Fun and evil meeting

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Nora Valkyrie, Velvet Scarlatina, Yang Xiao Long, June Arc, Star Wukong, and Zwei are at the pool. Nora, Velvet, and Yang are relaxing in chairs while Zwei is on the life guard's station wearing sunglassed. Star is strutting on the diving board with June nearby when Penny Polendina approaches.

Penny: Hello everyone. Has anyone seen Ruby and or y/n? I was supposed to meet them here exactly 36 seconds ago.

Star: Nope, haven't seen them.

Star turns back toward the water and makes three preparatory bounces on the diving board before jumping off.

Star: Cannonball!

Jaune: Yeah!

Penny: Why is Star punishing that wooden plank?

June: What? Oh, no, we're playing cannonball.

Penny: How do you play that?

June: You just jump as high as you can off the diving board and yell "Cannonball!". Whoever makes the biggest splash wins.

Star: Wanna give it a try?

Penny: Umm, I don't really like water.

June: Come on, it'll be fun!

Penny: Fun?

The word seems to activate a program within Penny and she moves with energy to the diving board.

Penny: Increasing body mass. Plotting attack vector.

June: I uh buh... plotting what?

June and Star look up as Penny launches into the sky.

June: Oh man, maybe this wasn't the best idea.

Ruby and you walks up.

Ruby: Hey, have you seen Penny? I was supposed to meet her here. She's a real stickler for being on time.

June: Oh, uh, wha, Penny who? Hahah, who's that? I don't know that.

You: Redhead, very curious, overly trusting. You know, Penny Polendina

June: Uuuuh, promise you won't get mad?

Ruby: No...

Star: Hey, what's that?

June: Uh oh.

Ruby: June, what'd you do?

A large red targeting beam appears from the sky, marking the pool; moments later, Penny lands on top of Ruby, embedding her in the ground, you were no where to be seen and knocking over everything at the pool.

Penny: Well darn, my targeting computer seems to be misaligned.

June: (points at Ruby) Um.

Penny: Oh, cannonball!

They then hear a faint screaming which started to get louder until you land in the pool  flat on your front with small bubbles follows with gurgles and then you sunk below. A single bubble comes up

Your voice: ow

Ruby is standing next to a pond in the Beacon courtyard humming, and Quill walks up to her.

Quill: Hey there kiddo, wanna see that new monster movie? I could use a hand sneaking candy into the theater.

Ruby: (excited) I'll go get my cargo pants!

Yang is leaning up against the statue in the same courtyard, Tiayang Xiao Long jumps over the statue and lands next to her.

Tia: Hey Yang! How about a little sparring?

Yang: I was gonna ask you the same thing. You just, beat me to the punch.

Tia and Yang fistbump, and Yang throws her mother back over the statue.

Tia: Whoa-ho-ho, that's my girl!

Blake is on a bench in yet another part of the Beacon courtyard. You walk over to her

You: hey Blake you wanna go to the library. Star wanted to join if it's alright with you

Blake brings out a card throwing it to you catching it revealing two

Blake: Library card. You'll be needing it.

Blake and you started to walk out of the shot 

Weiss is standing next to a pillar and looking around excitedly. She gradually begins to lose energy and become sad, sighing.

W: Weiss!

Weiss turns and gasps happily. A chibi Winter is coming down a set of steps and Weiss rushes over.

Weiss: Winter!

Winter: A pleasure to see you, sister.

Weiss: (going for a hug) Oh, Winter, I've—

Winter: (sidestepping the hug) What have I told you about sighing in public?

Weiss: I...

Winter: And make eye contact when someone is speaking to you.

Weiss: Sorry!

Winter: And stop apologizing!

Weiss: (clasping her hands before her and bowing her head) Of course.

Winter: Now, let's review how your classes have been going. Also need you to show me your living quarters to make sure they're up to my standards. I refuse to allow my little sister to stay in any abode that is not up to code. And don't mistake my rhyming for a cheery demeanor.

Winter strides away and Weiss waits a bit before grinning.

Weiss: Oh, how I've missed her.

Winter: I'll also like you to contact Mr. L/n I want to go on his weapon showcase.

Weiss: I will see what I can do

Atop a boulder in the forest, Cinder is preaching to a group of Beowolves, while below her Emerald, Mercy, Roma and Neopolitan face toward the Grimm. Mercy, rather than paying attention, is playing on her Scroll.

Cinder: Our victory is finally at hand, my evil minions. This time my nefarious plan will succeed.

The Beowolves roar in approval.

Cinder: First, we will blah blah blah...

Cinder's voice fades out while two Beowolves in the back of the crowd turn to talk to each other.

Mike: What's she going on about this time?

Marty: Ah, the usual. Nefarious plan, blah blah blah. Destroy my enemies, yada yada yada.

The two turn and walk away to a smaller boulder atop which are a coffee pot, two pink mugs, and a package of Real Chibi Beans.

Mike: (pouring himself a mug of coffee) Every day it's the same thing with that woman. And I'm just like, "Lady, I need a day off!".

Marty: (getting his mug filled) Uh, did you hear about Larry? Got dusted by that blonde with the awful puns.

Mike: No, not Larry.

Marty: Here's to Larry.

They clink mugs and dump the coffee into the ground.

Marty: Rest in peace, homie.

Coming to attention, they press their fists to their breastbones. Something catches Mike's attention.

Mike: Oh no. Here comes Floyd.

Both Beowolves flinch as a Geist floats over.

Floyd: What is up, awesome possums?

Mike: We're not possums?

Floyd: Why aren't you at the big meetin'? (attempting a gang gesture) The nefarious plan is insane, sooooon.

Mike: Yeah. I'm sure it's a real winner.

Marty: We were just saying our farewells to Larry. So if you don't mind...

They make get-out-of-here gestures to Floyd.

Floyd: Yeah, I heard about that. Oh hey, let me pour one out for him.

He grabs Mike's mug and promptly drops it. It smashes on the ground while Marty and Mike look on, appalled.

Floyd: Oops! Flimsy hands.

Mike: (groaning) Nice.

Floyd: You should check me out when I possess a bunch of boulders. Way bigger than you dingoes. (striking a bicep pose) All about them gains!

Mike: OK, no. We're not dingoes either.

Floyd: (floating over them and taunting) Are you sure? Because you look like a couple dingoes to me.

Mike growls and wants to leap at Floyd, but Marty holds him back by his tail.

Floyd: Ho ho ho. See you at the meeting! Don't want to brag, but I'm actually a pretty big part of the nefarious plan.

He floats away. Mike stops growling and relaxes, released by Marty.

Mike: Ugh, I hate that floating idiot!

Marty: Mike, he's not worth it, man.

Mike: Yeah, OK.

Marty: Hey. What do you say we go and devour the flesh from some innocent humans?

Mike: Heh. You always know what to say to me, Marty.

Mike gets up and the two then walk of 

Mike: by the way you heard what happen to Bao.

Marty: I think she fell for that one human who has that weapons gimmick

Mike: what about Crimson.

Marty: I think the same.

(Weapon showcase)


We now open to you sitting near a table in the booth of your Amity Arena. Next to you was Winter Schnee

You: hello, and welcome back to the show. Now today we have a special guest. Please welcome Specialist Schnee

She gives a small wave and looks all around the arena.

Winter: hm. Mr's. Ironwood wasn't joking when she said that she gave you a copy of Amity Arena

You: well it is a gift. Now on to the weapon. It's hunting rifle, to load all you have to pull one of the horns. Pour a pint of water and lock back in and your loaded . It can hold up five shots each round. Although the original designs it was supposed to hold salt water but modifications were made so it can handle any water

Winter: impressive and I noticed there's a bladed edge bellow the barrel

You: correct. It can also be used as a short sword.

Winter: I've also seen a few episodes and there's always a companion with these weapons.

You: ah yes. Meet.

A bubble rises up, bursting and revealing a sea horse like creature with ear flap fins  and antlers

You: kingdra

He raises his head up in a prideful way. Winter then strokes his spines

Winter: most impressive

He turns and gives a bow before vanishing.

You: now onto the test

You now stand in the middle of the arena where the bringing areas are. A sandy beach with a pirate ship wreckage and a thunderstorm mountain.

Knights come out from behind the rocks and ship on the crows nest a knight was in a pirate get up. From the water two Paladin and Knights come out.

In the thunder storm mountains Knights with jet packs come out.

You aim the rifle and fired out two shots hitting and going through the heads of the robots. They began to open fire.

You were mearly dodging the bullets, you then rushed to the bots and sliced one through and fired out one shot going through the chest.

You slice another through and fired the remaining two at the Paladins legs. They trip down but fire out. But you go into the water swimming out.

The Paladins give chase going into the murky water. They then activate there laser detection trying to find you but you swam at one from behind and sliced it's arm of.

You then stabbed it into its back, firing. The shots going through the body, ripping it to shreds.

The other Paladin looks but only finds the pieces float down, you were nowhere. It turns around only to see for its vision to be blocked by ink. When it turns around again, Kingdra rushes to it headbutting it

Above water the pirate Knight looks down seeing Ink rising above. Then you jumped out locked and loaded. You fired a shot at the single Knight who didn't have time to react.

It was given a headshot and falls down limp, you walk to the storm mountains seeing the hovering Knights armed. One flies to you with a blade but you give a swipe and it falls in half. Kingdra rises up and blasts a jet of ink

The Knights were blinded and some were crashing into eachother while some stayed stationery.

You held up the rifle and energy builds up along with Kingdra and the two of you fired out a large blast

The Knights burn in the flame and fall down with a crash. One knight lands taking its jetpack of and readies a blade, you ready yours with a bling the two charge. 

You block the blade while the Knight holds up. You push the robot and tried to get the other side but it deflected the move.

(Black sword is you. white is the knight)

You then kicked it in head. When it look back you stabbed it through the chest and fired a single shot blowing up it's chest.

You get up sweating and slightly nervous.

You: a-and that's how you do it

You breathed out and was about to turn of the camera but a lighting strikes it


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