chapter fifteen

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I barely had to process anything as I stepped inside my house because my cheek met Bonnie's hand. "What the hell, Bonnie?!" I yelp you, grabbing my stinging cheek. She and Caroline were standing in front of me, and boy, were they pissed.

"You ran off with this lunatic for five hours! We didn't know where you were! We thought something had happened!"

I shrug, shoving past them, leaving Damon standing at the door. "I was fine! I can handle myself! God, I want you two to stop treating me like I'm a fucking damsel in distress!"

Damon awkwardly coughs, shifting in the doorway. "Gonna invite me in, Rochelle?"

"FUCK NO! GO HOME, SALVATORE!" Bonnie throws her hand up, sending Damon flying backward, landing at the bottom porch step.

"Take care of Enzo for me, and I'll tell you all about your lover girl, Damon," I called out before the door slammed.

"You took him to rescue Enzo? The Enzo?" Caroline questions, her angry expression fading as I nod.

"Who the hell is Enzo?"

Caroline squeals, clapping. "This is so exciting! I'm still pissed at you, but Benzo will happen soon!"

Bonnie looks at Caroline in disgust. "You're worthless, Caroline! I knew I should've brought Finn and Kol instead!"

Caroline shrugs, rolling her eyes. "What's Kol going to do against Ororo, honestly? She owns us, not the other way around. Sure, we'll scowl her here and then, but I'm sure she knew what she was doing with this."

"See! Thank you for knowing I had this handle, Care!"

Bonnie scoffs, "Ororo, half the shit you do, isn't planned."

"Bonnie, don't start with me!"


"Little witch, do you want to tell me why you have my brother's name in your contacts?" I turn, snatch my phone from Kol. God. He was nosey as hell.

"None of your business! Stay out of my stuff; I'm still pissed at you for snitching!" Kol blows a raspberry, plopping down in the chair beside me.

"Your parents yelled at you, Bonnie beat you upside the head and still didn't knock any sense into you. Especially if you're in contact with my dagger lucky brother."

"Fuck you, Kol. I'm trying to get your body back! I need access to the coffins to do that. So, I've got to lure Klaus into town."

"And just how are you planning on doing that?"

I smirked, "What're the two things he needs to break his curse?"

Kol's eyes widened. "The moonstone and doppelgänger. Do you have the stone? Since when?"

"My parents have had it since I was like ten," I replied, shrugging. It had been a long time and the least of my concerns until now. I'm tired of ghost Kol, I wanted his actual body, and I wanted to see some real-life action. I want to see the original hybrid up close and personal. And maybe he'll unleash Ripper Stefan.

"You're plotting. I can see it in your eyes. But, tell me you have a solid plan?"

"Of course, I do! And your other brother is included in it as well."

"You've been in contact with Elijah and Klaus? Since when did those two separate?" I shrug; I didn't care. I just needed those two in Mystic Falls ASAP so I can undagger Finn and Kol. Speaking of Elijah...I wonder where he is?

"Ororo, you bloody bint. You invited Elijah here on purpose! You wanted him to see the doppelgänger!"

I hid a smile as Kol watched Elijah walk into the Grill. Elijah scanned the restaurant with calculating eyes before setting his sight on me.

"What the bloody hell is that? What did he do to his blasted hair?!"

Banged Elijah was cute to me. It's just something about that man in a suit that does something to me.

"No! No! Do not catch feelings for my bloody brother, Ororo! He isn't even all that attractive! He's so stiff and uptight! You'd never get along with him!" I ignored Kol as Elijah arrived at my table.

"I assume you're Miss. Bennett?"

"That's me." I extend my hand as he reaches out, taking it in his grip.

"Ugh! No!" Kol groans, throwing a hand over his face as Elijah kisses my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Miss Bennett."

"When did you two talk? How did you get in contact with him? Where have I been?!" Kol rants, and I drown him out as Elijah takes a seat in front of me.

"Tell me again, Miss. Bennett, how do you know of my family's whereabouts?"

I held up a finger, "Remember what we talked about, Elijah? Money first, talking after."

Elijah nods, taking out his phone. "Fair enough." He fiddles with it for a few seconds before my phone chimes. Ah, new money. I might buy a new car with this.

"Your brother is carting them around with him in their coffins."

"And how do you know this?"

"Because Kol is sitting right here beside me. Normally, I wouldn't say anything; I planned on luring Klaus to town but decided to bring you in. We can easily take your siblings back with something Klaus has wanted for a thousand years."

Elijah narrows his eyes. I knew I was treading a dangerous line now, but I needed Kol.

"You claim my brother is with you...Tell me something only he would say."

Kol raised an eyebrow. "Ask him about Klaus and Lucien. The few nights before he turned him."

"Klaus and Lucien, a few nights before he turned him." A grimace overcomes Elijah's face. "If he's daggered, then how is he here with you? How is that possible?"

"Let's just say my ancestor, Qetisyah, threw him a bone. He's been with me the past couple of months; the quicker I get him undaggered, the quicker I can get him off my ass. But to do that, I need Klaus."

Elijah stares at the space beside me where Kol was seated. "You've been in my brother's company for months and reached out to me a few weeks ago."

"The past few weeks have been...There are no words for it but look; I can do this with or without you. I can even help Klaus break his curse. I have the two key things he needs."

Elijah places his hand on top of mine. "And what is that, Miss. Bennett?"

"The moonstone and a Petrova doppelgänger," I say as Elena walks into the Grill, Stefan right behind her.

"I thought the Petrova bloodline ended with Katerina."

I tutted, "She had a daughter, and the bloodline continued. Now, are you going to help me? I break your brothers' curse, get your siblings back, and you all can do as you please with him."

Elijah grips tighten on my hand. Is he trying to break my fucking hand? What the fuck? I glared at him, sending a brain aneurysm his way.

He winces but keeps his composer, "there's no need for that, Miss. Bennett."

"Well, if you weren't trying to break my fucking hand, we wouldn't have that problem, would we, asshole?" I snatch my hand from his grip, rubbing my hand. Jesus Christ!

"I apologize; it's not every day a teenage girl comes to me with the promise of freeing my siblings that are supposed to be at the bottom of the ocean and a plan to break my brother's curse expecting nothing in return."

I shrug, "I just want Kol's body. I don't care what happens after that."

Elijah gives me a suspicious look, glancing over at Kol's space once again.

"He's still there. He's been ranting about backstabbing siblings since we started talking."

Kol puffs, crossing his arms. "I don't appreciate being ignored, Ororo. You can flirt with my traitorous big brother late. And tell Elijah I'm still bitter about 1914!'"

I held back a sigh as Kol began ranting again. I was in for another mouthful tonight.

NOTE: Hi, guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. The past two weeks have been rough. My mom suffered a stroke, and my client that I was working with passed away today so, I'm not in the best mindset for anything. Bonus I work 12 hours four to five days a week, so please give me a break. If you don't like my story, don't read it. It's that simple. If you can't take the grammar mistakes, leave. I write in google docs and run it through Grammarly, and I guess it isn't picking it up.

But I'm so sorry this chapter was boring. Hopefully, next time, it'll be better. Thank you all for getting Homebound to 18K, 1K votes! We're currently ranking #1 in alternate universe, #4 in original character, and #1 in self insert! Love you guys!

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