chapter twenty-seven

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I let out a groan, blinking awake. Where the hell am I? I know I wasn't at the restaurant because I'm certain that place was full of chaos right now.

"Sorry about that, Little One. You used quite a bit of power back there. Never seen someone besides Niklaus with such a burning hatred for Esther." Ayana says as she holds a hand out to help me stand.

"Did you really have to make me faint? I'll never hear the end of it from Kol and Caroline." I replied, grabbing her hand, rising to my feet.

"I'm sure they'd rather have you fainted and alright then have Esther take possession over you."

"WHAT?! That evil conniving bitch was going to possess me?" Ayana nods, frowning at my choice of words. Like I actually gave a damn, Esther was a bitch and I'm not going to sugarcoat it because they were best friends back in the day.

"Esther has been anxious ever since Qetsiyah assigned Kol as your guardian. And it's become progressively worse as you weave your way into the Mikaelsons. To Esther, you're the problem, and you need to be eliminated as soon as possible. This isn't the first nor the last you've seen of her. "

I let out a groan. Just what I needed, Esther as the big bad and on my ass. Luckily, I don't have to deal with Mikael anytime soon, he's still in the tomb and out of action.

"I need to get rid of her before she tries something else. I still have to break Klaus' curse and having her here will ruin everything!"

Ayana shakes her head, "Qetsiyah, me, and the other Bennett witches will hold her off for as long as we can. You should hurry back, your family and lovers are getting anxious for your return."


"This is becoming a habit, Ororo." Was the first thing I heard as I woke up.

"Thank god, Ororo, you're okay!" Caroline shoves Kol out of the way, pulling me into a hug. "I was worried sick."

Kol rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. "Correction, we were worried sick. You've got to stop fainting on us, darling."

"That wasn't my fault. It was Ayana. Just to let you know, your mother is a pain in the ass, Kol." I say as Caroline helps me sit up. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours."

"Yeah, a few hours we had to deal with your bloody grandmother nagging the hell out of us. Do you know she blames me for this?" Kol exclaims, sitting down beside me.

Nana was out of her mind for blaming Kol for this. It wasn't his fault his mother is a crazy psycho bitch.

"Don't worry about her, Kol. We've got other things to worry about."

Caroline was usually quiet. I turn to see her looking at Kol and me with furrowed eyebrows.


"I know Esther is an important issue and all, but we can worry about her later. How long has it been since you two have had sex? I want to know before I make a move."

Oh, for goodness' sake! I'm trying to have a serious conversation and Caroline's worried about sex! I sit up, crawling out of bed and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Kol questions.

"Anywhere but here. You two can do whatever you want too."

"Is that an okay for us to have sex?"

"I don't care!"


"Well isn't this a surprise, witch?"

As soon as Klaus opened his mouth I regret coming here. But, I've got to suck it up because I need his help.

"Your mother is a psychotic bitch. She fucking possessed my mother for the past week and nobody noticed! She fucking made herself known at our family dinner, ruining everything!"

Klaus gives me a look as I shove past him to step into his home.

"You're just going to walk into my house as you own it? And what is this about your mother getting possessed?" Klaus closes the door, following me.

"Exactly what I said, are you hard of hearing now or something?" I sit cross-legged on the couch.

"Let's say I believe you. What's your plan?"

"Honestly I don't give a fuck if you don't believe me or not. I need your blood and along with the rest of your siblings to use to trap Esther's annoying ass on the other side with my ancestors. They really don't like her and how she runs around claiming to be the "Original" witch. On top of creating you guys. She's not very popular."

Klaus sits down beside me, a thoughtful look on his face. "I was promised a ritual. Tomorrow's the full moon, I have the moonstone, wolf and vampire. All I need is the doppelgänger. Are you going to stop me from killing your precious friend?"

"I would say go for it but if you want more hybrids, you can't drain her in one go."

"What do you mean? I thought by using the blood of the doppelgänger, the curse would be broken, and I'd be free to make hybrids as I please!"

I raise an eye, a small smirk on my face. "Do you really think Esther would've made it that easy?"

Klaus lets out a scoff, "No I suppose not. What do I need to do?"

"Break her a deal, make her give you a monthly supply of if you're planning on having more hybrids. As long as she cooperates, use her. If not, there's always compelling or just stringing her up in the basement. Though her little boy toys will cause many problems unless you get rid of them."

"Stefan won't be a problem for a while. He's taken to following Rebekah around like a lost puppy since I've compelled his memories back. The other Salvatore is a pain in the ass. And his mouth, he never shuts up."

Could it be?! Klaus and I are agreeing on something? Agreeing about Damon Salvatore no less.

"My God, he's such a pain in the ass. And he thinks he's so smart when in reality he's a dumbass. You know I've nearly ended his life twice, and he still doesn't get the fucking hint not it fuck with me? I had Kol put his fist through his chest!"

Klaus stands from the couch, walking over to the bar. "Would you like a drink, Ororo?"

A drink...with Klaus? That doesn't seem too bad, it could be worse, and I end up drinking with Damon.

"Give me the strongest you've got."

A few drinks never hurt anyone.

Famous last words, of course.


"This is such a bad idea." Ororo laughs as Klaus drunkenly hands her another shot.

Since arriving Klaus and Ororo found themselves drowning drinks one after the other as they talked.

"No, no this is a great idea." Klaus laughs, clinks his shot glass together with hers.

Ororo snickers, throwing her shot back as Klaus stares at her in silence.

Taking in her beauty. Her chocolate-coloured eyes shine as she lets out another drunken laugh. Her smooth bronze skin, russet locks slowly falling out of the messy bun she'd thrown it up in earlier. He wanted to touch her, feel her against him.

His eyes slowly leave her face, trailing down to her lips. He licks his lips in anticipation. It was a stupid idea but he wanted her. Unexpected, he closes the space between them, kissing her like he's been wanting to.

When he realized what he was doing, his eyes snapped open, and he pulled away.

He and Ororo stared at one another silently.

" This is bad. Terrible." Ororo lifts her hands, reaching up to run her hands through Klaus' hair. Somewhere in the back of her mind, there was a warning sign. Her instincts telling her this was a bad idea, but she ignores it. Instead, focusing on the tingling sensation in her stomach. She allows Klaus to pull her into another kiss.

As he goes to remove her shirt, her cell phone rings. Klaus lets out a curse as Ororo clumsily pushes him away to reach in her pocket, pulling out her phone. Klaus gently takes it from her hands, answering it.

"Who's calling?"

A smirk forms on his lips as he hears Kol growl through the phone. "Where the hell is Ororo? What have you done with her?"

"Oh, nothing besides I'm about to give her the greatest fucking she's had in this lifetime. I'll take good care of her, brother."

"Keep your filthy mutt paws off my woman, Niklaus. Don't you dare defile her, she is mine! If you want to take someone's woman, go after that doppelgänger! I'm sure she's open season for everyone! Elijah's interested in her."

Klaus chuckled, "that's where you're wrong brother. I don't know where you've been but no one besides the Salvatores is interested in the doppelgänger and even so the oldest has his eyes on someone else. Someone, in particular, I think you know exactly who I'm talking about don't you? Shall I list the names of the lucky candidates."?

Kol is silent and Klaus takes it as his cue to continue.

"The vampire lad, Enzo. You can't forget the halfwit moron, Damon Salvatore."

"Damon Salvatore does not like Ororo!"

Klaus lets out a laugh, pulling Ororo into his arms. She sleepily cuddles into his chest as he makes a face. That wasn't what he had in mind.

"Damon is obsessed, Kol. You're not paying attention. The boy literally begs for her attention when he isn't chasing the doppelgänger. Then you have Elijah. You're lying to yourself with that one brother. Even I can see whenever he's eyeing her. The jealousy and rage on his face when he sees you with her. And you can't forget me. And you know I always get what I want. And what I want is the witch and that's what I shall have."

The only thing Klaus could hear was Kol's heavy breathing and then the phone's dial tone. He pulls the phone from his ear, shrugging. It wasn't his fault his brother was blind! It was clear that everyone was after Ororo, and it didn't matter that Kol was with her. That never married when it came to women with the Mikaelsons. He's stolen plenty of women from his siblings, and he's sure Ororo won't be the last.

"I need to sober you up, little witch," Klaus tells Ororo as he bites his wrist. He places his bleeding wrist onto her lips, but she shoves it away, wiping her mouth.

"No. I don't drink random vampire blood. Only Kol and Caroline can give me blood." She gives him a look of disgust, pulling away.

She looks around dazed. "Where is Kol?"

The door slams open and Klaus is tossed across the room. He crashes into the bar, shattering glass everywhere.

Of course, Kol would toss him around like a bloody rag doll.

Klaus rolls over, sitting up on his elbow to see Kol gathering Ororo from the couch, carrying her bridal style as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Are you alright, darling? He didn't touch you did he?"  Kol questions as he checks over Ororo to see if she was harmed.

"I'm ok, Kol. Promise."

Klaus finds himself surprised as he watches his younger brother carless the young drunken witch. He's never seen Kol act this way before. Soft and caring is not usual for him. He expected Kol to rush in, kill the witch as punishment for coming near him. She even allowed him to kiss her!

"I'm going to take you home and get you sobered up. We're going to have a long talk."

Ororo lets out a groan. "Nooooo, I don't wanna talk. How about you fuck me instead? I'm stressed, and I heard it was such a great stress relief."

Klaus rolls his eyes, falling back onto the floor. He could've been doing that! Damnit, he's going to have to change his plan of getting Ororo into his bed since Kol will be on his ass from now on.

Ororo lets out a giggle, "You and Care will make me feel better, won't you?" She places a kiss on Kols' lips as he smiles down at her.

"Always, darling."

It's disgusting to hear, but Klaus admittedly feels a bit jealous. Does he wonder if Kol actually loves Ororo or is it all a front to have a powerful witch by his side? In all of his thousand years alive, he's never seen Kol truly in love. He's never valued a woman as more than an object. So, what's so different with this Bennett witch?

"Stay away from my woman, Niklaus.  No more of whatever this nonsense is."

Klaus scoffs, turning to his brother. "That's funny since she came to me. Admittedly, getting her drunk wasn't my intention but one thing turned into another. If I had my way, I'm sure I'd be fucking her in my bed. Tell me, brother, is she as exquisite as she smells?"

Kol snarls, his vampiric face coming forward as he steps toward Klaus. The smirk doesn't leave Klaus face, knowing he's pissed Kol off.

"Kol." His growls lessen as he turns to look down at the brunette in his arms. "Let it go, Kol. He isn't worth it right now. Let's just go home. Please?" Ororo pleads softly.

Kol lets out one last growl, glaring at the smirking Klaus before flashing out of the mansion.

"Well, that was quite a show, brother," Rebekah says as she appears right after Kol.

" Never thought I'd live to see the day Kol actually respects and cares for a woman, but apparently he cares about that one. I can't believe you were going to try to fuck Kols' girl. He's possessive of everything he owns, and I don't know why you'd think this would be any different."

Klaus waves Rebekah away. He didn't want to deal with her taunts and scowling. He wanted to fuck the witch so what? It's never been a big deal before, so why is it now?

"You're not going to listen to a word I say are you?"

"What do you think Rebekah?"

She lets out a sigh of frustration, stomping upstairs. Nik was such an idiot sometimes.

"When Kol kicks your ass six ways to Sunday don't call me. Or Elijah. Honestly, I think he'll join Kol."

Hi guys! How's it going? What did you think about the new update? Honestly it's a 5/10 for me. Now Klaus is officially added to the roaster of men interested in Ororo. Don't worry Kol and Klaus will settle their differences and come to an understanding after a sober Ororo sets shit straight but she had her fun for tonight. Care and Kol will take care of her, if you catch my drift. But anyways, thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! Homebound has reached 63K! I love you guys so much !

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