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Ruby, you and Yang are sitting in chairs in a Beacon Academy hallway, near a closed door. Tiayang, summer and Quill approach them.

Tia: (annoyed) What did you kids do this time?

Yang: I object! They have no witnesses! We were framed!

Ruby: (panicked) It's society's fault! I'm young and impressionable! Video games made me do it!

You: (sigh) we were being reckless and not acting our age

Ruby and and Yang gave you a glare but soften up knowing it's true. Professor Ozpina opens the door and gestures inside the room.

Tiayang: Let's just get this over with.

Quill: I'm sure it's not that bad.

Summer: I'll stay out here and get there end of the story

Ozpina is sitting behind a desk in a classroom, Tia and Quill are on the other side.

Tia: They did what?!

Ozpina: The good news is the fire is finally under control, and the cats are expected to regrow most of their fur.

Quill: Well, you gotta admire their ambition.

Tia: Don't encourage them, you know they get this from your side of the family.

Quill: Whoa whoa whoa, don't try to pin this on me. I'm out there every day busting my butt on secret missions, what do you do all day?

Tia: Oh, suddenly you care? You wanna know what I do all day?

Quill: That's what I'm asking.

Tia: I make a home for this family, that's what I do all day. And it wouldn't kill you to show a little appreciation.

Quill: I don't have to listen to your crazy. At least Summer does something. 

Tia: Oh, well, you also don't have to eat my cooking.

Quill: Oh yeah? Well your noodles are overcooked anyway.

Tia: (offended) How dare you. I want you out! Get out of my house!

In the hall, Ruby, Summer, you and Yang are listening with unhappy but unsurprised expressions. The door bursts open as Quill comes through.

Quill: Fine, I will! But I'm taking my drink mixer with me!

Proceeded by Tia marching out of the room with his arms crossed.

Tia: It's a BLENDER! Which my mother gave to ME!

Quill: (offscreen) I licked it, it's mine!

Tia: That's not a thing! Stop licking all my stuff!

Once they are gone, Ozpina comes to the door.

Ozpina: Right, well, clearly you kids have been punished enough.

Summer: I am so, so sorry for their behaviour.

You: we promise that the next time this happens they'll be under control.

You were looking through a camera aiming at Blake

Blake: hey I'm doing a book review. Or whatever. Why  am I doing this

You: because you said you wanted to do this

Blake: Right. Let's just get this over with.

She holds up a book "a man with two souls"

Blake: I recommend this book five stars. It's romantic and a bit of a tragedy.

You: so what's it about

Blake: a man who has two souls in his heart battling over the control for his body after an experiment goes bad

You: okay okay, where would you put to one to ten

Blake: I would give it a nine.

You: and what's your favourite part

Blake: I guess when the good guy won the body and got the girl

You: now for the wrap up

Blake: so yeah I give this a book five stars and recommend to read.


We then see Yang, Weiss, you and Blake are walking down the street. Ruby joins with them, excited.

Ruby: Hey guys! You know what's really fun?

Yang: Cruising on your motorcycle? Dancing at a shady club all night long? Beating down a room full of bad guys?

Weiss: I would say good manners and good posture.

You: having fun with friends and going on awesome adventures 

Blake: Silence.

Ruby: No no no, a surprise party! I think Pyrrha's birthday is coming up. Who's with me?

Everyone stops abruptly and scared

Yang: Yeeeaahhh, no.

Weiss: (smacking lips) I agree with Yang. Oh, that felt strange to say.

Ruby: Ooooh, but why not?

Blake: Ruby, don't take this the wrong way, whenever you throw a surprise party things, eh-

Weiss: You're terrible at throwing surprise parties.

Blake: Yeah.

Ruby: Wah, whatchu talkin' bout?

You: Ruby, sorry, but I still love you, you stink at it

A banner displays "HaPpY BirThDaY JUNE" in brightly colored block letters. Below it are Rin, Nora who is eating the cake and Pyrrha. June Arc enters the room and becomes excited, only for Ruby to pop out with a megaphone.


The sound waves send June flying out of the room, accompanied by an electronic feedback sound.

The banner has now been altered, with "YANG" being painted over "JUNE" in all red. Pyrrha and June are standing a table, with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Rin, and Nora standing around a Beowolf shaped cake. Yang kicks the door open.

Ruby: Surprise!

Everyone Else: Surprise!

Yang shoots the cake with Ember Celica thinking it was a real Baowolf, splattering the room with purple icing. She continues to punch the cake as Nora attempts to eat what remains of it.

We then you just opening a door while looking into a scroll and pink lights activate followed by mood music

RWBY: suprise~

You look up and go wide eyed, blushing hard. Then you faint while going swirled eyed followed by a nose bleed

A red box with gold yellow ribbon is sitting on Peter Port's desk. Said person walks up to it

Port: Huh-ho! A mysterious gift! No doubt from a secret admirer who's heard tell of my—

Port opens the box, and a spring with a sign reading "YOU'RE OLD!" pops out. He stares at it for a moment, and a large group of people pop up from behind a desk in the background to yell surprise.

Port: (clutching his chest) Hrg, my heart! Ooh...

Ruby: (on megaphone) Surprise!

Peter Port continues to clutch at his chest with both hands.

Port: Nope, shutting down.

Port collapses to the ground, one leg in the air still twitching.

Weiss: Oh my gosh! We killed Professor Port!

Neptuna Vasilias jumps into the air holding her weapon.

Neptuna: Clear!

We return to the street where Yang, Weiss, and Blake are staring at Ruby.

Ruby: I mean, he didn't die die.

You put a hand on your face and shake your head.

(Weapon showcase)


We open to you sitting near a table in the booth with Yang who has her feet propped up on the table.

You: hello, and welcome back. Today's guest on the show is Yang Xio long

Yang: sup.

You: now Yang. Your gauntlet shooter, have you ever tried a spear bludgeon

Yang: no, but looks fun

You: it's good at slicing through Grimm and can be a good hammer. We now come to the little buddy

A bubble rises out. Bursting, revealing a big boar like creature with black hair with runes on his chest, orange skin and large fire like chest hair

He beats his chest and gives a pose.

Yang: alright

He raises a fist to her and she did the same. The two then fist bump with a small flame forming in between there fists

Yang: oh, I like you already

He then bursted into flame and faded away.

You: now test time

We now see you in the middle of the arena with one area a volcanic area and a savanna area. Knights come through on older model Paladin fire proof through the volcanos. Through the grass snipers and Knights with blades come through, and go back into the grass.

You spin the lance and charged at the Paladins who fire upon you on a bridge. You dodge the bullets and when you reached the base of the Paladin.

You stabbed thorough it's leg and it's started to glow then melts making the Paladin fall on to a lava gysers exploding. 

The other Paladin fires out a few missiles. You wack one back and hits the side of the giant robot. The other few missiles you jump across and stabbed the spear right into the brain module shutting it down. The homing missiles still following looped back and you jumped back making the missiles hit the Paladin exploding the two while you land perfectly fine. 

You spin the lance and Emboar appears beside with a roar. He goes to the long grass and snorts out a flame. He rears back and fire comes out of his nose burning the grass revealing the Knights.

Emboar smashes his fists making fire to erupt below the ground destroying the Knights. The ones that survived charged firing upon you and Emboar but used his large arms to block the shots.

You charge at them and sliced ones head, the other was smashed away with the bludgeon part. You then spin the lance making a fire wheel and shot it to the last Knight who is burnt by the wheel.

You looked to the camera with a smile and Emboar gives a snort and grin.

You: and that is how it works.

He smashes his fist to the ground making the ground below the camera glow then

*Lava boom*


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