Chap 13 Fight of lies

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(Your point of view)

Right now we are watching Pyrrha fighting against Cardin and his cronies in a sparing match in Glynda's class, and she's incredible she used all sorts of spear techniques and used a shield like Frisby on two guys. It was amazing, cardin, sky, Russel and dove had no chance, she was far more trained, more elegant and more faster then clunky, lazy and slow. The finishing blow was her throwing Cardin down by the neck

The  lights came on, Glynda came up to the stage

Glynda: And that's the match.

Cardin: Lucky shot.

Cardin collapses.

Glynda: Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.

Glynda: alright, now I that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any one?

She looks around until I raised my hand

Glynda: alright very well who will be your opponent Mr l/n

You: since Pyrrha has finished her match and team CRDL have lost miserably, I will pick hmmm

I summoned two ring

One floats to Mercy and the other to my hand I put my hand through and it appears in the other one, pointing

You: her

She widen her eyes and gulped 

Glynda: very well, murcy how would you feel

Mercy: I-I-I guess

I stood up and went to the stage and Murcy follows behind, we stared down

You: good luck Mercy

Mercy: you too

We parted and were in ready positions

Glynda: ready... go

She charged first trying to kick me in the face but I dodged it, and I figured what her fighting tactics are, she prefers kicks the punching, and I scanned her look, and noticed she has prosthetic legs, wonder how she lost them, so I kept dodging until I summoned knee braces, with red and yellow colours and spikes

I also summoned something below that which were shoe like with bands, spikes on the front and had yellow patches at the bottom

She was suprised I summoned those, not just because they just appeared but also that figured her out her fighting techniques

She charged in and leaped and was about to kick me when I blocked the shot with the leg braces. 

I jumped back and leaped forward at her, she tried to kick me again but ended up raising my leg too getting the bottom of her shoe connected with mine,  when we striked dust was blown between us. I jumped back far from her, she got confused until I slamed both feet on the ground.

Then both items glow and two spheres the size of a person came out of the ground one opened to reveal a man sized creature, that looks like a man's body except the head, its eyes were located in the torso and bands going down both its legs

You: let's see if you can beat him, meet hitmonlee

He demonstrated by doing a kicking pose, she had a look of shock and confusion. Until hitmonlee came rushing to her leg raised, so in defense she jumped into the air, dodging the kick, then thrown herself at it from the top getting its head putting it in a daise she jumps of round house kicked him in the face, knocking it out

You: you did good hits, hit the shower

The sphere absorbed him up and he disappeared 

You: now for the second

The sphere opened to reveal a chicken like one with three orange fethers on top and claws 

You: meet kombuskin

He does a leap towards Mercy with clawed foot at her, she tried delivering a kick to him, but he returned by gripping her foot with his talons then he leaped of which caused Mercy to lose balance, then kombuskin rushed her but she got back up does a sweep with her legs tripping him up and she kicked his side. The kicking bird was out cold

You: Alright busk you fought well

The bubble came and absorbed him and disappeared 

I was about to rush her when

Mercy: I forfeit 

I raised myself confused 

You: you don't want to try

Mercy: What's the point? You summon weapons and monsters that help you We're obviously leagues apart.

She then walked away and of the stage

Glynda: in that case... y/n l/n is the victor of the match.

Emerald smirks while Mercy sneers smugly. While I had a worried yet disappointed look. I looked at the Aura displays for her's and Mercy's one changed from green to red indicating her loss

Glynda: Next time, you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent.

Mercy: I'll be sure to do that.

An alarm sounds out meaning its the end of the lesson

Glynda: That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses.

As everyone leaves, Mercy stops beside Emerald.

Mercy: Learning is so much fun.

Later me and the team were going back to the dorm, we passed SSSN, Star noticed me

Star: hey y/n!

She then caught up and I turned around

Star: you uh, doing okay?

You: I'm okay.

Star: I hear there's this dance going on this weekend... ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?

You: umm

Star: The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?

You: I will put a pin on it, the others might ask me, but I have a plan for it

Star: oh, umm okay

You: bye

Star: bye

As I left I didn't see her doing a happy dance. I got to the dorm and heard them talking

Blake: you what?

Ruby: we want you to go to the dance.

Blake: That's ridiculous.

Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss: You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering.

Blake: You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake!

Yang: We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to you, y/n and Star, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Blake: But there's still unanswered questions!

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event!

Blake: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So what do ya think?

Blake: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

She was about to leave when I opened the door, and stopping her

You: I heard everything, and Blake I actually wanted ask you for a dance with you

She had a gaping mouth, she didn't know what to say

Ruby: hey!

I looked up to see everyone with a pouty face, I just sighed

You: I will try to dance with all of you

They smiled and Blake had a pink tint on her cheek and leaves the room in huff

Blake: I'll be in the library.

Yang: Great.

Weiss: She can't keep going on like this.

Then a knock came at the door, I opened the door to find June appers at the door with a guitar 

June singing: y/n l/n will you accompany me, to the dance on sunday!?

You: auuuuummmm

June: *sniffles* its fine you don't have to go with me

You: I was going to say yes

June: through pity

You: no because your one of my girlfriends and plus I'm planning on how to get a dance with all of you fairly

June: oh, cool

You: oh and plus work on your vocals 

I close the door and look behind to everyone stareing

You: what?

Yang: and that's why we love you 

Ruby finally collapses.

Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last nname. But, now I have you

She walks to me and kissed my cheek and hugs my arm

Ruby: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.

You: I looked at the time and noticed it was time for me to go spar with June

You: oh, um girl, I gotta go do something can you hold down the Fort while I'm gone

Yang: sure, if you want, but what exactly are you doing

you: something private 

I closed the door and go to the place

That night, me and June are sparring at the spot on the roof, she had the upper hand until I sweeped her legs from under her and caught her in a bridal style which made her blush

You: You're getting better June, your swords manship improved immensely 

I then put her down back on her feet

June: well, I couldn't have done it with out you

You: so want work on your Aura?

June: I'm actually thinking maybe we just skip Aura for tonight? Might go on a jog or talk

You: you still want to talk about it, trust me with enough training you'll discover your semblance, any day now.

June: that's not it. It's just.... it's dumb

You: well, you know you can tell me anything

June: do you actually love me, or are you going out with me through pity

I grow a worried look and I grabbed her hand, when I did that she had a blush

You: June where's this coming from

June: it's just your probably the most popular guy in the school and your dating multiple girls and there fine with it, what do you see in me

You: June I wasn't popular back on earth, I see in you a warrior waiting to come out of her hiding place, you just need time

She smiles and I gives a quick peck on her lips, which made he blush immensely 

You: if you have any other problems like this ask me

She nods

You: I will be at the dorm if you need me

I walk away leaving her alone. But when I left she dropped her smile and she changed into Emerald,  breathing in and out heavily with wide eyes

Emerald: oh my gods! oh my gods! He kissed me right on the lips, my dream kissed me

Then we switch with Cinder putting on a dress, mercy listening to Emerald about it

Emerald: he straight up kissed me on the lips in the disguise

Mercy: what did it felt like?

Emerald: it was actually more like a peck on the lips, but it felt amazing 

Cinder: so, the hero from another world, what's he like?

Mercy: well he's strong and fast, my kinda man, plus knew my fighting techniques

Cinder: do tell.

Emerald: yeah he summoned these braces on the legs and shoes, with those he managed to beat Mercy, he even summoned these two creatures, one like a human body but without the head, the eyes were on its torso and was really good at kick fight techniques 

Mercy: even getting a chicken that kicks

Cinder: so he figured out how you fight, how exactly?

Mercy: well he kept looking at my legs, I think he knew they were prosthetic

Cinder: so he was observant, clever and agile. Add him to the list

Mercy: are sure. He's cute

Cinder: I'm sure mind: wish I was, I want him to be mine

Emerald: but he's every girls dream rolled into one

Cinder: maybe we will find away to do something to be our


Right now you are going to the dorm, when you opened the door you find everyone in a line with big smiles

You: um hey guys

RWBY: hey y/n

You: What's happening

RWBY: nothing

You: you know I saw this in a horror movie where this whole town was drugged and became smiling zombies

Blake: it's time for your punishment

You: p-punishment

Yang rushes me and grabbed my waist 

You: Yang?! What's going on?

Blake comes up to me and.....

Puts these on

You: the hell is this

Ruby: this is for keeping about you dating torchwick

You: I said I was sorry

Weiss: well this is your punishment, your wearing that for the whole weekend

Then Yang puts me down on Blake's lap

Blake: who's my cute little kitten

You: Blake please this-

I was cut short when she began to scratch the back of the neck

You: oh that's actually nice

She then took her hand under my chin which felt incredible

You: i think I'm just gonna-

I then fell asleep on her which made the girls giggle at my cuteness

Yang: aww little pretty kitty fell asleep

They all crawled into blakes bed with me in the middle, Blake being under me, Yang next to me, Ruby on me and Weiss on the other side of me

RWBY whisper: best punishment ever

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