chapter 49: marius's holiday

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chapter 49: marius's holiday


       Fawn's cell phone starts ringing on the nightstand, so he has to pull away from our kiss to see who's calling him. I know I probably should pull away too, but I'm always too enamoured with him. So instead of also pulling away to let Fawn peacefully talk on the phone if he chooses to answer it, I just start kissing his neck instead.

        Fawn stares at his phone a bit before he accepts the call and holds the device up to his ear. I thought he would have at least told me to stop kissing him for now, but he doesn't. "Hello? ...Ah, right, right. Sorry, I was still making my decision. I think... I think I'm going to go."

        If I have to make a guess, I'd say someone is calling Fawn to see if he will go to his parents house for Christmas. It's Christmas today, and he still hasn't made his decision to go. I didn't rush him the past few days. I want him to feel fully comfortable with going and if deciding to go at the last minute helps him make sure he's comfortable, then I won't complain.

       But it looks like he has finally made his decision.

       "Can you tell Mom that Marius is coming with me otherwise I'm not going to go?" Fawn asks."...Thanks, Aunt Cecelia. We'll see you then." 

       Fawn hangs up the call, and I choose then to stop kissing his neck. I lie down on my side as I look at him. "So I take it we're going to your parents' house?" I ask.

       "Yeah," Fawn says. "Is that okay?"

       I nod. "I already told you that it's okay."

       "I know. I just... wanted to double check. Just in case you changed your mind."

       I reach of and gently stroke Fawn's cheek. "I want you to be comfortable and if going with you makes you comfortable, then I won't change my mind. At least, not without telling you." Fawn smiles softly at me, so I lean over and kiss him. I love this man so much.

       Fawn soon gets a text from his aunt, telling him what time his mom wants us to be there. Cecelia said Fawn's mom never said anything about me going, so I assume she's fine with it. After all, if Fawn's mom really wants to see her son again, she'll have to accept whatever conditions Fawn gives her.

       We don't have to get to his parents' house until around one, and it's only ten in the morning. We've got a bit of time before we have to leave, so Fawn decides he's going to bake some dessert to bring.

       I follow him to the kitchen where Fawn grabs one of his cookbooks off from the shelf. He flips through it before asking me, "Should I make hot chocolate cookies or gingersnaps?"

       "They both sound good," I say. "But I haven't had hot chocolate cookies before. Maybe that?"

       Fawn smiles at me and nods before he gets to work. I want to help but at the same time, Fawn is baking something I haven't made before so I don't want to mess him up. I decide to just sit in the kitchen to keep him company. And check him out. 

       My cell phone suddenly rings, so I pick it up and see that my mom is calling. I answer it and before I can even get a word out, my dad says, "Marius."

       "Why are you calling me from Mom's phone?" I ask.

       "Because she's the only one you haven't blocked," Dad says. "I wouldn't have been able to get in contact with you any other way."

       I sigh. "What do you want?"

       "That isn't how you speak to your father," Dad says. 

       "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call on our cellular devices?"

       "Sarcasm doesn't make it better, Marius."

       "Tell me what you want, then. You're lucky I haven't hung up the call already."

       "I don't appreciate the your tone, but if it will allow me to talk to you, then fine. I'm calling to come home today. Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on my side of the family is coming over for Christmas. Your presence is needed."

       I try my best not to scoff. He's not even asking if I'm wanting to come or if I'm able to make it. He's just telling me to. 

        "Sorry, I can't make it," I say. "I have plans."

       "Marius, you can't just make plans on Christmas day without abandoning the rest of your family."

       "I'm not abandoning my family. We've never had a Christmas dinner or celebration, so excuse me for thinking this year wouldn't be any different." Honestly, I won't be surprised if he planned for a Christmas dinner as someway to make me go, otherwise it would look bad for me if I skip it. "Besides, you can't just make these plans and tell me the day of. You can't just tell me to go instead of asking me."

       "You're my son, Marius."

       "Your twenty-four year old son who has moved on with his life. I'm an adult and I'm no longer dependent on you and Mom. You can't tell me what to do."

       "So you really will be skipping the dinner?"

       "Yes. Like I told you, I have plans."

       "Plans that are more important than spending Christmas with your family?"

       "Actually, yes."

       "And what are these plans, exactly?"

       I could lie. I could just make up something that is believable, but at this point, I don't want to lie. I don't want to keep hiding my relationship with Fawn from my dad when I know it's going to come out eventually.

       So I just outright say, "I'm spending Christmas with my boyfriend's family."

       Dad is silent for a bit before he repeats, "Boyfriend? Your boyfriend?"

       "Yes, that is what I said," I say.

       "You... You can't have a boyfriend, Marius."

       "And why not?"

       "B-Because..." Dad sputters, not immediately answering as if he's trying to find a reasoning without sounding homophobic, though I'm sure there isn't something he can say. "Because your mother and I have always planned for your to take over the company with your future wife when we retire."

       "Dad, I think I made it clear that I will not be taking over the company when I quit. And why does it have to be with a wife? Why can't it be a husband?"

       "I don't have time to discuss this. I have to prepare for the Christmas celebration that you're not coming to."

       "Okay, have fun." I hang up, knowing that Dad basically ended the conversation because he didn't have anything to argue for his side. Honestly, that wasn't the worst reaction I could have gotten. He could have gone on a whole rant about me dating a man, but he decided to just not talk about it.

       "Was that your dad?" Fawn asks. 

       "Yeah, he tried telling me to go to my parents' house for Christmas since they're actually doing something with my extended family this year," I say. "I'm not going, obviously."

       "And... You told him you have a boyfriend? I didn't hear his side, so how did he react to it?"

       "It wasn't the best reaction, but it also wasn't the worst. It was a bit better than I was expecting. He seemed to be more concerned about me taking over the company and him wanting me to do it with a wife. I had to remind him that I quit the company so that's not happening. It does feel good that my parents and brother all know now. I feel relieved."

       Fawn smiles at me. "That's good."

       Fawn and I leave his house a bit before one to head to his parents' house. We're going to be a bit late, on purpose, and Fawn says it's because his family doesn't deserve him to show up on time. I'm not going to argue against him.

       It's no surprise that as soon as we get there, Madison is the first to rush over to us, first giving Fawn a hug. "Hi, Uncle Fawn! You're here!"

       Fawn crouches down to Madison's height. "I am. And I will be here all day, just like you."

       Madison hugs Fawn again. "Merry Christmas, Uncle Fawn!"

       "Merry Christmas, Maddie."

        Madison then hugs me next, wishing me a Merry Christmas as well. She's still calling me Uncle Marius, and I definitely can't object to it. Fawn and I don't have to be married for me to think of her as my niece.

       Cecelia, Winston, and Mary-Anne are here too, though Mary-Anne seems to be ignoring her parents. They try talking to her, but she just looks away so she can't read their sign language.

       When Fawn's parents notice that he's here, they get up from where they're sitting in the living room and walk over. His mom attempts to hug him, but Fawn steps back. I don't blame him for not wanting to hug his parents quite yet.

       "Fawn, we just want to let you know how sorry we are," Fawn's dad says. "We never thought Quentin would have gone as far as..." He stops himself considering Madison is still standing near me. 

       "Madison, why don't you go back to the living room?" Fawn's mom asks. "We'll all be there soon."

       Madison huffs and doesn't move. Charlotte is watching from the living room, so she calls Madison over. Madison doesn't seem like she wants to go, but she does anyway.

       Fawn's dad lowers his voice as he says, "We didn't think Quentin would try to kill someone."

       "You found out he abused me, cheated on me, and lied about it," Fawn says. "And you still chose to listen to what he had to say about it. You believe his lie that he regretted it. That's all on you. The only reason you're apologizing is probably because Quentin is in jail now, so it proves he's a bad person."

       "That isn't true," Fawn's mom says.

       "Right, so again, you chose to listen to his lies after you found out the truth. You refused to cut contact with him when Mary-Anne pointed out how he wasn't truly regretful of what he did. Look, I'm not here to forgive you or listen to your apologies. I wasn't even sure if I was going to come. If anything, I'm here for Madison, Bernie, and Charlotte. So please, don't bring up Quentin at all. I want to move past him and not talk about him anymore."

      "Of course," Fawn's dad says. "Anything you want. Can you at least introduce us to your boyfriend?"

       "This is Marius," Fawn says. 

       "It's nice to meet you, Marius," Fawn's mom says. "Please, treat my son well."

       "Of course," I say.

       Fawn's parents walk back to the living room, and Fawn sighs heavily. He does look a bit uncomfortable, so I tell him we can leave whenever he wants. He does want to try staying, especially since he already told Madison we'll be here the entire time.

       Fawn leads me to the living room where his mom then tells him to introduce me to the rest of the family. Fawn does and as soon as introductions are done, his brother Darwin says, "I'm sorry about everything, Fawn. I've been wanting to apologize but... I've just been too embarrassed for believing Quentin when I knew that wasn't the kind of person you are."

       "I kind of figured that's why you haven't said anything," Fawn says. "It's okay."

       "How come you forgive Darwin but won't forgive Mom and Dad?" Verity asks.

       "Because Darwin cut off Quentin as soon as the truth came out," Fawn says. "Mom and Dad didn't. Neither did you. And I already told Mom and Dad that I don't want to talk about Quentin again, so I would appreciate it if no one brings him up. Thanks."

       I don't know why Verity seems upset that Fawn won't forgive their parents, or her, but this whole thing has been confusing for me. I mean, if I found out I believed someone who turned out to be lying, I would constantly apologize to the affected party and do anything to make it up to them. Not still talk to the liar like some of Fawn's family.

        The day does go by without anyone bringing up Quentin, for the most part. He was almost brought up a few times, but the person about to do it either realized it or changed the subject, or Cecelia would tell them to shut up.

       Or Winston would glare at them.

       Or Cecelia and Winston would both glare at them.

       Fawn does make it through the entire day without wanting to leave. It's not until after dessert where he feels like it's time to head back to Port Orthos. He tells his family we're leaving and, we say our goodbyes before walking out of the house.

       "So how was that for you?" I ask as we walk to my car.

       "I'm not sure," Fawn admits. "I think I needed that, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to have all of my family completely back in my life just yet."

       "That's okay," I say. "Just take your time. See if they prove they should be allowed back in your life before you let them."

       "That's the plan," Fawn says. "Thank you for coming here with me. I don't think I would have made it without you."

       I smile at Fawn. "Anything for you."


one chapter left before we get the second book! i'm so excited for it! i hope you all enjoy it when it comes out hehehe (and it should on thursday)

and yay for marius officially coming out to all of his family (at least his parents and brother)!

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