?!" He gnashed his teeth. I guess he was pouring the anger on someone else as the expression on his face made me chuckle a little.

"Someone from the government's house is here to see you sir,"

"Give me a minute!" He said and ends the call.

"And what's funny?"

"Nothing sir!"

"Better... I'll see you tomorrow morning because I have a busy day ahead of me."

"OK sir... But what about my mum?"

"She'll be back from Paris next month, you miss her?"

I only nodded, grabbing a dusty book from the table as he walk towards the door, pressing the same buttons '987666'

"Let's go Baby doll... You'll come here tomorrow if you like."OK sir!" I quickly rushed out as the door closed behind me. He lead me into my room and pressing the buttons '24434'

Your new friend, Emma would soon be here with your breakfast so feel free okay?

"OK, thanks a lot anyways." I smiled at him as he finally left. Of course after pressing the buttons as usual. I felt in every beast, there's still a beautiful part... And Fabian wasn't a beast after all. Was he???...


Hello readers,

I'm really sorry, I haven't been updating 'HOME ALONE WITH THE UNKNOWN' for a while now. Honestly, I've known the end of this story but I've been so busy that I almost forgot about it. Well, I'm not sure when to write or update the next chapter but until then, I'll try as soon as possible.

                         Happy reading.

                          # Amana-Deena.

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