chapter twenty-eight

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"I heard somebody had a wild night after dinner." Bonnie teases as she leans against my locker. I let out a sigh, placing my head against the cool locker. My head was pounding, still hungover from last night. Caroline and Kol didn't even let me take a hangover potion. Talking about, "I need to suffer the consequences of my actions!" It's not my fault Klaus finds me attractive and wants me. The fuck am I supposed to about that?

"Hi, Bon. I take it, Caroline's told half of Mystic Falls that I got drunk and almost slept with Klaus, huh?" Bonnie snickers, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Ororo. Let's get to class."

I follow Bonnie, dreading to get to class. Alaric's a cool dude teacher wise, but I don't need his droning, annoying ass voice giving me a killer headache nor did I need his judging looks because I'm sure Care babbled to him, the Salvatores, and Elena.

"Oh yeah, I have a hangover potion." Bonnie digs into her bag, handing me the bottle.

"Oh my god, Bonnie I love you so much. This is why you're my favourite cousin."

Bon rolls her eyes, grinning. "I might as well be your only cousin, Ororo. You don't like Lucy half of the time, especially since she went off on Kol."

I shrug, drinking the hangover potion, holding back a sound of disgust. This shit was nasty. "She should stay in her place and mind her business. We don't say shit about her fucking Katherine."

Bonnie makes a face at Katherine's name. "I don't see it. Lucy is too good for her and Katherine is a manipulative bitch."

Since when did Bonnie have beef with Katherine? Damn, I need to spend more time with Bon. Come to think about it, I've been lacking in the family bonding department since Kol and the rest of his family returned. Family dinner was a complete bust, and we need to cleanse mom of whatever bullshit Esther left behind.

"Ororo, are you even listening to me? Or are daydreaming about Klaus?" Bonnie bites back a grin as I roll my eyes, following her down the hall.

"No, I'm not thinking about Klaus. I'm just releasing we have spent little time together since all of this happened. When has it just been me, you, and Caroline? Before that, it was Kol and Finn lurking in the background. We really need a girls' day, hell we need a weekend."

Bonnie nods, agreeing. "We do, and we could invite Rebekah. You two need to get along! It's obvious we're going to be a part of the family".

"Technically, Kol claims that we're married and the only way we'll divorce is by death. I'm going to be a part of this crazy-ass family for a long time. He and Care are immortal, I know they aren't planning on letting me stay mortal and wilt away."


"Miss. Bennett."

It quite surprised me to see Elijah standing against my car as I left the school building. "Elijah, I haven't seen you in the past few days! Where have you been?"

He replies as he opens the car door. "I took the responsibility of gathering everything that's needed for the ritual tonight. The werewolf, Jules, was quite hard to find. And I heard you had quite the night with Niklaus."

I hold back a groan, laying my head against the steering wheel. "Oh my god, will everyone let it go? So, what, I got drunk with Klaus? It's not like I fucked him!"

Elijah raises an eyebrow as he climbs into the passenger seat. "From what I was told, you weren't far from it. But you were drunk, and Niklaus is an idiot for taking advantage of your vulnerability. Though I am not surprised he acted impulsively. It's not the first time he's taken a woman from one of his siblings."

So, this is going to be one of those drives, I thought as I pulled out from the parking lot.

"I'm not leaving Kol for Klaus."

Elijah's deadpan expression doesn't change. "I can say you are the first one Kol has admitted loving, but that doesn't mean you love him as he does you. Tell me, if presented the opportunity to be with Niklaus and Kol would you take it?"

There was a moment of silence as I tried to understand the meaning behind his words. Is he hinting that he's interested or what?

"I'm not going to lie to you. I love Kol, I do, but Klaus is a very attractive man. He gets on my last fucking nerve, but we can always channel that frustration through sex. Who doesn't love angry sex? And I mean Elijah, I'm not going to beat around the bush and deny it. You are fine as hell and if given the chance, sir I'm going to fuck you. I've been fighting the urge since the first time we met."

Elijah shakes his head, placing a hand over his face.

"What? I'm just telling the truth, Elijah. Did you want me to lie? I've been giving obvious signs. You're the only one that hasn't made a move. I thought you would at least beat Klaus to it. I get the whole 'gentlemen' route, but sometimes a girl just wants to be snatched up and fucked ok?"

"Miss. Bennett,"

And of course, he's sticking to the gentleman act. God, I want to punch him in the face! I hit on the brakes, stopping the car and putting it in park. I turned to face Elijah. Why was he being so complicated?!

"Oh my god, whatever Elijah. Whatever. At least Klaus isn't afraid to go after what he wants. He wants the girl, he goes for her even if it means going through his siblings. But you? Oh, not the righteous and moral Elijah. You'd rather let her go and wallow i-"

Elijah lends over the center console, gently grabbing my face. I didn't waste any time pressing my lips to his. His hand slowly cupped my face and deepened the kiss. I reached up to weave my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

Of course, the moment is ruined by my phone ringing. I wanted to ignore it, but the ringing was persistent. Elijah breaks the kiss, pulling away, "You should take that."

I hold back a frustrated sigh, digging in my pocket for my phone. Looking at the caller ID, a huff left my lips.

"What Klaus?"

"Well, aren't you in a mood, love? If only you would've given me this attitude last night, I'm sure we would've had quite the fun."

I place the car in drive, releasing me and Elijah weren't getting any farther than this anytime soon. "Is there any reason you're calling me Klaus? Besides harassing the hell out of me?"

"Now, I need a reason to call? I could just want a casual conversation, is that wrong?" This was the most aggravating hybrid.

"You make me sick. What do you actually want? If it's reminding me about the ritual, trust me, I haven't forgotten. Elijah has taken care of everything." Klaus lets out a chuckle as Elijah turns toward me.

"I bet he has, haven't you, Elijah? I take it, you heard about Miss. Bennetts' pleasurable time with me last night?"

I quickly hung up the phone, throwing it in the cup holder. "Is this a thing with all of you? Bragging about the girl you've fucked or made moves on?"

Elijah shakes his head, "it's more of Niklaus and Kol. A pissing contest between the two of them, though it seems Kol is winning with his claim over you. I know he didn't appreciate Klaus' scent that lingers on you."

Vampires were weird and possessive as hell.


"There you are, we've been looking everywhere for you." Kol gives Elijah a glare as if he knows what exactly took place between us.

"We thought you ran off with Klaus again." Caroline snickers as Kol blows a raspberry. "If he knows what's good for him, he'll keep his bloody hands to himself. That goes for you too, Elijah. Don't think I've seen the way you look at her."

I bit my lip, exchanging a glance with Caroline. Well, this isn't turning out the way I expected.

"I'm sure Ororo is capable of making her choices, Kol. You seem to forget that she isn't a possession of yours." Elijah's blank expression doesn't change as Kol starts to walk towards him.

"Kol, no." I grab his arm, hoping he wouldn't be stupid and try to attack Elijah. It's too early for this drama, and we aren't about to have an Elena and Salvatores moment.

"We're not doing this right now. We've got other things to worry about." I'm not going to play mediator between them, but they could fight later. I have to get everything done for this ritual, plus preparing to get rid of Esther for good.

Kol lets out a snarl, refusing to back down from Elijahs' stare.

"No, Kol."

"Imagine the angry sex in a threesome between them." I hold back a laugh, leaning my head on Kols' chest. Trust Caroline to say something stupid during a serious moment.

"Caroline, please." I managed to get out while trying to hold my laugh.

"What? I was trying to lift the mood! Kol is acting like a neanderthal, trying to stake his claim on you when it's obvious that he's clearly forgotten who you belonged to first. Me." Caroline easily wraps an arm around my waist, gently pulling me away from Kol.

"You boys sort out your problem while I take Ororo."


"Does this guy think we don't have better things to be doing than waiting on him?" Caroline scowls, as we were waiting for Klaus to show up at the chosen location to do the ritual.

I was sitting in the middle of the altar, with Kol as we finished the preparations. "I wish you would've never made this deal with him. All this power is going to go straight to his head." Kol sighs, glancing over at the groaning Jules.

"Your brother has always been on a power trip, Kol. This isn't anything new and if I hadn't made the deal, you wouldn't be here. Would you prefer this or being confined in a box and roaming as a spirit that only could leave the other side due to my ancestor? Klaus, would've undaggered you whenever he got ready to and who knows how long that would've been."

Kols' reply is cut off as Bonnie and Finn arrive with a stumbling Elena. The brunette was trying and failing to fight off Finns' tight grip, but he wasn't letting up until he threw her down on the ground.

"Bonnie, please don't do this." Bonnie doesn't flinch as she stares down into Elena's accusing and pleading brown, doe eyes. She could see the obvious fear and tremble of her voice. Finn gently guides Bonnie away from the crying brunette.

"Bonnie this isn't you. My bonnie would try to do everything to help get rid of Klaus. He and his siblings are monsters! And you're falling into their trap! You wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for your bitch of a cousin! This is her fault! She did this! She turned you and Caroline against me!"

Elena lets out a shriek as Bonnie slaps her hard enough that the sound echoes through the clearing. "Don't you ever call my sister out of her name. Ororo has done nothing but protected me and Caroline from whatever bullshit you were going to drag us into. Damon and Stefan are the cause of all this! If you would've listened to my warnings, you wouldn't be in this predicament. I told you, make a deal with Klaus! But did you listen to me? The one you claim is your so-called best friend? No, you listen to those two worthless excuses of vampires! They are the reason that you might not make it to tomorrow if Klaus isn't generous to let you live. And you should be thanking Ororo, she's the one who saved your aunt from being the sacrifice vampire tonight." Bonnie gives Elenas' quivering form a look of disgust as she walks off with Finn.

"Well, Bonnie's finally grew balls and kicked the dumb doppelgänger to the side. Please tell me, you're next, Caroline?" Kol and I turn to Caroline, who was checking over her nails with a bored expression on her face. "I said my peace to Elena last night, she didn't like it, but what's a girl to do? We were never close as her and Bonnie. It was always Ororo and me. I won't miss her if she does die tonight. I've got what I want." She gestured toward me, Kol, Bonnie, and Finn.

Kol smirks at the flabbergasted Elena as she struggles to understand that her "best friends" were officially done with her and didn't care if she lived or died.

"Ororo, such a pleasure to see you again. You didn't tell me you were bringing half the family." Klaus had finally arrived, dragging an unfortunate vampire behind him. He threw him into his respective place, ignoring his moan of pain. I placed everyone in their perspective positions, and it was time to begin.

I ignore his greeting, bending down to release the moonstone inside the bowl that was placed in the altar. I begin chanting in Old Norse, causing the runes to light up, and the air became saturated in magic.

"Since when did she start speaking Old Norse and why didn't she tell me?" I hear Kol question in the background as I drown out everyone else focusing on the ritual. As the last rune surrounding mine connected with the others, the barrier dropped and Klaus begins his part of the ritual. I silently hand him a prepared bowl as he stalks towards Jules. After he's finished with the vampire and werewolf, there's Elena. She's a moron and of course, tries to run, and it's hilarious to watch her run into an invisible barrier, crying and screaming.

Klaus slits her wrists, draining her before letting her deceased corpse fall to the ground. "Good riddance." were the words I thought as Klaus placed the bowl inside the altar, offering the sacrifices. I resume the final chant until there's a blinding light and I pick up the glowing bowl.

"We have accepted your sacrifice. Drink, Niklaus and become cleansed of your mothers' curse and become the hybrid you're meant to be." Klaus doesn't break eye contact as he takes the bowl from my hands, gulping it down. As soon as he finishes, he lets out a pain-filled yell. I hold back a winch, hearing his bones snapping. It's fascinating watching as he loses his human appearance, shifting into a wolf. His midnight fur shines as the moonlight reflects off it. His amber-coloured eyes scan everyone before stopping on me. He crept forward as I slowly lifted my hand. Gently, I placed my hand on his head, patting it softly as he rubbed against the palm of my head.

"I never thought I'd live to see a day when Niklaus practically begs to be padded on the head," Elijah says as Klaus lets out a grunt, giving me one last look before running off into the woods. Not far away, a loud howl breaks out, followed by a few others.

"Mason brought his pack into town, hoping it would help Klaus adjust to his changes," Bonnie says to a worried-looking Elijah. "It's best to stay out of the woods tonight."

"So, what are we going to do with these dead corpses?" Caroline questions, pointing at the dead wolf, vampire, and Elena.

"You know what would be funny? If we leave Elena here for the Salvatores to find." Finn, Elijah, Bonnie, and Caroline facepalms at Kols' suggestion. I didn't, call me cold-hearted or just plain petty, but that was a great idea. I wanted to see the desperation and grief on their faces when they realize she's dead.

"You should drop her at the Boarding House, doorsteps."

Elijah shakes his head, gathering the werewolf and vampires bodies. Finn throws Elena's lifeless body over his shoulder like a bag of trash. "We'll take care of the cleanup. Kol, take these ladies home if you will."

Kol gives Elijah a nod, leading us away from the ritual site and to my car.


"Oh my god," Caroline's surprised gasp causing me to look up from my history book confused.

"What is it, Care?" She silently points to someone walking into the classroom.

"Holy shit." I dropped my pen in shock as I watched Elena Gilbert stroll into the classroom. She was wearing a smirk, sending the flabbergasted Bonnie a wink as she took her seat. She turns toward Caroline and I.

"Did you really think you got rid of me that easy? God, you and those Mikaelsons are so predictable. Damon made sure I was going to come out of that ritual alive. I'll admit it was shocking to have Bonnie betray me, but it shouldn't have been surprising considering who she hangs with. Don't worry, your payback is coming. I'll start with your little boy toy. What's his name? Kyle? Kaleb?"

"His fucking name is Kol and if you lay a hand on him, bitch, I'll make sure there are no loopholes for you to come back this time. I have an idea on whom's responsible for this bullshit, and you tell that pathetic excuse of a mother when I get my hands on her, she'll truly feel the wraith and fury of the Bennett witches." I growl, glaring at the brunette.

"We'll see, Ororo."

I'm going to obviate these bitches if it's the last thing I do.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry for the long wait but I've been extremely busy! How'd you like this chapter? Sorry there isn't much action between Elijah and Ororo but come on, Kol acting like a possessive idiot right now. Klaus curse is finally broke and...Elena died lmao. Once again thank you for the support, I can't believe Homebound has hit 71K! I'm so excited and proud of my work and you guys!

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