Movie time

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A sign above a movie theater reads "NOW SHOWING" with a large question mark under it. June, Pyrrha, Ruby, you and Star are standing on the sidewalk below the sign. Behind them are three posters reading "CHIBI CHIBI", "THE MERCHIBIS", and "THAT'S MY UNCLE!".

June: I am so ready for movie night. So what are we watching?

Pyrrha: I think we should see Love More Than Likely, I heard it's a very tender love story.

Pyrrha is kneeling in the forest, smelling a yellow flower as a Beowolf slowly rises up behind her. You came in riding on Zwei, leaps in to rescue her from the Grimm with the sword and shield.

You: Watch out, fair maiden, I'm here to save you

You jump from Zwei and elegantly slice the Grimm making it whimper and run then Pyrrha hugs your side as you stand elegantly 

Pyrrha: My hero.

(Back in reality)

Star: Yuck, no way. Let's see something cool; like Try Hard 2: Try Harderer.

Sun is in a corridor, hiding behind a large container with the emblem for Vale on the sides. She is wearing a fake mustache and a bullet proof vest. Roma Torchwick is hiding behind a barrel on the opposite end of the corridor and shooting at her. When Torchwick ducks behind cover, Star aims one of her shotguns around the side and fires several shots of her own.

Also wearing a fake mustache, Neptuna is sitting in an interrogation room with Star. A Compost King board game is on the table between them. Star violently flips the game off the table, knocking her chair over in the process.

Star: I play by my own rules!

Neptuna and Star are slow-walking away from From Dust Till Dawn, accompanied by dramatic saxophone music.

Neptuna: Girl, why are we walking so slow?

Star dramatically puts on sunglasses as the store behind them explodes. Neptuna's eyes go white but he does not turn around.

Star: That's why.

(Back in reality)

Neptuna has joined the group of characters standing in front of the movie theater, as he and Star slowly nod their heads in approval.

Velvet: Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I was hoping we could catch that new animated children's musical.


Velvet stands atop a boulder amid a ray of sunlight.

Velvet: (singing) Little bunny foo foo—

Sun: NO!

(Back to reality)

Star We're not seeing a musical.

Velvet holds her hands to her face in startled dismay at Star's angry forcefulness.

Neptune: Besides, no one likes cartoons.

Velvet deflates, shoulders slumping forward.

Ruby: Huh, this is gonna be harder than we thought.

You: ooo I got it. Spy life


We then see you walking past the screen like james bond gun barrel sequence 

We then see you on a balcony of a moon filled night with Cinder in her black dress she worn to the ball party, in your hand was cider in a fancy glass

You: so you come her often

Cinder: well I like to cause a little chaos

You: well chaos is dangerous

We then see you on a wire going down to a glowing red gem with a marking of a gate

(Definitely not hinting a future chapter)

You make a small hole in the glass and take the gem replacing with another but you lick it slightly. Since it's a strawberry flavored rock candy. You place it in and lift back up.

Next scene we see you in shades as you drive in Bonds car with Cinder leaning next to you as you two drive into the sun set.

(Back to reality)

You were smiling while striking a pose while in Shades. You then take them of and seeing everyone looking away but Neptuna and Star were awe struck

You: no, no

Neopolitan walks in a dark room where dance club music playing, wearing Weiss Schnee's original outfit. She twirls and poses for Roma, then pushes a red button on the wall, turning on a spotlight and raising a pedestal from the ground beneath her.

Roma: Eh... Spoiled brat.

The pedestal immediately retracts back into the floor. Neo does a backflip, causing her outfit to change from Weiss' to Ruby's. She faces Torchwick and sticks her tongue out at her in a roleplaying taunt. Torchwick's eyes widen at first, but at the tongue she closes her eyes and shakes her head.

Roma: Eh... I'm gettin' angry just lookin' atcha.

She then spins getting in your clothes complete with glasses. She adjusted them shyly 

Roma: mmm, not as good as the real one

Neo smirks before producing a copy of Torchwick's hat and cane. She strikes a pose behind the hat, holding out the cane and does a dance move so that she lands on her knees with the rest of her clothes changing to match his outfit. Looking at up at her cohort, she ends with jazz hands. Torchwick holds up a sign reading "ALRIGHT, YEA. LOOKS BETTER ON YOU".

Night has fallen and Velvet, June, Pyrrha, Ruby, Star, you and Neptuna are still outside the movie theater still thinking.

June: Guys, I've got it! All the best movies out right now are about superheroes. I think we should see The Hunts-man Rises.


June and Zwei stand on a rooftop, wearing superhero costumes. The rabbit from Jaune's hoodie is projected on the night sky by an unseen flood light.

June: I am dark justice. I am cold vengeance.

Mercy, Emerald, you in the disguise and Cinder are at the base of the building where June is monologuing.

Cinder: How long is this gonna take?

Mercy: Ugh, she hasn't even gotten to her origin story yet. She retells it every. Single. Time.

You: at least it gives us time

The group is still standing outside the theater.

Ruby: You guys! I know exactly what we should see! It's a horror movie called Dog Rain!


Ruby is strolling down the sidewalk when copies of Zwei begin to fall from the sky, making squeaking noises when they hit the ground.

Ruby: (giggling) Aah, so many puppies!

Surrounded top, bottom, left and right by puppies, Ruby squints her eyes closed and bats her hands.

Ruby: (still batting her hands) Not my ears, stop it, ahaha, so tickly.


Ruby stops when she realizes everyone is looking at her.

June: How is that a horror movie?

Ruby: Well, she doesn't get to keep the puppies.

You: that plot sounds really familiar 

The Shopkeep comes out of the movie theater and flips the OPEN sign around to the CLOSED side before slamming the door.

June: Huh, guess we missed them all. So, same time next week?

Pyrrha: (leaving) You bet.

Velvet: (leaving) Sounds lovely!

Star: (leaving with Neptuna) I'll be here.

Ruby: (walking off in one of the few remaining directions with you) This was fun.

You: next time actually seeing the movie

Everyone laughs

(Weapons showcase)


We see you next to Neptuna sitting near the desk.

You: hello, and welcome back today we have Neptuna Vastilas.

She waves and does a finger gun to the screen.

You: now Neptuna you have a trident which turns into a blaster right

Neptuna: yeah, you got that right 

You: well have you ever tried a spear

You say pointing to the black and blue spear.

Neptuna: never tried spear shouldn't any different to trident

You: now this is lighting based, shoots lighting, wields lighting and pretty much like that

Neptuna: okay, okay getting on board now what about the little creature that comes with

You: yes.

You touch the spear and a bubble rises up. It pops revealing a cat creature has black fur blue mane and a star at the end of its tail

It looks around before shaking it's tail and meowing at Neptuna making her cue

Neptuna: aww, what a cute kitty

You: yeah, now to see how it works on the battle field 

We then see you in the arena with the following areas. Geysers, floating gravity islands and a blocky gravity area.

Knights then march in from the island, between the geysers and coming from the walls, ceilings and floors.

You spin the lance and run towards the geyser Knights. They begin to shoot at you with there mini gun arms. But you stopped and spin the lance deflecting the bullets.

Then you stabbed the lance into the ground where electricity courses through and charged geysers erupt from below the Knights drowning and electrocuting them 

You then look up to the Knights on the floating gravity dust islands. As they shoot from on top of the islands. You aim the lance and you energy builds up where surges of lightning are forming.

A bolt of lightning shoots out hitting the crystals and jumping to the next. They glow a bright purple and explode breaking the islands to pieces crushing the Knights.

You then run to the next area. You jump to the wall and run up it defying the gravity. You then you reach the floor where the Knights and jumped to them slicing them swipes. You land to the ground there bodies falling to there knees and heads falling of.

You then thrown the lance going through a two and sticking to a wall with them fidgeting before shutting down.

You look to the camera and strike a pose

You: and that's how do it.

The luxray comes up from the top, purr and electricity surges killing the camera 

(Next chapter I start to add the actual Pokemon)

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