Girl socks

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Mercy Black is seen sitting on a chair with a sockpuppet of y/n on her right hand.

Mercy: (puppet voice) Mercury, have I ever told you you're my favorite Huntress? (normal voice) Do you really mean that, y/n puppet? (puppet voice) Why do I even bother to keep the other bimbos? You're soooo much better than Emerald or cinder and...the red one (normal voice) I know! Emerald's all, "Ooh, I don't know if I'm really evil or just evil-curious, and I don't have any metal appendages at all!"

Unbeknownst to her, Emerald Sustrai stands next to Mercy giving a look of disapproval.

Mercury: (puppet voice) And don't get me started on Roma! (normal voice) Torchwick's a joke. "Ooh la la, I have a fancy hat and I get beat up by little girls."

In a similar fashion to Emerald, Roma, accompanied by Neopolitan, walks up next to her and angrily huffs at Mercy, but Neo calms her down.

Mercy: And Neo? I still can't decide if she's really cute or really creepy. (whispering) Spoiler: I'm leaning towards creepy.

Overhearing Mercy's remark, Neo angrily pulls out a sign saying, "SHE'S DEAD." Cinder herself then walks up next to her and joins them to listen to Mercy, who is still unaware that her cohorts are next to her.

Mercury: (normal voice) and Cinder is all scary and on fire, but is really all girly inside!

At this, Cinder angrily seethes and snorts a little while Mercy does a girly laugh.

Mercy: (puppet voice) oh Mercy, you make me feel like a little boy when meeting there heroes.

And lastly you walk in (with disguise on) hearing what she's saying a little uncomfortable.

Mercy: I know how you feel, y/n puppet. (puppet voice) Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes, I just want us to run away and start a little family together! (normal voice) y/n puppet, I've always known.

Mercy makes a kissy face at the y/n sockpuppet.

You: um, Mercy!

Mercy nervously looks over her shoulder as her boss glares at her, before she uses her powers to set the sockpuppet of you on fire, which disintegrates into ashes.

Mercy: (gasps) y/n puppet!! NOOOOOO!!!

Cinder: If I ever catch you doing something that disturbing again, I will barbecue your creepy butt!

Cinder angrily stomps away while the rest her underlings walk around behind Mercy.

Emerald: The real tragedy is... that's probably the best boyfriend she's ever had.

Roma: Eh, now I almost feel sorry for her...

Neo pulls out a sign saying, "I DON'T", before using it to smack Mercy in the face. As Mercy watches her cohorts walk away. You walk up behind her and pat her head.

You: well it may have been creepy...but it was adorable.

You kiss her cheek before leaving making her watch you a little confused.

She secretly pulls out a second y/n sockpuppet.

Mercy: (puppet voice) Where's my twin brother?

Mercy makes a comically sad expression and hugs the sock puppet.

Team RWBY is in their dorm room all getting ready: Ruby is using an eyelash curler, Weiss puts on lipstick, Blake applies some blush on her face, and Yang brushes her hair. June and Rin pop up behind them.

June: Ooh, why is everyone so fancy?

Weiss: We're all going out dancing.

Yang: We got VIP passes to a hot new nightclub, even Blake is excited!

Blake: (deadpan) I'm ecstatic.

June: That sounds fun! I've got some new moves I've been wanting to try out. (does some of his "dance moves")

Ruby: Uh, the thing is... uh...

Blake: You can't go.

June: (worried) Was it my moves? Are they too fresh?

Yang: Sorry guys, this is a team' night out. No outside team members allowed.

Ren: Fine with me.

June: what about Y/n?

They look to see you examining your face in a mirror before you looked to the others.

Yang: he's... technically part of the team.

You: proud to be a member.

June: (saddened) Yeah... it's cool... (suddenly turns happy) Because Rin and I have a super fun night planned anyway!

Rin: We do? I have no memory of this!

June: (slaps her knee) Oh! She's such a getter. C'mon, Rin, let's go raise the roof! (does a "raise the roof" gesture while saying this)

Rin: Why? Is there something wrong with it?

June: I-- (sighs) Let's just go. (hangs his head)

June and Rin walk out of Team RWBY's dorm room. While you look on a little sorry.

Blake: Well that was just sad.

Yang: Don't worry about them, worry about this town, because we're about to set it on fire!

Ruby: Girls' night!!


In Team JNPR dorm room, June shows Rin a picture book of her personal memories, though Rin seems disinterested.

June: And this is me at two years old. I got stung by a bee! (chuckles) That's why my face looks like that.

Rin: Is this the "super fun" part of the night or...?

June: Oh! You're right! Let me get the spinach dip! I've got two kinds!

June walks away while Ren sighs as she closes the picture book.

Ren: Maybe team's night would've been more fun...

Speaking of which, the girls of Team RWBY all watch a building set ablaze. Blake is curled up into a fetal position, Weiss has a shocked look on her face, while Ruby and Yang display proud expressions.

Ruby: Yeah, girls' night!

Sirens can be heard in the background as you run in the background on fire while screaming.

We now set ourselves with Yang and Ruby walking through their house in Patch while you slumped behind with various burns all over you. You then stop and rubbed of some soot from your face while the two girls sat themselves down near a table.

You: I get we were having fun but did you really have to literally burn the town.

Ruby: oh sweet, simple boyfriend, when we say we'll light this town up we mean LIGHT this town up.

Yang: exactly.

They then hear a knock from the door.

Yang: who could that be.

Yang walks over and opens the door to unexpected sight.

Raven: Yang how-

Yang interrupted her by slamming the door on her face.

You: who was it Yang.

Yang: just a nobody.

She sits herself down with a glare but then hear a bang from the window. You walk over and opened the window to see nothing before Raven jumps up from below.

Raven: hey.

You jump back, startled by her sudden appearance. Yang rushes over and punches her away. Followed by a scream. Yang picks you up, wipes your hair straight. She then closed the window and huffs.

Ruby: Was that Raven?

Yang: no.

They then hear a bang from the vents and look up to see dust coming down. (Dust dust not exploding fire/ice dust)

Yang growls and walks over to the thermostat and turns it up with an unhappy look. Then there was banging, scream and smoke coming out.


Outside we see Tia, Quill and Summer outside an open air duct.

Summer: do you think this was a good idea.

They hear a scream getting louder until Raven jumps out, her butt on fire. She runs of screen before an icy noise and hissing sound is heard. She sighs in contempt as she used her maiden powers to cool herself down. Quill looks to there leader.

Quill: does that answer your question.

(Weapon showcase)




We open to you sitting in the Stadium booth with June as your co-host. Infront were today's choices. A bladed staff, a rapier with sheath. and rapier with shield.

You: hello and welcome to the show now today is a three in one viewing

June: does that mean three forms.

You: actually it's two Separate forms and an evolution one form is the staff the other a rapier that gets an extra bonus.

The staff comes forward and spins on the spot.

You: though it may look like a leek it has very sharp edges on its leaves though not sharp enough to cut stone it's sharp enough to cut metal. Now onto the little friend.

A bubble rises and pops to show a duck like creature with a uni brow and leek in wing

It marches across the table, thrusting the leek up and down like a parade leader.

June: why does it look like it's ready to go in the oven.

You: The leek is actually it's weapon and happens to be very smart and very protective of it's leek to the point where it would risk it's life to keep it safe. Now there's also another known as a Galarian variant

Another bubble rises and a similar looking creature comes out but darker feathers and drags a larger leek

It puffs out it's chest proudly and the other bird looks to the Leek and huffs and glares jealously at the other.

You: these two are known as Farfetch'd two birds of the same species but different life styles. One is like traveller the other a noble brutish knight.

While you talked the original Farfetch'd compares its leek to the others even putting it next to it which the Galarian noticed and gives it a side glance.

You: now there's also sirfetch'd, the evolved form of the Galarian form and he's... well

A bubble rises above June and out came marching a Farfetch'd but stood upright, chest out, had white feathers and it's large leek was like a sword and held a leafy shield in the other hand.

The other two looked and both had a gleam in there eyes when seeing the elegant leek.

June: is that a sword.

You: correct

The three strike their leeks together like the musketeers before fading away.

You: now test time.

We now see you in the colosseum with two areas. A forest area and a grassy wetlands. You walk to the wetlands first with the first form. You move the reeds slightly with the leek.

(It rhymes)

You then see bubbles at the center of the lake and two knights jumped out with weeds. They landed and one had weed covering its head. The first wipes the second's head away of the weeds.

You spin the leek slapping the first Knight in the head and used the bladed half cut the second by the shoulder. The first one gets up from the water but was cut short when Farfetch'd hits it on top of it's head with it's leek it lifts it's leek up and stands triumphant but the Knight lifts a hand to it but you sliced it off.

The Farfetch'd looks up before squawking happily with a thumbs up. Then two knights snuck up behind you two but one was launched away by a massive leek club, the other noticed before getting headbutted by the G.Farfetche'd. You noticed him as he rose up and smirks while doing a slight nod.

You smirked before flipping the weapon up into the air which shifts into the rapier form. You grabbed the handle and sliced a Knights head from neck.  You stabbed another through the waist and swiped up cleaving it in two by the waist.

G.Farfetche'd clubbed one and swipes another by the legs knocking them down he then raised it and smashed the head in.

(Zone completed)

You make your way to the next zone passing through the long grass. Behind you a knight rises and points there rifle at you and fired. But the shots were blocked by the shield in the evolved form. You then rushed forward, shield still raised blocking the shots then you swiped making a deep scar on the chest to the waist.

Then a circle of Knights rise from the grass and aim their weapons at you. But then a leek rises up and circles like a shark. One knight falls down then another. Then Sirfetch'd jumps up and impales one knight then takes another while blocking another with their shield. He jumps to another Knight and impales its head with their sword leek.

You block one attack from a Knight with a blade attachment. You pushed them back with your own sword and sliced their silicon stomach. Disconnecting their chest to their waist. Then three Knights jumped above you, but one was bashed away by the shield the other was impaled by the blade.

Then a Knight comes forward but was bigger and had a sword and shield as well. You charge forward but was blocked by the shield. It raises its own sword but blocked it with your own shield. You twist around and strike it's leg with the sword but only caused a small dent.

You look up as the Knight looks down at you. It then swipes you away with it's shield flinging you to a patch of grass. It stomps over to you but Sirfetch'd jumps on its back and impales their sword leek into its shoulder.

The Sirfetch'd gets the sword out but the Knight grabs them by the neck and threw them to the side. You came out and swiped your sword but was blocked by the Knights sword. You then tried to strike the other side but was blocked by the shield.

It raised its own sword but ducked and hit the chin of the Knight with the shield making it stumble back.

You charged forward and jumped up dropping the shield and holding the sword with both hands. You cleaved it into the Knights Head making it spark as it reaches up and holds the blade but then kneels down as Farfetch'd jammed its leek in between the leg joints.

You take the sword out of the head and stabbed it into the ground and look to the camera while Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd comes by your sides abd stab their leeks into the ground.

You: and that's how you do it.

Farfetch'd sqwakes in excitement accidentally raising and flinging his leek out of the ground and into the air. You look up, while the Farfetch'd noticed what's it's done and panics. Then the leek comes down and hits the camera.


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