Awesome mom

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Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose, you and Quill Branwen are sitting around a table. Quill throws a pair of dice onto the table while drinking.

Quill: (slurping) And that, kids, is what we call rollin' snake eyes.

Ruby: Oh, yeah, look at that. They look like little eyes. Oh, cute.

Tiayang Xiao Long and Zwei enter the room.

Tiayang: Hey guys, what's goin' on? Up top!

She holds her hand up for a high-five, but is left hanging as Quill groans instead.

Ruby: Aunt Quill is teaching us important life lessons.

Tiayang: (concerned) What kind of life lessons is she teaching you?

Yang: You know, like love is for suckers and rules are for fools.

Tiayang: Wait, what?

You: or how freedom is like a wild stallion.

Tiayang: what?

Yang: And never get caught cheating because it's only cheating if you get caught.

Tiayang: (gasping) Quill, what are you telling my kids?

Quill: It's a harsh world out there, Tia. I'm just teaching them what they need to know.

Quill, Ruby, and Yang all share a thumbs-up.

Tiayang: Uh, I've already taught them everything they need to know. About justice, honor, and maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Great job, girls.

Yang mind: sometimes we might ruin the last one

Ruby: It's okay, Mom, you can teach us all the boring stuff and Aunt Quill can teach us all the cool stuff.

Their mom goes white-eyed for a beat before protesting.

Tiayang: But, I'm cool too. I'm a cool mom, right?

Ruby and Yang laugh, Quill smirks amused with her nieces and you give an awkward smile.

Yang: Good one, mom. Wait, were you serious?

Tiayang: But I have a tattoo. And sweet cargo shorts.

Quill: Yeah, that's adorable. Come on kids, let's go set off some illegal fireworks.

Qrow leaves, Ruby and Yang bouncing behind him and you walking normally.

You: sorry Tia, but people need a bit of action in there lives

 As they disappear offscreen, Zwei barks once and also follows them. Tiayang's jaw drops, offended at even the dog prefering Quill.

Tiayang: I can do anything Quill can do. Bluh bluh bluh, I break all the rules. Ooh, look at my messy hair that I spend an hour every day styling. Hey bartender, give me another drink. It's been two minutes since my last one.

Tiayang takes a sip of Quill's drink and spits it out.

Tiayang: It burns.

Neptuna Vasilias is laying on her bed at night, snoring. The door opens slowly, creaking. Creepy music plays as a dark shape enters, zooming by the chair with a rubber ducky, towel and scrub brush on it. A Geist slowly rises up from beside the bed and attempts to scare Neptuna, but she doesn't wake up. Star Wukong walks into the room and wakes up Neptuna, causing the Geist to hide by possessing the brush.

Star: Yo girl, back from the gym. I am sweaty; gonna hop in the shower.

Star assembles on the goods from the chair, holding the brush with her tail.

Neptuna: Sounds good. Why'd you have to wake me up for that? I don't care.

As Star walks out of the room, the scrub brush trembles, in anticipation 

Star: maybe if I get lucky I'll get y/n to help~

Then it trembles in fear

Ruby, Yang, you and Quill are walking down the sidewalk.

Quill: And that's why you never tell a cute waiter your real name.

Ruby, you and Yang begin to laugh, and a white-eyed Tiayang with a backward cap on her head rides up on a skateboard being pulled by Zwei.

Yang: (surprised) Mom? Since when do you skateboard?

She blinks and affects a nonchalant attitude.

Tiayang: Psh, I've been skateboarding for years. Guess you haven't noticed since I'm just so chill about it.

You: are you sure you what your doing?

Tia: of course 

A cat meows and Zwei starts barking before charging off.

Tiayang: Zwei, you can stop now. Zwei! Stop! Whoa!

A car horn honks, followed by tires squealing and a crash noise. A tire bounces down the street and Quill mearly takes a drink from her flask.

Yang, you and Ruby are standing next to a swimming pool while Quill is standing on the diving board. Quill walks to the end of the board, jumps, and does a swan dive, flapping her hands quickly while she's in the air.

Tiayang: Hey kids, check this out!

Tiayang runs up onto the board and slips, causing her to bounce into the air. She manages to flap her hands before falling flat onto the pool's water, which only slowly lets her in.

Tiayang: So...much...hurting.

Quill dances and without stopping walks up to a table where Velvet Scarlatina, Yang and Ruby stand. Smoothly, Qrow catches the drink Ruby slides over to him and he dances away.

Velvet: (pointing) Hey... Who's that weird woman staring at us?

Tiayang is on the table's other side, doing some basic, unimpressive dance moves.

Tiayang: Yeah, I used to have some pretty sick moves when I was younger. You want me to teach you my sick moves?

Ruby is wincing and Yang, who had faceplanted onto the table in embarrassment, and you looked away whistling. Yang lifts a hand toward Tiayang to decline.

Yang: No, that's okay, mom.

Tiayang tries to grab her ankle but stumbles and falls over. Her kids rush to her.

Ruby: mom! Are you okay?

She sits up, only her pride hurt.

Ruby: Why are you acting so weird lately?

Tiayang: I know how much you girls look up to your aunt Quill because she's so cool. I just want you to think that I'm cool, too.

Ruby: Well, moms aren't supposed to be cool. They're supposed to be moms. And you're the best mom in the whole world.

Tiayang: You really mean that?

Yang: Yeah, that's way better than being cool. Now please, stop trying to get yourself killed.

You: you don't need to be cool to impress us, your an awesome mom

Tiayang: Well, I guess I did alright if I raised kids like you.

Velvet is smiling at the sweet family moment. So is Quill on her other side.

Quill: Well, my work here is done.

Velvet: But you didn't really do anything?

Quill: Didn't I, rabbit girl? Didn't I?

She starts to stride away.

Velvet: (unimpressed) My name's Velvet.

Quill: Heh. I don't care.

Back with the group hug Summer rose walks in

Summer: Tia, kids you want cookies and watch a movie

All: sure!

They get up and skip with summer following 

(Weapon showcase)


We set ourselves in the Stadium and this time your host is Star Wukong 

You: welcome back to the show, and today we would like to introduce a student all the way from Vacuo please give it up for Star Wukong

She mearly puts her feet on the table and make a peace sign

Star: sup

You: now Star, your a girl who has a staff that turns into nunchucks and shotguns, is that true

Star: sure is, and I took pride building it

You: well have you ever tried this

You then pointed it at the said weapon

Star: no I don't think I have, what's it do

You: well this staff is a fire type, and when held straight will shoot a flame burst, when blown on it will shoot out fire

Star: awesome, is there also a limit to the fire

You: well yes, it's fire will stock out if used to many times, but it get refuelled when wood is on it it will turn it to ashes and those ashes will get absorbed into the fire

Star: okay, double awesome

You: now for the little friend

A bubble comes out of the ground and pops revealing an ape-like creature but its head is on fire and has runes on it knees and arms

It giggles before flipping it then stretches its hands giving a high-five and Star slaps,  but then rubs her hand feeling it to be hot

Star: hot, hot, hot, cool, but hot

It then giggles at its joke

You: meet infernape, he likes to play jokes and fight but mostly jokes

He then waves before fading away. You look at the camera

You: test time

We cut to you standing in the middle of the arena and it sets up with forest, rocky terrain and a dessert slope.  Then Knights walk up the hill, through the forest and pass the rocks. You spin the staff and ran to the ones on the sand slope.

 They started to fire at you but you held up the staff and blew causing fire to spew out melting the bullets. You then spin the the staff and a wheel of fire is made. You then grabbed it with your bare hands not reacting. You then fling it like a frisbee.

It slices through the Knights melting them through. You then dipped the staff on the sand the raised flinging sand then you blew on the flame and the Knights get sliced since sand turns to glass at high temperatures.

(The more you know)

The shards cut through the Knights with no problem. You then rush to the rocky terrain you then see the Knights rushing to you with blades out. You block one then slide to the side and swung the staff.

The sides go through the bot melting it then you through the it at another Knights hitting right in the head. You rush to the robot and grabbed the staff, pulling it out and swung to the side getting another. You then looked to the forest and hold it Infront of you as it flows. Then you open your eyes and a huge wave of fire hits the forest burning the bots and some of the trees.

As the forest burns you spin the staff sucking the fire in and the trees look completely fine  you face the screen and smile.

You: and we are finished

Then infernape faces the camera and does a raspberry before karate chop on it destroying it


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