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"hoseok, you, you are at it again," the hot officer sighed at that young man. i sat there silently, as i watched the both of them interact.

the young man who is called hoseok scoffed at the officer as he leaned near him, "officer jeon, nice to meet you again."

officer jeon sighed as he leaned backwards onto his chair and clicked his tongue. "what trouble did you cause again?"

"excuse you, i'm not the one who caused the trouble. he was the one who— wait, where is he?" hoseok then directed the question to me. i decided to shrug my shoulders and not answer his question.

in my peripheral vision, i could see hoseok rolling his eyes while muttering some profanities, which i heard it as well.

"i'm here."

appalled, i turned my chair around and saw that beggar standing there, grinning widely at me. this time, it was my turn to curse inwardly.

"so," officer jeon pointed at him. "he was the one who started all this?"

hoseok bobbed his head as that beggar walked nearer and nearer to us, sitting on the chair beside me. i scooted away from him and nearer to hoseok, but not too near.

officer jeon pinched the bridge of his nose and i could tell that he was trying not to puke by the smell that emitted off the beggar.

"okay, what's your name?" officer jeon questioned.

that beggar smiled at him again as he showed off his dirty teeth, "my name's park jimin."

"can you describe what exactly you did?" officer jeon asked him. that beggar nodded his head eagerly as if he was still a child.

"while hoseok was still in the shop, i saw him placing a two dollar bill in the cashbox. he then exited his shop and went to somewhere so i took my chance to find that note. after that, i used it to buy stationeries from her shop." that beggar described.

he was pathetic and desperate, i thought to myself. i would never ever pick up someone's money. i would rather die than do that — it was just too shameful.

officer jeon wanted to say something but that beggar stopped him from doing so by continuing the second part of his story.

"then hoseok came running in to her shop and demanded that two dollar bill back. she was clueless, and that's when i appeared to apologise to him. i clearly said sorry but he didn't want to accept. he even wanted to punch me but she defended me, and that's how she got a bruise on her cheek. you know, it ruined her beauty? but, she's still beautiful."

the second time he called me beautiful, yet i had no sparks. even if taehyung simply just call my name, i would feel butterflies in my stomach.

officer jeon ruffled his hair frustratingly. "the three of you have faults. you, jung hoseok, you have a fault for punching the girl. and you uh— what's your name?"

"kang cho youn." i replied back. officer jeon nodded his head and continued his sentence.

"and you kang cho youn, you have a fault for accepting that money and not returning it. and you park jimin, you have a fault for stealing jung hoseok's money."

i scoffed as i crossed my arms. well screw you officer jeon, just because you're good looking doesn't mean that you can say anything you want.

officer jeon took a deep breath and continued. "the three of you would be locked for 24 hours."

i sent a pleading look towards my security guards but they just shook their head. i stomped my foot harshly on the ground as i was feeling pissed off.

24 hours with a horse-looking rude ass guy and an ugly-looking homeless beggar? definitely not ideal at all.

at times like these, i wish taehyung was with me. i wonder how is he doing. it's only been a day since i started this shop yet i'm already causing trouble on the first day.

"i mean, it's okay to just be locked together with her, but him? the whole room would smell like shit. plus, he might be a cockblocker or something. he might need holy water because he might see something unholy later on." hoseok protested.

"please hoseok, i think you are the unholy one here. this beauty here definitely won't do something unholy with you." officer jeon fired back.

i kept on looking down on the floor, not caring the commotion. i just have to crouch in corner and not interact with either of them.

"are you alright?" i almost jumped out of my seat when i saw a dirty face closed to mine. i leaned backwards and i tried not to cough at the smell that i just inhaled in.

"why are you even here? didn't i told you to not come?" i questioned him back instead.

he just gave me a goofy smile, and didn't said anything.


i have planned this story's endING IM EXCITED WOHOO !!

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