Dogs medicine and Petty squabbles

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Tia is seen with Zwei. She puts a medicine capsule on her dog's tongue, but Zwei drops it.

Tia: Zwei, you gotta take your medicine, buddy.

She opens up Zwei's mouth and pops the capsule back in, but Zwei spits it out.

Tia: (grunts in frustration) Dog! This stuff is more expensive than anything I take! You chew this up or so help me...

Yang: mom, you can't just shove the pill in his mouth like a reverse-piñata, there's a method.

Tia: You mean using peanut butter?

Zwei gets excited and zooms between the two of them.

Yang: (chuckling) You're so primitive. No, let me demonstrate. (picks up Zwei) Zwei, you are a loved and valued member of this family, we need to take action so that you can live your best life.

While she makes her speech Zwei gets happier and happier. Yang places Zwei on top of a nearby table and does a bowing gesture.

Tia: Ha! You think that's gonna work on a dog?

Yang: No, it's just supposed to distract him. (takes out a walkie-talkie) Now! Take the shot!!

Zwei whimpers, the table he is on has a red X painted on it then hands clamp down on him. Ruby Rose is seen loading a medicine capsule into Crescent Rose.

Ruby: One shot, one pill.

Ruby aims and fires, the capsule travels in slow motion before landing directly into Zwei's mouth and seeing you holding Zwei down.

Yang: Direct hit! I repeat, direct hit!

Ruby: (over walkie-talkie) Did you see that?!

Tia: Woah, you girls are so sneaky. I'm impressed!

Yang: Yeah, you should see how we sneak a peek at our birthday presents early every year.

Suddenly, Yang's expression changes when she realized what she just said.

Tia: (frowning) You... what?

Yang: Uh oh, uh... (takes out walkie talkie) Secondary target! Take the shot, Ruby! Take the shot!

Tia: (livid) I can't believe you girls--

Suddenly, a capsule is shot into Tia's mouth, which causes her to choke. She falls back still white eyed and unconscious. You walk in holding a tray full of cookies.

You: hey Yang, me and Summer made cook-

you stop when seeing Tia on the floor passed out and Yang white eyed. You back away slowly not wanting to get in to this.

Winter is seen at a bookstore, she spots a book on the shelf, titled "COLD HEART/HOT LOVE". She tries to grab it, but someone else beats her to it, revealed to be Quill. Winter gasps as Quill inspects the contents of the book. She chuckles, which Winter draws her sword.

Winter: Release that book at once! You probably don't even read.

Quill: Don't worry, you can borrow it afterward. I'll underline all the "good" parts.

Winter growls and tackles Quill, creating a cloud of smoke as fighting sounds are heard. The book is tossed out of the cloud.

Later on, Winter walks up to a noodle stand being run by the Shopkeep, who is cleaning a bowl.

Winter: I demand noodles of a delicious nature and in a timely manner.

The Shopkeep grunts for a bit before hitting his noodle stand, causing a "CLOSED" sign to drop down.

Winter: This is unacceptable!

On the other side of the noodle stand, Quill is seen with a bowl in her hand next to a pile of other bowls.

Quill: It's a shame you didn't get here a little... 

pauses as she slurps from her bowl one more time, before dropping it. She slyly winks at Winter.


She chuckles while Winter growls at her. She tackles her, creating another cloud of dust as punching sounds are heard.

Later, the two of them are sitting across Ozpina in her office.

Winter: I think you'll find my report quite thorough, if disturbing. I spared no grisly detail.

Ozpina: Rampant bookstore chaos and... noodle-related mayhem?

Quill pulls a noodle out of her ear.

Quill: It got pretty wild there towards the end.

Winter notices the noodle Quill pulled out and reels back in disgust.

Quill: (sarcastically smiling) Oh I'm sorry, did you want some?

Ozpina: Shameful. Just shameful.

Winter: I couldn't agree more! I propose a leash and random electric shocks to modify his behavior.


You were sitting outside the office reading "how to please and care for love" and then sneezed from a sense.


Ozpina: I'm referring to the time and energy you two waste fighting with each other. You do realize you're on the same side?

Winter: Uh-- I suppose. Technically.

Quill: Whatever.

Ozpina: Quill!

Quill: Okay, fine. Go team! Can I leave now?

Ozpina: I want you both to shake hands and apologize.

Quill: I will if she will.

Quill holds his hands out while Winter reels back in disgust, before relenting.

Winter: Due to my professionalism and... incredible self control, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.

The two then hold their hands out to shake, but Quill pulls her hand out at the last second.

Quill: Too slow, Ice Queen! (laughs)

Winter: That does it! You're DEAD MEAT!

Winter tackles Quill, again creating a cloud of smoke as fighting sounds are heard. Ozpina watches on disdainfully.

Ozpina: You know, flirting was a lot less destructive in my day.

Quill: Stop messing with my hair!

Winter: Like you can even tell!

The smoke cloud goes away as Ozpina shakes her head, she pressed something of screen.

Ozpina: y/n can you come in to my office with a cattle prod and possibly ropes

You: hang on

You kick open the door but the cat fight continues. You then turned the cattle prod on getting a spark.

 You were on your way to the collosum for weapon showcase. Of course, that doesn't exactly go as planned when a ball of rose petals suddenly slams into you and tackles you to the ground.

You: Argh! Ruby, what are you doing?

You looks up as Ruby stands on top of you.

Ruby: Y/n, I need your help! It's Zwei. I can't find him anywhere. Professor Ozpina's not supposed to know he's here and if he finds out, she'll either make me get rid of Zwei or she'll kick me out! You've gotta help me, please!

 Ruby picks you up and starts shaking you violently.

You: Ma-ybe. Just... stop... Fee-ding..him...medicine that's- will you stop! 

 Ruby finally sets you free. You hold your head while your eyes we're going clockwise

You: maybe he wants to not get his medicine shot at him

Ruby: but it was the only way!

You: okay, when was the last time you saw him.

Ruby: The last place I saw him was back in my dorm room I think. 

 You: Then we'll start there.

They return to Team RWBY's dorm room to start their search. You checks under the lower beds while Ruby checks under the pillows and the sheets.

Next you check all the bags and the closet while Ruby checks the bathroom. Finding nothing there, they decide to move to the next likely place he'd be. They search through the courtyard, from behind the bushes, to around the school statue, and even in the super secret vault.

Finding no sign of the little Corgi there. The pair move onto the kitchen. They look through all the drawers, under the sink, and even the fridge and freezer, but still no sign of Zwei.

You: Where is that furball?

Ruby: actually I think I might know, he likes to sneak around this place.

They find themselves at in one of the laundry rooms for the students.

You: Why would Zwei be here?

Ruby: Don't ask me. I still don't get it, but I've caught him sniffing people's underwear before a few times.

Ruby says as she starts opening up the dryers.

You sighs and go to the washing machines, opening them up one by one. After looking through five machines each, the pair are almost ready to give up and move onto another part of the school. You opens up one more washing machine, and suddenly, Blake jumping out of it and clings to your head.

You: Blake?! What the Hell are you doing in there?!

Blake: quiet, or else he'll hear you!

 She looks around frantically looking if Grimm were hiding in the shadows.

Ruby: Who?

Just then, they hear some barking and look to see Zwei standing ominously at the entrance nothing but small cute shadow.

his eyes locked on Blake. Said cat Faunus screams and jumps from your head and runs as the dog gives chase.

Ruby and you watch in confusion on what to do. Suddenly, Blake lands in front of you and then jumps away; just in time for Zwei to end up tackling you into an open washing machine. The door close and it turns on and starts spinning around. Meanwhile, Blake runs out of the room with Zwei hot on her tail.

Ruby: Ahh, y/n. Don't worry, I'll get Zwei and come right back and save you. I'll be back in a few minutes minutes!

She then runs after the pair leaving you as you spun the washing machine.

You: (gurgle) Ru~~uby!"

(Weapon showcase)



You were sitting in the booth slightly soaped and shining in the sun with a scrutinized face, by your side was Yang.

You: welcome to the show, as you can see I had a bath earlier and that's that.

Yang Smells you a little.

Yang: Smells like our-

You: it's my new conditioner. Anyway let's do the sword first.

The sword comes first spinning in the middle of the desk.

You: the sword can make the user resistant to fire and if stabbed into the ground a fifteen foot radius of fire erupts around me incinerating everything.

The sword moves to one side then the chakra comes forward.

You: now these Chakra have the same effects as the sword, but when spun, they create sparks of fire on the bladed areas. Then will will throw and whip back to you.

The two weapons both come to the front of the desk.

Then a glow appears around the booth and a bipedal creature with a red body with yellow flame designs along the bottom half, has a puckered tan beak, small eyes, and two lumps on its forehead with a yellow flame on top of each one. Rigid, red scales cover its arms and it has five, clawed fingers on each hand.

There shoulders and thighs are yellow, and its red feet have two, clawed toes each. It has black, metal shackles around its neck and ankles. Down its back is a row of red spikes, and there is a flame at the tip of its tapering, yellow tail.

They flex their arms before striking a pose.

You: meet Magmar. His body is over 1,200° Celsius, he spits fire which is hotter then him and hates the cold.

He huffs proudly but frowns when you said cold. He then bursts into flames before dying out. You look to the camera and smile.

You: test time.

We now see you in the arena with three areas. One was a snowy mountainous region, with artificial snow storm. a volcanic landmine with small eruptions happening around a large towering volcano. The last area was a rocky desert with a few red sandstones sticking out.

Then squadrons of knights come out from the areas. You start of with the sword and charged to the snowy desert and sliced one knight diagonally.

You blocked some bullets then batted a knight which melted the covering and catching the circuitry making it blow. A gust of wind hits you then the sword started to flash low, you started to shiver feeling the cold.

But then multiple red screens flash in the gaps of the trees but you stab the sword in the ground and fifteen feet of snow turned to steam blocking their scanners.

They closed in trying to find you. One was dragged out then a flash of fire, then another and another. The mist clears showing only one left, it looks around seeing body parts scattered around. Then it started to glow yellow then red before exploding.

You venture to the volcanic area seeing five black painted robots with lava filled tanks strapped to their backs with tubes connected to their arms. They raise their arm and fired streams of lava at you but a large shape blocks the streams. They ceased fire showing Magmar smoking and glowing.

He raises his head and blew a twirling fire tornado.

The firenado spun to the lava blasters and sucked them in the canisters burst and started to spray lava. Magmar then protects you as it sprays on his back but he chuckles to you.

Then four more magma knights come out from behind rocks and Magmar makes his scales glow and fires out a handful of fireballs each hitting three out four magma Knights.

The one was about to fire a few blasts of it's own but a shwing is heard and it's tubes fall of and spray at its feet melding its feet to the ground. Then you sliced it half with the Chakra.


Two knights were guarding their zone but one glitches before getting smacked by the second fixing it. But then a bright orange line cuts the neck of the first making his head fall. The second looks and jumps back a little surprised before falling from the waist.

You sliced another with the Chakra and spun it to another going diagonally through the head.  It boomerangs back you catch it before back handing one that was about to sneak attack you cracking the screen.

Magmar stomps there feet glassing the sand from the extreme heat. They blew fire out which turns the sand to glass and the force flings the glassed sand at the a group of Knights melting a few and stabbing a few with the glass shards.

You threw the Chakra which started to twirl around a knight while a fire whip was forming, wrapping around the knight which melts through and falls to melted pieces.

You stood by magmar's side holding up the Chakra and the sword by your leg with glass forming in the sand.

You: and that's how you do it.

Blake is running across the sand with Zwei chasing behind with Yang following behind.

Yang: Zwei! Heil 

Blake climbs up Magmar and Zwei puts his paws on his belly.

. . .

Blake's arms start to turn red and Zwei's paws also turn red and both rocket up into the air screaming. They then started to come down and land on the camera. Before it turned off Blake was in the sand swirled eyed with Zwei on top of her, his butt facing the camera.


(So i noticed that most of the Rwby Chibi episodes were getting shorter so I'll be implementing my own shorts if nobody minds that is)

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