Tundra Cabin part 1

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"What is this book?" Asked Bronya. Joachim appeared before them. "Welcome back. You have solved World 1. I think you know who I am. I'll introduce myself again. I am a fragment of Welt Yang, the 1st Herrscher. He left me here to stand vigil." Joachim spoke with a calm voice, but we sensed sorrow in his words. "The Welt dove into the Sea of Quanta one year ago but never returned. What happened after that?" Asked Bronya. "What Exactly happened to the original Welt Yang?" I asked. "Press forward to reveal the answers you seek. I sense conflict within your hearts. The one named Cocolia... She has caused you so much pain. And you, the one named Otto Apocalypse... He has caused you so much pain too." Answered Joachim. "......don't worry. The Bronya is not affected."

"But I am. I am so affected from what that bas**** did to everyone. I've said to all Herrschers that I will let them kill only Otto Apocalypse and everyone that's loyal to him and know about his dastardly plans and experiments." I suddenly talked violent. "That is also my judgement as a Herrscher. To create a world without Otto Apocalypse to make sure that he never experiments with humans or Honkai ever again." Even Drago.

"Is Patrick going to terminate the Overseer?" Asked Bronya. "I am. You heard me say that before at Schicksal HQ. He is the only man I'm going to let the Herrschers kill. You've seen what I've done to Schicksal HQ killing most of the people that have done inhuman Honkai testing on innocent children. He and Cocolia are no different. You know all the things Cocolia has done similar to what Otto has done. Awaken a Herrscher, kill innocent children in Honkai experiments, and turning children into Valkyries and Executors..." "Do not terminate the Overseer, subject Patrick. Killing all those people that have done horrible stuff to innocent children isn't gonna change anything..." "Don't start an argument Joachim interrupted Bronya making us turn our heads towards him. "Sorry, I got carried away. Back to the topic." I said.

"But the Bronya has a question." "A question about Seele, the girl. Indeed. I don't know her. I can't acquire any trace of her passing. Perhaps she's still drifting in the Sea, and projected herself into this labyrinth by chance alone. She has a strange power that allows her to drift through the Sea of Quanta. She seems unable to control her powers. You might see her in other worlds. But you must enter the Sea to meet her. This book serves as the link between you and Seele. It will be your guide." Explained Joachim. "The Bronya understands." Said Bronya. "So do I. I understand too. Seele had me read her diary to her and now I'm going to use it to save her with Bronya." I said.

Bronya held the diary close to her. A gentle blue light washed over her cheeks. "Wait for me, Seele... the Bronya will be there for you..." Said Bronya. "So will I. Your Older brother and older sister will be there for you..." I said before Bronya and I headed off and went from one surface to another.

On the way we encountered more Quantum type enemies. But we destroyed them one by one and kept going. As we walked along floating subway cars, I decided to start a conversation to explain what's been happening with Kiana and I. "So Kiana and I wash up on shore after Himeko saved us. I told her what happened and that we had to return to you and to the others, but she refused to return to you and didn't want me any closer to her. So I mugged her in the face and said "let's see you grit those teeth" like how in "Gurren Lagann" Kamina snaps Simon out with a punch in the face and told her that I will always be by her side. Then she accepted me and took my hand. The first two months we've been keeping low profiles and we were traveling. We've been walking through fields, through valleys, through ruins, through abandoned towns, through hills, and through forests. Kiana had started to get closer to me since I kissed her. On different nights we camped or stayed at a motel. I kept her close to me. At times when Kiana felt scared, I held her close to me to comfort her..."

"Most of the time we thought about ways to murder that bas**** Otto for wiping out half of humanity. We had to hide from Valkyrie search squads. People we've fought and trained with at St. Freya were now our enemies. This was now like in "Call of Duty Advanced Warfare," "Red vs Blue," and "RWBY." Otto Apocalypse is like Johnathon Irons of Atlas and Dr. Leonard Church The Director of Project: Freelancer. Otto Apocalypse let attacks and billions of people die like Johnathon Irons did and he is trying to bring someone back from the dead and made clones just like Dr. Leonard Church did. We were on the run just like in Volume 4 of RWBY surviving and running and no longer in St. Freya just like how the characters were no longer in Beacon Academy because of attacks."

"Why does Idiotka refuse to return to us?" Asked Bronya. "Because like I told you before. She's scared that Sirin will kill you like before. She's scared that she will endanger you and the others and is trying to keep you safe from Sirin while endangering herself with getting captured by Schicksal. Drago and Sirin were in slumber after using the serum that saved us. Then on the third month they reawakened inside of us and Drago and I had to keep Sirin in check. But we rejected and despised Fu Hua because of what she did to us. We tried to force her to get out of our minds but she can't because of Fenghuang Down being set to Zeroth Power before she was killed. It can't be undone and our wills were forever bound. Including yours and everyone else's. This one time I punched myself in the chest that made her feel the pain also to try to force her to leave but she refused and it didn't work. Then we ended up in Arc City..."

"Sirin has been trying to take over Kiana's body and has been causing Kiana to have nightmares and visions that Drago and I had to enter to save her every time. But then in the middle of the third month after saving Kiana from Sirin again, we raged out at Fu Hua and accused her of everything. Calling her a spy, a liar, a traitor, and a fake friend. Then I said bad things to her that finally got her crying in pain. Then Kiana and I ran and had flashbacks from the past from the time you, her, and Mei enrolled in St. Freya to every adventure we had. Then when Sirin tried to take control again, Kiana tried to commit suicide but Fu Hua stopped her then said a speech that finally got us to forgive her. Then we bounded Sirin in seals. Then Himeko's soul showed up and finally Kiana understood and we unlocked new augmented core battle suits like the ones you and Mei have. Then we left Arc City to find the Dragon Devine Keys temple where we found them and met the Guardian Dragon Toriyama himself."

I finished telling my story as we got to another surface where Joachim was waiting for us. "It's warm here." Said Bronya. "You have unlocked World 1. The Labyrinth has changed. You're both resonating with World 2. It calls to you. Go now, Bronya and Patrick." Said Joachim. 'Seele... will you appear in this world?' Asked Bronya in her mind.

Bronya and I took hands then we entered into World 2 together.

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