chapter twenty-two

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"Miss. Bennett, I didn't expect to see you here," Elijah says as he catches sight of me. Caroline had dragged me to this stupid Masquerade party at Tyler Lockwood's mansion.

The Salvatores and Elena had cooked up some dumb ass plan to catch Katherine. It was going to flop terribly because Lucy was screwing Katherine on the low. They knew not to approach Bonnie and me.

"Hi, Elijah. Caroline dragged me here and then ditched me. Where's your murderous little brother?" I ask as he takes my hand. Oh, so we dancing now? Elijah guides me to the dance floor, and we fall into a simple dance.

"He swears he's arriving officially to town with my siblings' coffins in tack." His tone is amiable to read, and it's clear that he doesn't believe Klaus will hold his end.

"As long as he brings me Kol, then I don't care. Just don't backstab me, and we'll have a peaceful existence, 'Lijah. Klaus and I won't be getting alone for a long time. Did you know he likes to lurk outside my window like a creep?"

Elijah smirks; an amused expression comes over his face. "He believes stalking and harassing will make you cave in and do his bidding."

"Funny, Kol said the same thing." I laugh as Elijah spins and dips me. I could easily see Carol Lockwood glaring over at me, eyes full of jealously and spite. Sorry, Carol, this one is mine. Damn, I'm out here collecting Mikaelsons like pokemon.

"Isn't this cute?" I roll my eyes to the high heavens. I knew I shouldn't have made direct eye contact with Carol. She made her way over to annoy us.

"Carol, you look lovely this evening." Elijah smiles at her politely. His eyes held annoyance as she interrupts us.

"Mr. Mikaelson, I didn't know you brought Miss. Bennett as your date. Isn't she a bit young for you?"

"I'm old enough, Miss. Lockwood. Why are you in my business?" I snap, cutting Elijah off. I didn't want to deal with this nagging bitch. She'd have it all over town by tomorrow that I was screwing Elijah either way.

"I was told you were dating Miss. Forbes, yet you're here dancing and looking mighty comfortable with Mr. Mikaelson. Which is it? Dating Forbes or sleeping with Mr. Mikaelson?"

If this old raggedy bitch doesn't get out of my face!

"Miss. Lockwood, I don't think it's none of your concern what Miss. Bennett and I are doing."

I shake my head as Carol opens her mouth. "She's jealous she didn't sink her claws into you. Her best plan is to spread a rumor around town now that I'm taking advantage of you as a gold digger while cheating on Caroline. Isn't that right, Carol?"

She lets out a scandalous gasp, "I would never!"

"You're so full of shit, Miss. Lockwood. Everyone knows how much you dislike Caroline and my family. You'll do everything in your power to give us a bad reputation."

Bonnie and Mason make their way over as Carol stands in front of us, gapping like a fish out of water.

"Sorry to interrupt, I need to borrow my cousin for a few minutes." Bonnie gives Carol a fake smile as she holds a hand out for me. I take it, giving Elijah an apologetic smile. "I'll come to find you later."

"I'll be waiting, Ororo." Bonnie and Mason led me away.

"What's going on?" By the looks on their faces, something was up.

"Elena and the Salvatores got Care to lead Katherine in a room where Lucy trapped her. But, of course, our dear cousin didn't tell them the catch. She also linked Katherine and Elena. And now she's asking about the moonstone, and the dumbasses know nothing."

I'm going to kill Caroline for getting involved in the Salvatore's bullshit. I thought she had enough when she got in trouble with her mom.

When we arrive, we can hear Katherine monologuing, which I ignore, throwing the door open.

"What the fuck have you idiots done now? It's like we can't go a day without you morons hatching up some dumbass plan, fucking it up, and then running to Bonnie and me begging us to fix it."

"Oh my, we even have a Bennett witch on the sidelines, waiting to do my bidding as usual." Katherine purrs from the couch. I wave my hand, casting a silencing spell on her.

"Katherine, shut the fuck up. Lucy will be here momentarily to deal with you. You two jackasses are going to go the fuck home. Forget the moonstone, forget Katherine, forget anything you've been told about Elena being a doppelganger; her life isn't in danger."

Bonnie snorts. "Oh, her life is in very much danger, but it all depends on Klaus' mood at the moment. Don't worry your little pea brains about it. She's fine for now."

"You two know about to moonstone?! And you didn't think to tell us?!" Damon snarls, flashing over to Bonnie. Mason effortlessly shoves him out of her face.

"Back the fuck up, Salvatore."

I hold up a finger, shaking it at Damon. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. All it takes is a simple call of his name, and he'll lay your ass out."

Damon turns away, running a hand through his hair frustratedly. It was hilarious seeing Katherine panic in the background as her former boy toys lose their shit.

"Ororo, Bonnie, please, is there something you can tell us?" Stefan pleads. Not that it phased me in the slightest. Caroline was a master at puppy dog eyes; Stefan wasn't cutting it.

"Remember Kitty Kat; the big bad wolf is coming for you. He knows, trust me. He's always known. You thought what Elijah did to you was bad; wait until Klaus gets ahold of you." It was hilarious seeing her frightened expression. Damon and Stefan were even more confused as Katherine looked close to passing out.

"We're done here. Your best bet, Katherine, is to find my crazy ass cousin and seek protection. You never know who's lurking around the corner and out to get you." With that said, I leave the room. I've got a petty ass cousin to find.


"You're in trouble, Missy." I pinch Caroline as she comes out of the restroom. She hisses, pulling away from me. "I just wanted to put my acting skills to use! I think I did pretty good, or Katherine is just an idiot."

"Care before you do reckless shit like that; please warn me. You ditched me and disappeared to God knows where!"

Caroline rolls her eyes. "I was fine; Lucy and I planned this. Plus, the Salvatores are really stupid, even I know Lucy and Katherine are banging. They thought she'd help them."

Lucy comes out of the stall, smirking. "I didn't think they couldn't get any stupider by as the days go by, nothing changes." She washes her hands, drying them off. "Don't worry your pretty little head cuz; I've got this. You take care of those Mikaelsons." Lucy struts past me, patting me on the shoulder.

Damn annoying ass cousins and girlfriends.

Note: As you can see I don't like Carol Lockwood and can't wait for her ass to be killed off. I usually don't do this but I just created a few aesthetics for Ororo, Caroline, Bonnie and Kol! Plus their relationship aesthetics and I want you guys to check them out! They're posted in the second chapter after homebound's introduction!

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