Bo- I mean Tomboy band

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Zwei and Ruby Rose are walking down the hallways in the Beacon Academy dormitory.

Ruby: Come on Zwei, hurry up or we'll be late for the pet party!

Ruby jumps into the air smiling with her hands held out above her head. Nora Valkyrie emerges from one of the rooms and begins to follow Ruby and Zwei.

Nora: Pet party? What's that?

Ruby: Wink.

She tilts her head to the side and averts her gaze.

Ruby: It's a yearly party where Zwei can check up (winking again) on all his pet friends. And he can get a shot (winking again while leaning toward Nora and pointing dramatically at her closed eye) of fun while he's there.

Nora: Wow!

She jumps into the air, mimicking Ruby's earlier pose.

Nora: Pet parties sound awesome! Ooh! Can I come? Can I? Pllleeeaaassseee?

Ruby grabs Nora by the fingertips and drags her slightly closer so she is standing behind Zwei.

Ruby: No, look, I can't say where I'm really taking him or Zwei will freak out and run away. And it takes forever to get him back.

Ruby grabs Nora's face and shakes her head slightly as she speaks.

Nora: Whyyyy, it's not like you're taking him to the vet.

Nora's final words echo as Zwei adopts a look of horror. One of his eyes twitches as the hallway begins to flicker and a high pitched noise is heard. The image glitches out and distorts before Zwei disappears accompanied by the sound of something breaking as he flees into the closest room, leaving a hole in the door. June can be heard from inside the room as more crashing and breaking sounds arise.

June: Zwei, wait, look out for that.

A black and white blur passes the hole in the door occasionally, as increasingly strange noises come from inside the room.

June: Oh my gosh, wait, put that down!

Police sirens and an explosion are heard.

June: Ah! This is insanity! Seriously, I couldn't even (incoherent)

Nora: So... What time should I come to the pet party?

Ruby facepalms. The sounds in the room die down, allowing June's voice to be heard again.

June: How does a dog even do these things without opposable thumbs?!

Then the door busts open as you walk through with burns and a small fire starting on the tip of your hair with a broken glass on your glasses and Zwei in one arm with a leash around his neck

You: is this yours

Nora then puts out the single fire between her fingers.

Yang Xiao Long, you and Ruby Rose are sitting around in a room with a coffee table. Yang is watching Team RWBY's fight against the giant Nevermore from "Players and Pieces" on her Scroll while Ruby is reading a comic book and you reading a book. Their mother Tiayang Xiao Long leans into the room, smiling. She steps in to reveal she is wearing a bright, multicolored shirt.

Tiayang: Eh?

She thrusts out her chest and holds her arms out to the sides, trying to draw attention to her shirt.

Tiayang: Euh?

She rests her fists on her side and stares at her daughters. She coughs when Yang rolls her eyes.

Ruby: It's a Tai-dye shirt! We get it, Mom!

She gestures dramatically as she speaks, before returning to reading her comic.

Tiayang: Hmph, you guys don't appreciate comedy.

You:(not looking from the book ) that's not comedy, that's tragedy 

She crosses her arms and turns away from them with her eyes closed.

Lie Rin, Neptuna Vasilias, and Star Wukong stand in a line, wearing shiny versions of their normal clothes and sporting frosted tips in their hair. The pink lock of Rin's hair has been partially dyed green.

Neptuna: Alright, if the girls are gonna have a band, then we should too.

As she speaks, Star and Neptuna both pose.

Star: Yeah!

Rin: Why did I agree to this?

She hangs her arms and head in shame.

Neptuna: Because you love the sacred art known as dance.

Neptuna places her hand on Ren's shoulder reassuringly.

Rin: (placing a hand on her chest) With all my heart.

Neptuna: so when does y/n  coming 

Star then goes wide eyed

Star: oh, um, he's not coming, he is starting his own band


We see you in the same suit you use to wear and your standing infront of three head silhouettes 

You: a one, a two a one two three four

You were about to play when we cut back to the previous scene

Rin: so you lied about him coming

Star: yeah

June walks up to Rin, Neptuna, and Star wearing white face paint with black diamonds around her eyes.

June: What up my juggledudes?

Star: What are you doing?

June: What, this? Oh, Neptuna said to dress up as cool as I could.

June crouches down and forms the I Love You sign from American Sign Language with both hands, presumably mistaking it for the devil horns rock gesture.

Star: Yeah? So what are you doing?

Jaune: Wha- this is totally cool. Like that classic rock band, Smooch! Or, for the younger generation; the Lunatic Jester Brigade. If you, like, terrible music. Y/n showed me this, and it looks kinda cool.

Neptuna :(whispers to Star) I think he made a big mistake 

Rin: Ugh, alright, this is getting too weird for me. I'm out.

She prepares to run away, only to be stopped by Neptuna grabbing her foot.

Neptuna: Rin! Please don't go! Everyone knows you're the best at dancing in the whole school and if you don't choreograph the best dance then we'll never win the battle of the bands and be the coolest kids in the school!

Rin: Wow... You've really got a lot riding on this, huh?

Neptuna: Look, I'll talk to her, just don't leave okay?

Neptuna picks up Rin, who stands perfectly still and looks startled, and sets her closer to Star. She walks up to June and puts her left hand on her face.

Neptuna: June, about the makeup. (suddenly concerned) Is this, uh- latex-based?

June: Yeah. Why?

Neptuna: I uh, might be allergic.

June: How badly? Can you still dance?

Neptuna's right hand swells, becoming red accompanied by the sound of a balloon inflating. She stares, mortified.

Neptuna: By nightfall I won't be able to move.

Rin: Is there anything we can do?

Neptuna's head doubles its normal size and the rest of her body turns red and swollen.

Neptuna: Remember me, as I was.

They then hear running and they look to there left and see you running at high speed still wearing the suit and holding an allergy pen. You jump over Neptuna spinning and plunged it on her cheek. With a popping noise it goes back to normal along with her hand

You: my boyfriend senses were tingling

Neptuna: (groaning) thanks y/n

(Weapons showcase)


We open to the colosseum booth where your sitting next to Martha Oobleck 

You: hello, and welcome to the show today I have Doctor Marthalemew Oobleck 

Martha: a pleasure to be here Mr. L/n

You:  now were focusing on this lance

Martha wiggles her glasses in fascination

Martha: fascinating 

You: now it will help in cave or tunnel attacks, and can break a wall with a slight tap

Martha: hmmm, now I also heard they come with creatures 

You: yes, now this one's known as rampridos

A bubble appears on the table and pops revealing a dinosaur like creature with black, blue and gray skin and red eyes

Oobleck: hmm, interesting. Looks exactly like pachycephalosaurid

You: yes. So test time

We're now seeing you in the middle of the Stadium and was set with a dust field basically dust crystals jutting out of the ground and a volcanic terrain.

A few knight come out with guns out. You stab the Lance in the ground causing a slab of stone to pop out blocking the shots.

You then tap the wall a few times and lighting dust appears on the other side you then pierced it and the wall was shot forward hitting the Knights and exploding in a surge of electricity. 

You then jumped through the smoke and stabbed one in the chest then flung it away. Then swing it to another batting them away. A knight tries to slash at you but you block getting it on the rim of the holder. You  lift it and quickly kick it in the chest and when it tries to recover you threw the lance right through the chest. Killing another just behind it. You look at the camera and smile 

You: and that's that

Then Rampridos comes from below and licks the camera and head butts it smashing in

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