Hitchhiker guide to a pun

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The Beowolves, Mike and Marty, are seen standing together.

Mike: Man, Marty, I feel like an idiot. No humans are gonna fall for this.

Marty: Mike, trust me, humans will believe anything. (looking over his shoulder) Oh! Here comes some now. Quick, get in character.

Mike and Marty turn around a wave their arms in circles to ready themselves. Team RWBY pulls up to the curb and give weird stares at them. Mike wears a pair of disguise sunglasses with a fake nose and moustache and a fedora hat, while Marty wears aviators with a blue ball cap.

Marty: Hey there! I'm just a human dude.

Mike: Me too! I'm also a people.

Yang: (unconvinced) Riiight... Uh, we took a wrong turn, do you guys know where the bank is?

As she spoke you leaned forward with an eye mask on your face. You then lift it up seeing the " humans"

Mike: Sure! We can... show you the way.

Marty slumps his arms in disappointment.

Mike: (threatening) All you have to do is... let us in.

Marty frantically shakes his head. Team RWBY all give awkward smiles. Blake giggles as you shake your head with a smile.

Yang: That is a super hard pass. Nice try, "human" dudes.

They drive off leaving the disguised Grimm behind. 

Mike: I told you it wouldn't work, Marty!

Marty: Of course not! You came on too strong.

Mike: Ugh, I'm just so hungry for violence and evil!

Marty: Oh, here comes another car. Be cool this time?

The next car drives up, this time with Cinder Fall at the wheel.

Cinder: Hi there boys. Can I offer you a lift? I've got... candy? (gives an innocent wink)

Marty: Uh... (whispers to Mike) Hey, isn't that...?

Mike: (whispers) Shh! Don't ruin this for us, she's got candy! (normally) We'd love a ride!

Later on, all three of them are together in the car.

Cinder: (laughs evilly) My nefarious scheme is going exactly as planned and soon or later y/n will be mine!

Marty: What a coincidence, so is our plan.

Mike and Marty pretend to laugh evilly, though Cinder gets suspicious.

Cinder: Wait a minute... (slaps off their disguises.) Mangy dingoes! How do I keep running into such losers?!

Cinder tosses them both out of the car and quickly drives away. Mike and Marty cough from the smoke. Mike notices someone next to them.

Mike: Ahem...

Marty looks over to where he's looking at, and the camera pans out to show June and  Rin. The Beowolves quickly put their disguises back on.

Marty: So you guys want to share a taxi car?

June: That sounds reasonable!

Rin: No!!

Yang and Tia are seen together in Team RWBY's dorm room, with Blake studying on her bed and Weiss Schnee at her desk also studying.

Yang: Come on, Weiss! I need to pick up my new coat from the tailor.

Tia: Or... sew it seams.

The father and daughter snicker at the joke.

Tia: Y'know, come to think of it, I actually do need some new boots.

Yang: Yeah, one of those isn't... "right!"

Said while pointing to the right of Tia's boot.

The mother and daughter let out a laugh, Blake and Weiss glance at them disapprovingly.

Tia: Oh, that was good.

Weiss grunts in annoyance before standing up and pointing at them

Weiss:  That... that wasn't even... "punny!"

Tia: Hm, she does have a... "point!" 

Said when pointing at Weiss' fingertip)

The two of them burst into laughter again while Weiss sits back down ashamed.

Blake: (grunts in annoyance) Okay! That's all I can take now.

Blake leaps off of her bed and exits the room, slamming the door.

Yang: Huh, I guess she just wasn't... "feline" it?

Weiss drops her head on her desk, her expression becoming aggravated.

Taiyang: Oh, you've gotta be "kitten" me! That was purrfect!

Yang: Litter-ally!

The father and mother duo once again burst into laughter. Suddenly, everything freezes as the room goes dark and a single spotlight is shown between Yang and Tia. Ruby Rose and you step into the spotlight. She begins to address the audience.

Ruby: Hello, everyone. We have a lot of fun here on RWBY Chibi, but one thing's for certain, and that's that puns are no laughing matter. If you or someone you care about is known to use puns, please seek professional help. It's never too late to change.

While she talked you patted Yang's shoulder while shaking your head disapprovingly.

While Ruby takes advantage of her frozen surroundings, places Yang's pointed finger and sticks it up her sister's nose.

Ruby: Heh.

You look to her and shake your head disapprovingly making her put her finger to her lip making innocent  eyes.

We now go to the car as Yang was getting it started. You then enter the passenger side and look to Yang.

Yang: ready for the drive in movie theatre.

You: sure thing.

You get a bag from below and take out various items.

You: I got snacks, drinks and liens just in case and got you this. 

You get out a small box and opened to be a pair of earrings revealing to be eastern dragons

Yang: awww, you shouldn't have.

You: only for the best for my girls.

You put the small boxes away as Yang gets a small bag out from below her.

Yang: and of course only for the best for our boyfriend.

She gives you the gift bag and look inside then your whole face turns red. You look to her as she wiggles her brows. You put the bag away

You: right let's go to the theatre

Yang: right away

She turns the key but wouldn't turn the engine she did it a couple more times making her more and more angrier, the fifth time made her eyes turn red and hair to start radiating.

Yang: dang it the engine is stalled.

We now see Yang looking into the engine and your onto the side.

Yang: dead battery and just that.

You slump a little, but then peaked up when getting an idea.

You: Yang stand back for a second

We follow Yang as she goes to the back of the car. We then hear a shwing then sparks of light are seen and heard, then a yelp getting Yang more and more nervous. Then the rumble of the engine. You come in to the frame twirling a shock stick while your hair was frizzled and smoke on your cheeks.

You: now to the drive through theatre.

Yang watches as you got into the passenger seat a little surprised, "shocked even" (that's how you do a pun) by the display of what you did. She re-enters the drivers sides starts it up purring like a cat. She looks to you with a small blush.

Yang: I've never been more attracted to then before.

You give her a inncount smile as drives foreward to the movies.

(Weapon showcase)


We open to you sitting in the booth with a yellow kiss mark on your cheek as you had a loose collar and durpy smile. By your side was Blake who looks to you while darting her eyes back and forth not sure what to do.

You: welcome to the show, as you can see, I'm unprepared in looks but I am prepared for the showcase.

The weapon floats foreward and spins.

You: the weapon is as you can see is a bow and you're probably wondering where the string is. Well

You put a hooked finger to where the string should be and a semi translucent string appears.

You: the arrows are whole different thing.

An arrow appears in the bow, it was white with multiple colours glowing of it. It then disappeared

You: the weapon has a strong connection to part of the brain that has psychic waves. 

A purple outline appears the loops around your head which goes to the bow

You: the stronger the psychic link the more powerful the user is.

The bow then moves to the side and a white orb rise

And out came a creature with rounded cell-like body, has visible limbs and ears, light green body mass surrounded by a translucent, green gelatinous membrane, a large round ovular head with a crease running down the center to the tip of its mouth. Its eyes are ovular and black, and its mouth is triangular-shaped and red with a visible pink tongue.

The internal body mass is relatively small with short stubby paws and feet. Despite this, it has four round particles of matter floating next to its paws. On the outside, these particles form long arms and hands with three finger-like digits on each. The gel-like membrane forms a rounded tail-like appendage at the base of Reuniclus' body mass.

You: this is Reuniclus the partner

It floats left and right. Floats over to Blake and inspected her, more on her cat ears. He directed his hand and start pet her ears she looks up at it then started to Purr at the contact. But then disappeared but Blake doesn't notice green mucus on her head.

You: now on you the arena

We now see you standing in the arena with two areas forming. A green forest and rocky area with a cave sticking entrance and near the end of the platform was the exit. Knight come out from under the trees and out of the trees.

Glowing visors appear from the cave entrance before disappearing.

You rush to the forest before slowing down and looking around for 250's, you reel the the psychic string back getting an arrow to form. You hear a whirling and look up to see a knight coming down on you. 

You jump forward just as the knight lands on its feet electrical baton out. You then aim the bow and released the arrow. The arrow pierces through the Knights head the arrow then faded from existence. 

Then multiple knight appeared in front of you. You reel back and fired and arrow which then started to spin. You then put two fingers to your head and the arrows multiplied and hit three knights four dodged out of the way, but then the arrows looped around and struck them in the back.

You then look to the sides to two Knight ready to fire there rifles. You point the bow down and the arms stretch out and hit the two Knight caving there heads in.

You then look to see three Knights coming to you. You pull back and fire an arrow, but this one was black and purple lightning coursing through it. Once it hits the leading knight, itt exploded taking the other two.

(Forest area cleared)

You then make your way to the cave and look inside. You twitch the bow and an orb floats revealing Reuniclus. His ears then glow flooding the cave in light.

You walk forward with partner just behind, looking around for any sign of Knights. Unbeknownst to the two of you  a knight came out from a fake rock. Reuniclus' ears then twitched. With swift movement he turns around and fires out electricity from there body.

The electricity hits the knight frying there circuitry with the flashes happening you look to see dozen knights crawling or coming out of the walls. When the electricity ceases everything goes dark.

Then the sound of string being strung, blasts with the flash of light, swiping sounds and explosions followed by a bright white light. Outside yellow flashes appear from the cave as clanging sounds are heard. Three knights run out of the cave of which began shooting behind them. An arrow shoots out and hit one knight in the chest and his gaps glow with light and explode. Then Reuniclus fly's out puts it's two hands together and charges up a black ball then fires it

The ball hits the knight completely destroying it. Then an explosion erupts from the cave. The two of you look to see a Paladin stomping out and raising an arm and fires out bullets, you take cover behind a rock while Reuniclus raised there hands forming a bubble around themselves. Protecting from the bullets.

You then raise up and fired a few arrows which hit the swiveling camera eye, leg and right arm. Then lightning course through the three arrows and connected to one another before erupting in an electrical discharge. Reuniclus then fires a shadow in-between the lines which erupted in large explosion. Both you and Reuniclus look out from the rock seeing only legs left standing on the field.

You then look to the camera and breathed out.

You: and that's how you do it.

Reuniclus puts up the peace sign with his hand and smiles. Then a falling sound is heard and crashes into the camera revealing to be an arm from the Paladin.

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