Chap 12 interrogate and fight

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We were with penny who was showing her hands to us which were metal

You: Your an automaton

Ruby: penny, I-I don't understand

Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura.

She turns away sadly

Penny: I'm not real

Ruby then takes her hand

Ruby: Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?

Penny: I don't... um....

She leans in close to our face

Penny: you're... taking this extraordinarily well.

You: You're not like those things we saw back there. 

I put my hand on her chest which made her blush

you: You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it.

Penny: ooooh... oh y/n

She grabbed me, gives me a bear hug and shakes me around back and forth

Penny: you're the best boyfriend anyone could have

You: wait what!?

Penny: Oh yes, I was thinking of calling you that, boyfriend y/n

Mean while Ruby was standing on the side with a jealous look

Ruby: I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower

Penny eventually let's go

Penny: Oh, he's very sweet! My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!

Ruby: wow, he built you by himself?

Penny: well, almost! He had some help from Mrs. Ironwood

Ruby: the General?! Wait... is that why those soldiers were after you

Penny: they like to protect me, too

You: they Don't think you can take care of yourself 

Penny: They're not sure if I'm ready yet... One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament.

Ruby: Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!

She then looked at us puzzled 

Penny: that's not what Mrs. Ironwood said...

But she was cut of when we heard the soldiers

Soldier 1: check down hee!

Penny grabs Ruby by the shoulder 

Penny: you have to hide!

Then lifts her up and above her head effortlessly. Ruby struggles and screams as she is carried towards the dumpster

Ruby: Penny, wait! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!

Then Penny throws Ruby in the trash and lifts the lid so she can talk

Penny: it's okay, Ruby. They're not bad people; I just don't want to get you in trouble. Just promise me both of you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?

She gravely stares at Ruby

Ruby: I promise

Ruby lowers her head into the garbage as the lid is put down she then goes to me but I stop her

You: don't worry, I have another way

I look at my hand and summoned a glove with green and yellow veins, a red zig-zag on the wrist, two fingers which are covered and a red gem stone

I touch the brick wall and my arm is turned into the brick wall

You: don't worry, I'll be safe

Before I can go Penny puts her hand in my hand

Penny: I have to say something

You: well make it fast

Penny: I talked with my father about this feeling, he calls it love, is this the emotion when I'm around you

You: i guess 

Penny: sensational

She then did the unexpected she kissed me on the cheek then ran to the middle of the ally, what I didn't know Ruby look through the crack of the dumpster and had a look of jealousy, I got out of my stupor in time to vanish and to see the soldiers to come in

Soldiers 1: there she is

Penny: Sal-u-tations, officers!

Soldier 1: Why were you running? And what happened to the other kids, the girl and the boy

Penny: What girl and boy? I've been by myself all day! *hiccup*

Soldier 1: You shouldn't cause such a scene.

Soldier 2: Are you okay?

Then Penny shows her "injured" palms 

Penny: just a scratch

Soldier 1: Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this.

Soldier 2: Please, just come with us.

Penny: Yes, sir!

they then turn and walk but one of the soldiers looks back right at me

Soldier 1: you okay?

Soldier 2: thaught I saw something

Soldier 1: what exactly?

Soldier 2: thought I saw- never mind just the helmet

No one's point of view

They past the corner and walk away, Ruby lifts up the lid and looks on in sadness... until a rat screeches from below her feet, causing the young huntress to fall and close the lid on herself

You: Ruby-

But you stop on the spot, hunch and go cross eyed as your mind goes to another clone to see what happens with yang

You go through a colourful tunnel

Andat the end a bright light came and I ended up on Bumblebee, Yang's bike, we were riding until we stopped at this place, she got of the bike and takesof her helmet noticing me

Yang: oh, you're finally wake, you looked kinda brain dead when your cloned

You: I think that's the effect 

I get of the bike and so did neptuna but dizzy

Yang: come on, my friends right in here

Pointing to building with music

Neptuna: cool

She shakes her head and fixes her hair. She then looks around worrying

Neptuna: and where exactly is... here?

The music from Junior's Club gets louder once inside to show a big man behind the bar adjusting his cuffs as his Henchmen stock the bottles, carry boxes, and otherwise stand around on the dance floor, until...

A henchmen came in running and shouting

Henchmen: she's coming! 

The henchmen proceed to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with their bodies 

Then a big man in a suit with a beard 

He comes out from behind the bar

J: What are you two idiots doing?!

The Henchmen shout incoherently until an explosion knocks them to the ground and forces the doors open, allowing a familiar face to walk in through the smoke as "I Burn" starts playing. Then we got in and Yang with a head full of pride

Yang: guess who's back!

Yang continues to smile and pose as eight guns are pointed in her face with an equal number of angry Henchmen behind them. Though this doesn't faze her, she stops and glares at the recording studio where the track is messing up until the frightened bear-headed DJ takes the needle off the record and retreats back under the table., I come out from behind her and look at her with a "really" look

You: defy friends

Then the big guy came from behind 

J: stop, stop! Nobody shoot.

He cuts his way through the angry goons, straightening his tie.

J: blonde, you're here!.... why?

Yang: You still owe me a drink.

She goes to him and drags him by the arm to the bar

You: I'm getting a weird ex-boyfriend situation

I then look to my right to see twins one wearing a white, a white flower pin and light blue fethers. And the other wearing a red dress with black fethers and red claws

You: hey

M.M in unison: hey~

They walk away with a wave and giggle, while I was alone I had a thought

You: I wonder

I think hard until my brain splits in two personas 

Now I can be in two places at once

Somewhere else Blake, Star and right now placed brain me were walking through an ally, we then see two faunus's being guided down an ally by a white fang soldier

Blake: this is it

Star: you sure

As Blake glares at her and starts moving towards the entrance while unfastening her bow

Blake: Y'know, I'm just gonna take your word for it.

She turns and was about to go when Star stops her

Star: wait!

She turns around

Star: what about y/n

She looks at me seeing I'm normal

You: don't worry 

I then glow a little, the two faunus's had to cover there eyes , when the glow disapated they see me with antlers

I had a pink blush on my face. The two girls had wide eyes and gaping mouths

You: I-I also put this to sell it

I turn around and lift my shirt to show a small deer tail

It wiggled a little, and the two girls had a nose bleed from how cute it was

You: are you okay

Blake: um, ah, y-yes, here put this on

She gives me a gray half mask of grimm

We then follow the guy and Star who's holding the mask

Star: I don't get it. If you believe what your doing is right, why hide who you are

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

Star: grimm masks... that's dark

Blake: so was the man who started, if only she stopped him

She puts her mask on, and so did I. That last line confused me, who was this "ma " probably her old boss and she, maybe her friend

Star: always sunshines and rainbows with you

Star also putting on the mask. We go in to see a huge crowd of faunus, one side being soldiers the other new recruits 

Then a large woman wearing a white fang skirt, big muscles one side with a tattoo, her hair tied in a pony tail and her whole face coverd by a mask

( I couldn't find a photo of the female lieutenant, so you'll have to find it yourself)

W.F Lieutenant: Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, she is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!

Then roma came in her uniform and on her hat was my gift, the second she came up the crowd started protesting as roma waves mockingly

Roma: thank you, thank you

As she speaks I noticed this girl, short, shorter then Ruby, wearing high heel boots, coat with no bottom, four strands of necklaces two colours on her hair, one side pink the other brown and even her eyes are the same as her hair 

She then stands behind the sheets

Roma: please hold your applause 

The faunus next to us who's a soldier which has antlers, points at roma

Antler faunus: What's a human doing here?!

When she said that a drip of sweat came down my head

Roma: I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst.

She does a little salute as an example 

Roma: Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!

Star leans in to speak with us

Star: so, is she going somewhere with this?

Roma: But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!

As she talks the crowd change there tune and start agreeing with her

Roma: Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! 

The crowd cheers as me blake and star share a look.

Roma: And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room.

With a snap of her fingers the curtain dropped the mass faunus army applaud at it while we had wide eyes under our masks, the Atlesian Paladin-290, with a white Fang symbol painted on its shoulder

Your mind: those thing weren't saposed to be released, how did she get her hands on it

Star: whoa, that's a big robot...

Blake: how did she get that?

Roma: As some of you may have heard, this right here...

She taps the giant mech

Roma:.. is Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?

The entire hall roared in applause 

Blake: we should get out of here

Then the lieutenant came up to the stage

W.F Lieutenant: will all recruits, please come forward

Then the entire line that we were on starts moving forward with the three of us being pushed forward

You: oh, boy

I hope my other self is having it ease

We now go back to Junior's Club. The Man himself puts down a drink as sits behind a bar

Junior: I don't know

Yang: how can you not know

Junior: I haven't talked to her! I haven't even seen her since the night You first came in here.

Leans over to point at Yang's face.

Junior: she paid up front, I lent her my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back

Then I walk up

You: so you don't even know where they've gone to, don't even know what she was going to use them for

After a long pause

Junior: no, they never came back! Who is this guy

Yang: he happens to be my boyfriend 

He, looks at me and Yang then strifled a laugh and looks at her trying to hold back laughing 

Junior: you and him. I know your type, this guy is not anywhere near that, I mean come on glasses 

Yang growls a little, she then puts a hand around my shoulders then hugs my side

Yang: I'll have you know I'm happy with my pick. Now if I don't find out what I want!

Junior: I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess she wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to! 

He turns and shouts at his men, who grumble and walk away in response 

Yang: come on

We then turn and leave

Neptuna: we get everything we need?

Yang: well, we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck.

We were being forced down a line of cheering faunus to the stage

Star: what are we going to do?!

Blake: I'm thinking

I look up to the stage to see roma talking with the girl, she sees my gaze then goes wide eyed, mouth gaping that her cigar falls, I smile awkwardly and an awkward wave that she knows who I am even with the ears and mask

You: she sees us

Blake looks at me puzzled then noticed the junction box on the wall

Blake: she can't see us in the dark.

She quickly unsheathes gambol shrouds, and shoots at the box, and everything went black

Roma: don't let them get away!

You: quick the window

Roma: stop them!

We jump out the window and start running on the roof, roma comes through the wall in the mechanical suit and presuit's us both, Star jumps runs, jumps and flips from rooftop to rooftop 

Star: so you wouldn't happen to have... oh I don't know.. some form of backup

Blake: on it!

Then we switch scenes to the teammates getting done with there missions as there scrolls calls

Blake: everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-


With Ruby and my dead eyed clone were by the dumpster listening to the call

Star: big robot! And its big! Really big!

Ruby: oh, I'm not missing this, but what about you!

then when it ended, he evaporated

She got a little freaked out but knew that was normal so she rushes of to join the fight

Next was Yang who gets back on the motorcycle her helmet and sunglasses on, neptuna getting on and you too

Star: that torchwick woman is in i! But not, like, it didn't eat her; she's, like, controlling it or something!

You: star I think theyget the the pojnt!

Yang: where are you guys?

Then we past the two girls and clone with the robot following behind


Neptuna: I think that was them

Yang: yeah I got it

You colone: alright seea

The clone evaporated like Ruby's one, Yang starts her motorcycle much to neptuna's alarm and driving of following us

We then got on the highway jumping over and on cars while roma rammed and flipped over the cars with her suit. Then neptuna and Yang came in on the bike following the mech suit, coming up next to it

Yang we've gotta slow it down!

Neptuna: got it!

Neptuna reaches for her gun, but I think Roma noticed and crashes into a multitude of cars with the paladins strong bulk, sending them to her chasers

Yang: hold on!

Yang swerves, leaning her bike to the side in avoidance of flying debris while Neptuna flairs in panic. Back on two wheels again, Neptuna unlined her weapon, aim as sparks start flying, and fire several bolts of blue lightning at the paladin.

I look at the fight on the move and look at blake

You: gotta help them, be safe

She nods and I jump of the car summoning white boots which deploy circular wheels

I back up right dodging a couple carsand end up right next to Yang's bike with said person still driving and neptuna firing her gun, they both notice me and gasp in suprise

You: what? Never seen a guy on wheels, neptuna can your weapon change form

She nods still surprised at my appearance

You: good, see if you can jump on it

She nods with a determined face. She flips her gun growing into a shaft and an energy blade, then jumps of and it splits open into three points turning into a trident. Then she drives the heads of the spear on top of the rampaging robot suit. Star and blake stop there hopping and look back

Star: neptuna, hang on!

But the ocean blue haired girl trying her best, but the mech thrashes around, bucking and threatened to  and her fall. Then Star closes her eyes then smashed her palms together, and form golden Aura around her and take the shape of her, leaping off and going back over the tops of vehicles to collide into the Paladin's front. 

They explode into blinding light upon contact to let Star take an opening and leap at the robot with her weapon, but roma finally turns and sends neptuna at star causing them both of the highway

I then summoned gauntlets all black except for the inside middle

I jump  on the bottom activating the gauntlets, getting me to stick to the bot, I started to climb the suit, roma noticed me and tried to shake me of. But I stuck on and continued to climb I heard through my scroll

Weiss: I'm in position

I see weiss jump of a billboard and right in the middle of the road, roma didn't notice the girl to busy trying to get me of, weiss plunged her blade in the road summoning a circle of ice across the pavement, I jump of in time as the paladin slips, crashes flying over weiss and falling over the ramp and falling down then lands on the ground floor, it gets up as the rest of the team lands, robot slowly starts to walk towards us

Ruby: freezer burn!

We jump out of the way as weiss  performs her same ice-circle trick, but backs out of Yang's way when she jumps into the air and hits the epicenter with her Ember Celica, creating a wave of mist that surrounds roma. Immediately, the paladin activates its laser sensors to make up for the lost sight, I sneak around the legs putting down a round object on the legs

They started to glow then a red laser caught me and ran and it started firing on me I take out a small device out with a button

I click it and the objects started glowing then the legs start shaking came together causing the robot to fall

Ruby: checkmate!

Blake and Weiss go in this time, each girl going for the sensors until weiss jumps off a glyph. Roma breaks free from the magnetic pucks gets up almost crushing Blake but Weiss summons another glyph under her teammate to launch her backwards before the crushing blow can land.

Your mind: there having a bit of trouble, I wonder.

I then ran behind a piller thinking up a plan until I thought of it, my entire body glowed

(No one's point of view)

Roma fires a few missles at the two, but weiss and blake flip backwards as the explosion merely hit where the were.

Finally, weiss jumps up high, the war machine fires a double energy blast at her, but her weapon absorbed the damage, but she was thrown back by the force, so she casts a beam of light from her sword to the ground under Blake, forming a yellow clock under her, it then got absorbed by the faunus girl the power let's her slice through the missiles with ease in a flurry of super fast slashes

Ruby: lady bug

Ruby shoots herself forward and cuts at the robots legs, then turns as Blake aims herself at the giants feet as well. They both dash forward and attack at the same time, circling each other around the Paladin with each strike until they both launch themselves into the air and come down together on the shoulder, they were about to slash it off when the bots other hand was creeping up on them it was about to swat them when another robotics hand grabbed it by the wrist, the two girls look behind to see another robotics giant

It grabbed its arm tugging at it then reared its leg and kicked it in the stomach, the two girls jumped of then witnessed the battle an fold, the rest of the team came in as well.

Blake: what is that

Ruby: no clue

weiss: it not atlesian

Yang: i think it's...


The paladin tried to punch the your bot but you dodged then grabbed the arm and kneed it causing it to break, you then jump back and your arm transforms into a cannon

It fired a blue blast at the leg which brought to its knee but it summoned a small assault rifle at and fired at you, but a compartment opened in the arm and blue energy came our creating a shield 

The bullets hit the shield. The paladin charges at you and extends out a blade and so did you

They clash, but you push her away and with a swift dodge from the comeback you slice the arm with the blade clean of, then you kicked her in the chest which makes her fall she then swipes your legs which make you trip, she gets up about to punch you, when Yang jump on and blocks the shot with her fist. You then speak through the speaker

You: Yang!

Ruby: don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special.

She gets back on her feet getting of of me, her hair burning white as she clenched her fist. Sensing Victory, roma throws a punch, but Yang catches it in her own hand (despite the ground cracking beneath her) and, eyes red with rage, smashes her knuckles into the second arm, obliterating it under her force.

Getting despret with her armless robot, Roma kicked Yang to the side, but as she passes us

Ruby: Bumblebee!

Blake: throws her weapon releasing a cord out for Yang to catch while flying

Blake: y/n

You look at she throws her weapon at you which you catch, using this momentum you swing the glowing firecracker around for a final hit to the giant robot, for the final hit, however roma guides the robot to step out of the way which avoid complete destruction

Ruby: we have to slow it down

Weiss: and how do you propose we do that?

Ruby looks around landing on you still in the suit, and thought of an idea

Ruby: iceflower! Y/n

You get back up looking at her

Ruby: platforms 

You nod then formed your hands as platforms, they twirl there weapons then rushed then used your robots hands as stepping stones the launch themselves of and Ruby fires shots weiss used her Glyphs to freeze the shots that create large icicles upon impact with the paladin. The two continue to attack, Ruby firing and Weiss freezing it, then the ice completely envelope the robots body, and as you swing Yang around for another blow, buy with roma unable to move, the machine is hit by the speed and power of Yang's fist causing it to shatter into a million pieces

(Your mind)

Roma gets up in a daze but unharmed, then inspects the damage and dusts herself of, I then got out of my robot and dematerialised it

Roma: just got this thing cleaned..

She looks up to see Yang, still burning with her absorbed power, she fires a single shot at the defenseless thief, but was saved by the girl from the hall earlier,  she opened her weapon which was a parasol, when it was opened the bullet was deflected, she then hung her weapon over her shoulder as roma addressed the victors

Roma: ladies, date, ice queen

Weiss: hey!

You: nice to see you again roma, and sorry for hitting you

Roma: please, you were good and I'm bad, so see next time y/n

From that moment the rest of the team was confused and had a churning feeling

Roma: and always a pleasure, Neo, I you would...

She does a curtsy to us with a bow then raised her looked at me and me alone and winked with small smile, but Yang had enough and charged at them with fists out she was about to hit them... when they shattered like glass, but we turned to see them escape in a bullhead. The rest of team RWBY runs up to Yang's side, now cooled down with the end of the fight.

You: well looks Roma has a henchmen, or woman

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!

She giggles at it while we frown 

Yang: no... just... no

What- But, you do it!

Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes.

Weiss: Was this not it?

Yang: No, it just wasn't very good.

You: yeah, well looks we got someone else to deal with while she's around

Weiss: oh really, there's one more

Then I felt a dark Aura growing behind me which I paled, I turn around to see everyone 





Yang: how does she know you 

You: ummmmmmm *nervously chuckle* I can explain

Weiss: oh you will

They grabbed me which I yelped and pulled me in

Ruby: wait where's Star and neptuna

Neptuna: and star are sitting in the middle stools of the "A Simple Wok Noodle House" eating their plates of noodles with the Shopkeep behind the counter and their weapons leaning on the other two stools.

Neptuna: they're probably fine, right

Star: Probably.

They continued there noodles until we walk into the scene with Yang carrying me bridal-style with a frown

You: I'm sorry, she gave me it back at the docks

Blake: you'll explain yourself when we get back

Completely ignoring the two huntress

Star: does that answer your question



Your on the bed trying to explain about Roma

Yang: You went on a date with Roma torchwick

You: she gave me her scroll number when she was escaping back at the docks

Weiss: and you couldn't tell us about it

You: we have sworn to secrecy on the date


You: oh, gods, look I don't want to jeopardise our relationship and maybe it could help us with figuring out her plans

They looked at echother and nod

Ruby: good idea y/n, but next time this happens tell us, please

You: sure

I give peck on her lips and give each of them a kiss


We were in our pajamas getting ready for bed, I put my glasses on the night stand and got in bed with weiss who snuggles in with me, then we all fell asleep

(Somewhere else Roma point of view )

I was on the couch thinking about that night until Neo came in and sat with me

Roma: what do you want?

She typed on her scroll

Neo: *who was the cute boy back there*

Roma: oh he was- non of your your business 

Neo: * really what about "ohh, mmmm, y/n harder, bite me please"*

I had a blush across my cheek that she heard my wet dreams

Neo: *so do have his number, you wouldn't mind*

Roma:, here

I throw the number at which she catched and raced to the other room

Roma: I'm actually happy for her to find love

I smiled that she found something she's kinda like a...

A daughter to me

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