Teachers wrath

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We open to Ozpina standing outside the edge of the Emerald Forest holding on to The Long Memory and whistling.

Ozpina: You know, sometimes I feel a little guilty sending students off on these dangerous missions. Eh, they'll be fine.

Behind him, you bounce into view, grunting, but landing on your feet dramatically and holding out a ring of keys.

Ozpina: ah y/n l/n, did you complete your quests for the Artifacts of Entry?

You: You mean these house keys?

You said showing the key's 

Ozpina: (dramatically) They are known by many names.

You: (unimpressed) and Is one of those names "house keys"?

Ozpina: (snatching them) Names aren't important. Better make a copy of these.

Ruby Rose, her cloak on fire, slowly starts to walk up to them.

Ozpina: Miss Rose, did you recover the—

Ruby holds up a finger, cutting her off.

Ruby: Just a second.

She falls onto her back and rolls side to side a little bit, putting out the fire. Immediately, she is on her feet again, energised.

Ruby: Ah, OK. Here's your Scroll (coughing) I mean the Artifact of Knowledge.

Ozpina gives her a "gimme" gesture as she speaks and Ruby tosses it to her professor. Ozpina immediately opens it.

Ozpin: You, um, you didn't look at the photo gallery, did you?

Ruby: Well, mostly I was trying to escape the forest alive. Heh-eh.

Looking through his images, Ozpina gasps.

Ruby: Why?

Ozpina: I still haven't deleted my photos from the faculty costume party, which turned out not to be a costume party at all. (angrily) Port.

You: You wanna talk about it?

Ozpin: Erase. Erase. Oh, OK, that looks pretty good.

Ozpin turns in such a way that you can see the image on the Scroll. You gasp and bend back blushing

(Ozpina costume)

Ozpina: Nice legs, Oz. You worked that look.

Ruby: No, wait, wait. Are you just sending us on quests to find stuff you misplaced and calling them Artifacts?

Ozpina: (putting the Scroll away). Ruby Rose, I am shocked. Shocked and dismayed at these baseless accusations.

Screaming, June Arc falls from the sky and lands on you when the dust clears she's okay and you had crooked glasses and swirling eyes. She then noticed Ozpina beside her

June: ow.

She looks up and gasps eagerly when she sees the headmistress, coming grandiosely to one knee still on your head.

Jaune: Professor Ozpin. I have retrieved the Spectacles of Farsight. They were in the Crevice of Comfort, just as you foretold.

Ozpina takes her glasses from June.

Ozpina: Darn those couch cushions.

Ruby: I knew it!

Ozpina: (pointing) Look! A distraction!

Ruby and June focus, but you were still knocked out to notice. Ozpina then flees not noticing that The Long Memory twirls in midair before flying itself after Ozpina.

Ruby: (self-satisfied) I copied the photos.

You groaning: June, get of

She sees and yelps before getting of

June: I'm sorry y/n

You: it's fine

A chalkboard reads "WEAPON TUNE UP DAY" with images of a hammer, a double-headed axe Crescent Rose and Professor Port. There are several whirring noises and the chalkboard falls forward to reveal a classroom. Port stands beside Ruby, who is using a drill to tighten screws on Crescent Rose.

Port: Good work, Miss Rose.

Ruby grins and Port moves on to where Yang Xiao Long is taking a blowtorch to ember Celica. When she stops and removes her protective goggles to look at him, Port speaks.

Port: I like your style.

Yang beams and Port moves on to Weiss Schnee. Weiss is wearing a mask to protect Myrtenaster from her breath as she is looming closely over it. A stand of several-sized magnifying glasses on their own extendable arms is helping her to focus as she fine tunes her weapon.

Port: Very professional!

Weiss smiles and spins her hand tool while Myrtenaster's cylinder spins. Port moves on to Penny Polendina, who is heat-lasering from her eyes to sharpen the blade on one of her suspended swords.

Port: Impressive!

Penny smiles, striking a cute pose. Port moves on to  you who's doing hand gestures on a cannon slightly damaged

 and magic circle appears below it

It flows on it and looks brand new and with a different colour (shiny Rhyperior colours)

You then hold it and aim it before dissipating it

Port: magical 

You then snap your fingers and a spark flashes 

He moves to June, who is whacking Crocea Mors with a Pumpkin Pete squeaky hammer.

June: Hmm.

June slides her sword to him, slicing the hammer and causing it to deflate a bit. She ignores it to gaze down at her weapon.

June: Oh, yeah. That's nice.

Port facepalms.

Roma Torchwick and Neopolitan enter a warehouse.

Roma: I'll admit. That evil plan didn't quite work out, but it's OK. I have many more schemes. I'm the schemiest. I am heavy with schemes!

Neo holds up a sign: "AND LIGHT ON ADJECTIVES".

Roma: I present to you...

He hits the red button and the floor opens up to reveal the large red Death Ray.

Roma: ...the Death Ray!

Neo is happy to see it and she applauds


The warehouse door opens; a smoky and smudged Roma and Neo enter, her dragging the equally ashy Death Ray.

Roma: Alright! So, it still has a few bugs to work out.

Neo's sign now reads:: "LIKE BLOWING UP?"

Roma: I have other evil inventions.

She tosses her bowler hat and a metal device with knobs and pipes falls onto her head.

Roma: Behold! (rolling her R and doing jazz hands) The Brrrrrain Scrambler!

Neo puts her hands on her cheek surprised 

Roma: and maybe it could work on dear y/n


The warehouse has the Death Ray set to the side, with Torchwick's hat atop it. The door opens and Roma steps jerkily in, the Brain Scrambler making whirring noises.

Roma: Me-me-be-me-mental note! The Brain Scrambler goes on the victim's head, not on my! My, my my!

An unimpressed Neo has already followed Torchwick in when the Brain Scrambler falls off.

Roma: What was I saying?

"IT DOESN'T MATTER" reads Neo's sign now. There's a beat before Torchwick straightens up, exclaiming.

Roma: Ah! Yes! My greatest invention.

She spins and a spot light shines on her as she comes to a stop. Holding out her arm, her left hand and wrist are covered with a metallic glove that has a red buzzer on the inside of the palm. Neo's eyes grow wide.

Roma: The Infinitude Glove is the ultimate embodiment of evil! And it comes with WiFi.

She strikes another pose, flexing the fingers inside the glove.

Torchwick: Watch out, Red! Torchwick is coming for you! And take y/n for myself

Then Neo flashes a sign "AGAIN FOR OURSELVES"

She laughs evilly while Neo fans herself, grinning.


Torchwick kicks the door open and throws the glove at the discard pile, which includes the bowler-wearing Death Ray and the Brain Scrambler. Roma herself still has on a bowler hat.

Roma: If Wifi is gonna drain the batteries that fast, then what's the point?!

She falls to her knees, despairing and then prostrating herself.

Roma: What's the po-oi-oint?!

Neo enters to see this display. She puts her hands on her hips while Torchwick kicks her legs and sobs like a toddler. An idea comes to her though, and she holds up a sign: "FROYO?"

Roma: Ooh.

In Vale, the two emerge from FRO' GO Frozen Yogurt, Torchwick in the lead and carrying pink frozen yogurt on a sugar cone.

Roma: Brain food! We'll enjoy a frozen treat, then enjoy Ruby's defeat!

As she laughs, the door shuts behind them. She leans over and sticks out her tongue, ready to lick, but the frozen treat falls splat onto the sidewalk. Neo shakes her head and takes Torchwick by the hand as they cross the street.

Roma: (sadly) Just once, I wish things would go my way.

They are just barely out of view when Ruby, eyes closed, skips down the sidewalk and slips on Torchwick's mess.

Ruby: Whoa, mama!

She falls onto her back, kicking the frozen yogurt into the air, where it falls onto her forehead.

Ruby: Oh! My back! I'm completely defeated!

Ruby lies back and groans.

We then see Roma walking looking depressed with Neo comforting her. You then walk up, stopping until seeing her.

You: hey, Roma, why so glum

Roma: well, today is not.

She then looks at Neo and sort of smiles

Roma: not OUR day

You: hmm, well I usually do double showcases at the end of the season. But I guess I could make an exception 

Roma and Neo smile warmly 

(Weapon showcase)


We now open to you sitting near a desk with  Roma and Neo by your side 

You: hello and welcome back to the show. Today we'll be doing a double showcases. Today with Roma and Neo

They wave slightly showing there handcuffs.

You: now usually I would do these at the end of a season. But well

You look at the two criminals and smile slightly

You: well why not

Roma: so what are we looking at today

You: we will be looking at a cursed item

Then lighting flashes through with dramatic music plays. Neo then holds up a sign "THAT WAS COINCIDENTAL"

You: anyway, the item is clawed gauntlet

Pointing to the bird like gauntlet

Roma: how exactly is it good

You: well it is a fusion of two weapons which will appear in the future but we'll have to wait. Now when it's being a fusion it means there are two creatures.

Two bubble rise up one on top of eachother then popped. One being a large bird like one with tree trunk legs. Talons and fiery colours

It holds out its hand and large hedgehog like one comes out of the other. With large claws and spikes

The spiked one lands in the held out hand the two smile

You: meet Blaziken and Sandslash

They give of a small growl and pose.

Roma: wait, you said this was a double showcase where's the other one

You: this is the one.

The gauntlet glows and grows larger and spiked. The end result shows the same design but there was a large yellow claw in the middle with zigzag black and streams of fire

Sandslash doesn't change but Blaziken was a lot different. He has large arms with fire streams coming out bigger legs and his feathery hair made to look like wings

He held Sandslash and did a kick pose

Roma: now that is awesome. Way better then that Infinitude Glove

You: what?

Roma: nothing. Now tell me about the cursed thing.

You: well the curse well first it get fused with me unable to get it of. Then I start growing orange red quill's after half an hour or so my body would be completely covered in them even replacing hair. Then I start to grow a beak losing the ability to speak and a large claw replaces my middle finger. That would've been in normal mode but in mega mode my eyes turn black and my arms and legs get longer and lanky.

You then see your body covered in red and yellow quill's with Roma's mouth wide open and Neo clenching her's you raise your

You: every time

We then see you standing in the middle of the arena with the original form and the Anti-curse ring where two areas show a sandy field and an iced glacier.

The Knights came through each of the respect areas. The Knights coming up from the dunes and some coming out of glacier caves. They aimed there guns and blade's.

You formed a fire ball in the clawed can and thrown it at the incoming Knights. It exploded flinging the Knights back. One tried to sword chop you but you blocked the blade with the two middle claws.

You then kicked and stabbed the two claws in the chest of the machine. You flipped him over and crushed another from behind.

You then run to the large glacier and raised your arm. The claws glow turning into a mega version. You stab it in the wall where it started to glow. The walls of the glacier started to break and explode taking the Knights with it. The Knights at the dunes area started firing there rifles. You then summoned the two Pokémon. Sandslash rolls up into a ball and Blaziken picks him up and throws him up into the air where he mega evolves.

Then gives it a strong kick to the rolled up Sandslash where it spins to the Knights on fire. The ball of fire hits the group exploding turning the patch of sand to glass some of it stabbed through some of them. The Sandslash unfurled and spun around with outstretched hands slicing the legs of the Knights. Blaziken then kicks each of the heads and strikes a pose with Sandslash landing in his hand. You walk across the scene standing next to the two partners. 

You: and that is how you do it

One knight raises up slowly but you stabbed the mega version talons into its head. Making Sandslash jump and Blaziken kicks it to the camera destroying it.

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