chapter fourteen

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"You knew she wasn't in the tomb."

I tensed as I heard Damon's voice come from behind me. I was hiding in the woods, away from Caroline and Bonnie. They were smothering me, and I couldn't deal with it. Since being released from the hospital last week, I have no time to myself. I get it; I died, and it terrified them, but that didn't mean I wanted them under me twenty-four seven. I needed space! Time to breathe!

"What makes you say that, Salvatore?"

He was quiet for a few moments, "It was the look you gave me when I ran out of the tomb. You knew." I shrug as he climbs up the tree, taking a seat on the branch below me.

"So what if I did? You wouldn't learn your lesson without seeing actual proof."

I'm surprised he hadn't turned his emotions off and throw a fucking tantrum, but he's probably afraid. Ten active Bennett witches could take him down with a flick of a hand.

"Was the lesson realizing I've been lied to? That I've been waiting over a hundred years for nothing?"

I let out a hum. "Katherine Pierce is not who you think she is."

"She's a lying, manipulative, evil bitch." Damon sneered, his hand tightening on the branch.

"But you were the fool to believe her. Even stupider to fall for her. She was involved with Stefan for a reason. I honestly don't understand this stupid personal vendetta you've gotten against Stefan. It's unnecessary! If you wanted to die so bad then.....Why not just commit suicide?"

Damon looked up to me in shock. "What?"

"Damon, you're always blaming Stefan for turning you. I'll admit it was a bit selfish of him, but you're his big brother. Of course, he thinks he can't live without you and whatever. But, this whole 'Stefan turned me, and everything I do is to get back at him' agenda is dragged out and so stupid. If you didn't want to be a vampire, all you had to do was pull that daylight ring off and walk your pasty little ass right out into the sun."

There were a few moments of silence.

"You make it seem so easy."

"It is, Damon. You're just a pussy, and although you want to punish Stefan, you can't leave your baby brother alone. You love him no matter how much you claim you 'hate' him—your brothers. But for the love of God, stop letting women get in between the two of you! And quit sleeping with all the girls your brother associates with! You're always running after his sloppy seconds! Get a woman of your own!"

Damon opens his mouth to respond, but I continue talking. I needed to get this shit off my chest because I'm never repeating it or dealing with Damon Salvatore like this.

"No, listen to me, Damon Salvatore! You need to find a woman! Not a teenage girl! You seem to forget that Stefan is still a teenager; he's allowed to sleep with them. But you! Katherine, turned you at what, twenty-five?! You're a grown-ass man, running after teenagers! Grown the fuck up, go out into the actual world, and find yourself a woman! A woman that's all about you. If you wouldn't go after your brother's girls, then you wouldn't have a problem with them always having feelings for Stefan."

I took a calming breath after releasing my frustration against Damon. I've got more issues to dish out with him, but he needed to hear this shit for now.

Damon was silent.

"You can heed my words, Damon. Or just continuing being a piece of shit and always second best to your baby brother. And honestly, in your eyes, you're 'second-best' because you have so many major self-esteem issues. You have this imaginary competition with him."

I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. Bonnie and Lucy are my sisters, and I'd never see them as competition. Sure, we have our difficulties, but I'd never set out to kill them for a personal vendetta. Or maybe we just aren't broken like the rest of these weirdos. The Bennett's are an actual family. We have love, loyalty, and respect for one another.

"Hey Rochelle, you want to go on a trip?"

A trip with Damon Salvatore? Hmm, that sounds like fun. If he tried anything, I could easily set him on fire, burst his brain, or snap his neck. Wait! That gives me an idea!

"Tell me, Damon, do you fancy paying a visit with me to Whitmore College?"

"What do you need from there?"

"My little sister's future is on that campus. So, are you in?"

Damon pretended to think for a moment. "Will there be death?"

"Death, bloodshed, whatever you want. Just take me before the others realize I'm missing!"

Damon jumps down from the branch, landing on his feet. He turns, holding out his arms.

"What are you doing?"

He smirks, "C'mon Rochelle. Jump! I'll catch you."

This fool must be out of his mind thinking I'm going to trust him. What are the people in this town? You have one little 'heart to heart' with them, and they think you're best friends. What the fuck?

Damon motions for me to jump. If I bust my ass fucking with this vampire, I'm going to kill him. Fuck the storyline!

I slide off the branch, silently praying to my ancestors.

It was mere seconds before I landed in Damon's arms. I'm going to smack myself for this later, but I let out a sigh of relief, leaning my forehead against his forearm to catch myself.

"You should hold on, Rochelle. I can hear your blond Barbie calling you." I shake my head.

No, I've got to get to Whitmore today. They can't stop this from happening.

"Run," I tell Damon, wrapping my arms around his neck, closing my eyes. Damon takes off.


"Give me that." Damon snatches my phone from my hand, throwing it in the backseat, which hits Kol in the head. He showed up ten minutes into the ride and has already given me an earful about running away and for being in Damon's company at that.

"You sneaked away to hang out with this, Ororo? He'll get you killed for some stupid reason!"

I tuned him out, turning up Damon's music. Kol rolled his eyes, huffing. "Sure, ignore me now. But, know I will tell Caroline and Bonnie what you're up to!"

Fucking snitch. He's supposed to be having my back!

"Alright, we're here. So, what's the big plan, Rochelle?"

"This is a rescue mission, Salvatore. Tell me, do you remember Enzo?"

Damon's eyes widened, "How the hell do you know these things? How do you know about him?!"

I tapped my temple, " psychic, magic, and my loyal ancestors."

There was no way in hell; I was going to tell him about being from another dimension. He'd use it to manipulate the hell out of me.

"Pick me up, Salvatore. We need to be quick and smart with this." Damon bends his knees, allowing me to climb onto his back.


"This was easier than I thought," I said as Damon killed the doctor that was existing in the room that we assumed Enzo was being held in.

It didn't take us any time to break into Whitmore and head to the underground lab. I let Damon have his fun while I used my magic to manipulate the electronic lock.

"Anytime now, Rochelle!"

I glared at him as the door beeped, sliding open. "My fucking name is Ororo. Get it right! Now, wait here. I don't think he'd take too kindly to seeing your ugly mug." I wave my hand, silencing Damon and sticking his feet to the floor.

"So, they're sending teenagers to do their bidding now?" Enzo's quiet voice speaks out as I stepped into the small lab.

They strapped him down to a metal table, his limbs being held by leather straps.

"I'm here to get you out of here. I should've come sooner." I say as I walk over to him, waving my hand. The straps undo as Enzo looks at me in disbelief.

"What? How d'you know, I was in here? Are you related to one of those fuckers?" I shake my head as his body locks up.

"What are you going to do to me? Torture me so much? Pull me apart? Trust me; there isn't anything they haven't done to me in here."

"No, Enzo. I'm taking you to your new home, but for now, I'm going to need you to rest because you won't like who I brought with me."

His body floats in front of me.

"What does a baby witch want with me?"

Damn, he asks a lot of questions! I willed my magic to knock him unconscious as I started setting the lab on fire. I'm not leaving shit behind!

"We've gotta go! I hear the alarms!" Damon wraps an arm around my waist, throwing me over his shoulder, flashing out of the lab. Enzo was floating behind us at lighting speed.

"He's going to want revenge when he wakes up, isn't he?" Damon asks as he takes in the sight of Enzo's floating body.

"Who wouldn't? You left him behind! You could've saved him years ago, but nope! Selfish Damon Salvatore strikes again!" I climb into the backseat, guiding Enzo's body behind me. Once we were settled, his head resting in my lap, Damon started the car.

"Where the hell is he going to stay? He can't stay at the boarding house!"

I rolled my eyes. "He's going to be staying with me for a bit. Now drive, Salvatore!"

I was one hundred percent sure my parent would let him stay, but we have a big house, and Enzo needs to be nursed back to health before anything. Plus, I have to get him and Bonnie to meet! I need to get the Benzo ship sailing. Fionne was already sailing; we just needed to get Finn's body.

"Great, now Saint Stefan is calling me." Damon groans as he answers his phone.

"Yes, brother?"

"Damon, why do I have Caroline and Bonnie at the boarding house threatening to mutilate my body if you don't bring Ororo? Did you seriously kidnap her? Is this some kind of revenge that she didn't tell you about Katherine? What have you done to her?"

Damn, Stefan didn't even let Damon get in a word before accusing him of kidnapping, but I don't blame him. Damon is unpredictable sometimes, and a piece of shit. He'd do something like that if I didn't show him who's the dominant one.

"If you'd give me a second to talk! I'd be happy to let you know Rochelle is alright. We took a brief road trip, let out some tension, have fun."

"LISTEN HERE, YOU SICK BASTARD! IF YOU'VE LAID ONE HAND ON MY ORORO, I WILL KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Damon and I winced as Caroline yelled through the phone.



Dear ancestors, it was even worse now that Bonnie was yelling.

"Hang it up." I mouthed to Damon, who nodded.

"Who knows when we'll be back in town. Maybe today, tomorrow, next we-" I snatched the phone from Damon, hanging it up.

"You've done enough. Just drive."

He rolls his eyes, turning on the radio. "Whatever, Rochelle."


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