chapter twenty-three

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"Elijah, I love you."

He shakes his head as I rush over to Kol's coffin. Klaus had officially arrived in town with his siblings' bodies last night. Elijah didn't waste any time seeking me out and bringing me to Kol. The closer Kol got to his body, the more he'd bug me.

I run my hand over his coffin silently before opening it. Oh no, I wasn't prepared for the emotions that hit me as I stared down at his face. I reached up, placing a hand on his grayed cheek.

"Do you want me to do the honor?" Elijah questions, placing a hand on my shoulder and the other on the silver dagger sticking out of Kol's chest.


He nods, pulling the dagger out of Kol's chest. He tucks the dagger into his suit.

"He should awake soon; the servants will serve him and the others." I didn't look up from Kol's body as Elijah spoke. It would thrill Bonnie that Finn was awake as well.

"We must go now. Klaus is impatiently waiting." Elijah slowly pulled me away from Kol. I didn't want to leave him.

"Kol will be alright, Ororo. He'll find his way to you as soon as he awakens." Elijah speaks softly.

'See you soon, Kol.' I place a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright, let's go meet your annoying ass brother before he blows up our phones." I take Elijahs' hand as he led me away.


"It bloody took you two long enough." Klaus scowls at Elijah and me as he opens the door to Alaric's apartment.

"We had to deal with some jackasses on the way. You'll be fine, you big baby." I shove him out of my way and walk into the apartment, collapsing on the couch. I wasn't scared of Klaus, and I doubt he'd try anything right now. Not with Elijah glaring at him.

"I've given you the money, now tell me what you know of the moonstone and my curse." Klaus doesn't waste any time; he slides onto the couch, crowding around me.

"Can you get out my face? Damn, I'm not going anywhere." I place my hand on his face, shoving him away softly. He was too close for comfort, especially now that he's in his body.

He huffs, grabbing my wrist. "a deal is a deal."

"Fine, damn, you're aggravating and impatient as fuck. You're worse than Kol, and that says something."

Elijah chuckles, covering it up as a cough. He's such an idiot. Klaus glares at him before turning back to me. "Talk, witch."

"Fine, that moonstone you've got is fake as hell; you don't have a werewolf or vampire to sacrifice. You touch the Lockwood brothers, Jenna Sommers or Caroline Forbes, and breaking your hybrid curse will be the last of your worries."

Klaus looks furious as I smirk in his face. It was hilarious watching him.

"But, I can get you everything you need for the ritual. Moonstone, vampire, and werewolf. Leave it to Elijah and me, and you'll be a little hybrid in no time." I tested my luck, reaching over patting Klaus on the cheek.

His eyes were incredulous, and I knew he didn't believe me. "Don't worry; you'll become the hybrid you've always meant to be."

Elijah and I had our plan, and it was already in motion. Jules was the sacrifice werewolf, and Elijah had snatched up one of Anna and Pearl's lackeys.

"So what do you say? Don't touch the Lockwoods, Jenna or Caroline, and we have a deal."

Klaus rolls his eyes, "we have a deal."

"Shake on it." He roughly grabs my hand, shaking it. Little does he know I used my magic to bind our deal.

"Elijah" He reaches into his suit and pulls out the moonstone. He places it on the table in front of Klaus.

Klaus looks incredulous as he takes in the sight of the moonstone.

"You had it this whole time?! I could've killed the witch without going through this deal!"

"I gave Ororo my word, and we had a deal." Elijah shrugs, as a bitter expression takes over Klaus's face.

"Of course, you'd take a random witch's word over mine. I shouldn't be surprised." Klaus sneers snatches the moonstone off the table.

Oh hell no, I'm not sitting through their sibling bullshit.

"Elijah, take me home. See you around, Klaus." I shove him away, standing. What is with these Mikaelsons and personal space?


"Y'all are seriously getting on my last nerve! Where is Elijah?!" I demand, storming into the boarding house.

"Whoa, calm down there, Rochelle!" Damon holds out a hand to stop me as Elena and Stefan jump up from the couch.

"Where is Elijah?!" It had only been two hours since we parted ways. Kol was taking forever to wake up, and I was getting impatient. So, you can say I was in a bitch mood and ready to ear off someone's head.

"The latest big bad is in town, and you're worried about Elijah?" Damon questions.

"I don't know how many times I've got to explain this two, you morons! I DONT CARE ABOUT KLAUS! I DON'T CARE ABOUT ELENA! STOP FUCKING AROUND AND RUINING EVERYTHING!"

Elena looks shocked at my outburst. "I'm your friend, Ororo! I thought you'd care if I lived!"

I gave her a deadpanned look. "Elena, you are not my friend; we only interact by association. Just because we have a few random conversations here and there doesn't mean we're best friends. You would be a fucking moron if you thought otherwise."

I turn away from her, holding out my hand to summon Elijah. I knew he was close, more than likely in the basement.

"What are you doing?" Stefan questions nervously. I ignore him as I feel Elijah's energy and follow it. "I suggest you three fuck off before someone knocks your heads off your shoulders." I hurry down towards the basement.

"Dammit, Elijah, I leave you alone for two hours, and this happens." I pull the dagger from his chest with ease. Reaching into his jacket, and surprise surprise, Kol's dagger is still in his pocket.

I throw the dagger into my bag, waving my hand, and Elijah levitates. His body floats behind me as I make my way back upstairs.

"So, you're really not going to help us, Rochelle?" Damon questions.



Elijah was downstairs on the couch with my parents, watching over him until he woke up. I went upstairs and crashed. Dealing with Klaus, Elena, and the Salvatores is exhausting.

"Aw, you look exhausted." Caroline climbs into my bed, kissing my cheek. I smile sleepily, reaching for her. I pull her close and drift off.

I don't know how long I was asleep before Caroline awakens me.

"Ororo, wake up!"

I groan, shoving her hand away. Wait a minute; I sit up abruptly. Someone was here, a certain someone!

I hurriedly get out of bed and clumsily throw on my bonnet. Why hadn't I put that on sooner? My braids are going to be jacked the fuck up tomorrow. It doesn't matter, though, and he's seen me at my worse, anyway.

I rush out of my room, running downstairs.

"Whoa, slow down, sonic! What's the rush?" My dad laughs as I run past him and to the front door.

The doorbell barely has time to ring before I swing open the door. After dealing with this asshole for months, he was finally here in the flesh. Kol Mikaelson stood at my doorstep, smirking at me.

"You could've at least dressed up for me, darling."

I hold back a scream, controlling my emotions. "Shut the fuck and hug me, Kol."

He laughs, holding out his arms as I jump into them.

"Mmm, at least he ain't ugly." I heard my momma say from behind us. Oh my god, my mom was so fucking rude. Kol says nothing as he tightens his arms around me.

"Ok, it's my turn too!" Caroline announces before I feel a pair of arms around my waist and Caroline packing her head on my back.

"I can't believe this is happening! I've wanted for months to touch you!" Caroline breaks the hug, reaching over to tap Kol's cheek lightly.

"You're a cutie; treat my Ororo right or else." Caroline's sweet smile turns feral for a few moments as she narrows her eyes.

"Kol Mikaelson, we invite you in," Mom announces as Kol steps over the door threshold.

He was finally home.

Note: Kol has his physical body y'all! So expect him, Ororo and Caroline to be up to trouble! Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I loved writing it and was excited for the Kororo meeting and I'm the freaking author smh.

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