Chapter 7: Wind Gliding License

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(Giant Statue)

Another day had gone by and now we were at the giant statue.

Amber: Hey, travelers! I've been looking for you everywhere! How's those Wind Gliders I gave you last time?

Aether: Pretty good.

Patrick: Haven't really been using them lately.

Amber: Seems like they're really growing on you!

Kiana: Yeah they have.

Amber: But then again, you don't have a gliding license, do you?

Everyone: A gliding license?

Paimon: Hmm... What's that?

Amber: Isn't it obvious? You gotta have a gliding license to legally glide in Mondstadt.

Paimon: Oh... but Paimon and the gang have been gliding for ages now. This is the first we've heard about it!

Amber: Yeah, you've been gliding all over the place... Everyone's noticed!

Paimon: Eh-he.

Kiana: Well then why didn't you tell us before?! We could've been arrested!

Amber: Oh I don't know! After all that's happened, I didn't even have the time to tell you!

Paimon: Sooo... You came looking for us because you wanna give us gliding licenses?

Amber: No way! The Knights of Favonius have strict rules. You need to pass an exam, and only then will the Knights issue your license. Today I'm here as an examiner, to oversee your official gliding exams! I gave you your wind glider, so this is my responsibility — at least, that's what Acting Grand Master Jean would say.

Paimon and Kiana: An exam! What a pain. Then again, since Amber is the examiner...

Mei: Sorry about Kiana, she's no good when it comes to taking exams on paper and always needs our help to study with her.

Kiana got a tick mark on her and shouted back.

Kiana: I do not!

Aether: It's fine. We can do this.

Amber: I'm sure you'll all glide through it! I mean... The whole city saw how well you flew the day that Stormterror attacked, so I'm sure that you'll have no problems!

Patrick: technically the girls and I didn't actually use our Wind Gliders. I shot myself up into the sky shooting fire from my fists and feet.

Bronya: And the Bronya summoned Project Bunny to carry us up.

Amber: But we do need to respect the rules and glide properly.

Amber handed us something.

Amber: Here. Take this gliding manual. No need to memorize it, just be familiar with everything in there. For example: only one person per wind glider, no carrying anything over the set weight limit, no taking off using Anemo Slime, and so on and so forth. Anyway, be sure to read it, okay? I had to read a load of big, thick books too when Lisa was teaching me magic...

Kiana: That relates to me when I had to read a load of big, thick books also when my instructor Himeko was teaching me how to fight against monsters.

Paimon: Wow, that's a big old book... Paimon thinks we best get started!

Amber: Great. Come find me when you're done, I'll be at Windrise.

Paimon: *sigh* The Knights of Favonius gliding manual does NOT sound like a fun read...

Aether: Well, guess we'd better get started.

After Amber leaves, we begin to read the Gliding Instruction Manual with Paimon.

When the first wisp of wind brushed across the land. Birds that yearned for the sky had wings. But no way to fly. They asked the Anemo God: "How can we reach the heavens?" To which the Anemo God replied: "You have yet to find which is most important". As the God spoke, the wind thrust the seeds of a dandelion. High into the sky. The birds thrust out their wings. But the breeze was all too mild. Leaving them to stumble across the earth. So they went to the gorge. Where the wind showed off it's wild and incomparable strength. They threw themselves off the cliff. And flapped their wings amongst the howling winds. Until they were able to fly freely in the sky. To the Anemo God they went, to gleefully say: "We understand now! All we needed was a stronger wind to fly". In reply the Anemo God said: "What you lacked was not wind, but courage. It is courage that has allowed you to become the first flying birds of this world."

Paimon: Hmm... That's a cool story... But is the Knights' gliding manual really written in this style?

Aether: It reads like a fairytale...

Paimon: Huh. Anyway, let's go find Amber.


We met with Amber at Windrise.

Amber: Great, you're here! Did you have a good read-through of the gliding manual? Got all the rules down?

Aether: We did have a good read-through of the gliding manual. I mean, we read it but...

Amber: Sounds like a real drag. I would know, I've been there... The gliding manual is super dry... I couldn't get into it at all. Don't tell Jean though...

Paimon: Really? Hmm... Paimon thought there were some pretty cool stories in the gliding manual.

Amber: Cool stories? Oh, you must mean the example cases in the Appendix. Some of them I like. My favorite one is about the illegal Anemo Slime take-off. Apparently, if you pop an Anemo Slime and take off in the burst of wind, it shoots you really, really high... I really wanna try it!

Paimon: No, not that story. Paimon meant the one with the little bird who wanted to fly.

Amber: Ah... What...? Lemme take a look... Shoot, this is the storybook I used to read as a kid! Oops, sorry! I put both books in the same pile and must have grabbed the wrong one when I was leaving.

Paimon: How in the heck do you confuse a bedtime story with an instruction manual?

Amber: Ahh... This is so embarrassing... It's because... Maybe deep down inside, that fairytale is the thing that truly taught me how to glide... "What you lacked was not the wind. It's courage that's allowed you to become the first flying birds of this world." Reading that gave me the courage to glide, to become an Outrider, and to become the Gliding Champion of Mondstadt. ...But anyway, let's get back to the exam! Don't be nervous, just glide like you're used to.

Patrick in mind: Yeah sure, just glide like we're used to it. Glide like Avatar Aang and an air bender.

Amber: Okay then. You just need to follow the marked route to the finish.

Aether: We're ready.

We each had one minute to get through the rings. First Aether went. Then me, then Kiana, then Mei, then Bronya, and then Seele. We all passed as Amber waited for us on at the bottom.

Amber: You all nailed it! But it's no surprise, given the way you handle your gliders in a storm. The next part of the exam is in Mondstadt. See you there, don't keep me waiting!

Everyone: We won't!

Paimon: Alrighty then — you heard her. Back to the city! Let's not keep her waiting!


We met with Amber outside of Mondstadt's Cathedral.

Amber: Hey — here, over here! I'm all set up. Let's on carry on with the exam. Same deal as before, glide through the markers and get to the finish without stopping in the middle.

Aether: We're ready.

Just like before, we had one minute to pass and we did.

Amber: Hahaha... Seems like you've got the hang of wind gliding now! Let's do the final stage

Paimon: Easy! You've flown this way before anyway...

Amber: Once you've passed this final stage, you'll finally be able to get your very own gliding license. Just keep thinking about that license. Ready...

Everyone: ...Go!

Just as we were passing the exam, A Knight of Favonius named Otto called to us.

Otto: Windborne travelers! You are required to land at once by order of the Knights of Favonius!

Patrick in mind: Now I have to say something before Aether does.

We landed.

Otto: I am Otto of the Knights of Favonius.

Paimon: Wh—What's going on?

Otto: Please show me your gliding licenses.

Patrick: Actually sir we were in the middle of passing our gliding exam with Amber.

Otto: Passing your gliding exam with Amber huh? Do you have proof that you are taking the gliding exam with Amber?

Patrick: Ask Amber herself. She's on her way here right now.

Amber: Wait... I'm an instructor. This is a gliding exam.

Otto: Oh... I see. Well, you picked a bad time to hold your gliding exam.

Amber: Really, why?

Otto: The Knights of Favonius received a report from a Sister at the Cathedral claiming that she saw Raptor gliding around these parts. I thought your students here must have been his partners in crime.

Paimon: Raptor? Who's that?

Otto: A known criminal in Mondstadt. He always uses a wind glider to commit his crimes, so people started calling him Raptor.

Amber: Wow. He flies fast then?

Otto: So far we haven't managed to catch him... Our plan this time was to draw him into the Cathedral with a precious artifact, and ambush him inside. ...But he escaped with the artifact. Fortunately, one of the Sisters put some secret markings on the artifact using elemental magic! ...But he was too fast, and we couldn't even keep up with the trail the markings left behind.

Amber: Well, if you need help chasing down a gliding criminal, I'm one for the job! So tell me, which way did he go?

Otto: As far as I know, he was last seen near Springvale, but that was some time ago.

Amber: Leave it to me! With me and this party chasing him down together, he doesn't stand a chance.

Aether: Sure

Amber: Once we've got this Raptor guy, we'll pick up were we left off. But no need to worry... I'll be sure to have a word with Jean.

Patrick: Teaming up with you makes our party stand out more.

Amber: What are you talking about?

Patrick: Since settling in Mondstadt and joining the guild, everyone's been staring at me and Aether in a bad way.

Amber: How came?

Patrick: Well they're jealous obviously. Just think about it, two guys with four super cute girls.

What I said made the Valkyries blush red and steam come out of their heads. All except Bronya because she can't feel emotion.

Patrick: If you and Lisa teamed up with us that makes everyone in Mondstadt hate me and Aether.

Amber: I'll be sure to clear your misunderstanding.

Paimon: What about me? I'm a girl.

Patrick: I was referring to human girls not you, Paimon.

Paimon: RUDE!


We went to Springvale to start looking for Raptor.

Amber: This is Springvale. There must be some clues about Raptor 'round here. The sister from the Cathedral put some secret Anemo markings on the artifact he took.

Paimon: Use your Elemental Sight and keep your eyes peeled for clues.

We nodded our head yes then we activated our Elemental Sight then we split up and found three clues.

However, only one of them had Anemo markings.

Amber: Hmm... a strip of cloth with Anemo markings on. Looking at the design and the way it's woven, there's a good chance it came from a wind glider.

Paimon: Wow, Outriders have to be textile experts now!? It's a harder job than Paimon thought. If this really belongs to Raptor, it must mean his wind glider is broken.

Kiana: So he's a flightless bird now. Shouldn't have much trouble trying to catch him on the ground.

Then we found another clue.

Paimon: Hmm... How de we know if this was left by Raptor or an Anemo Slime?

Amber: Anemo Slimes are airborne creatures. They don't leave marks on the ground, unless someone stomped on one to take-off.

Paimon: ...People actually do that!?

Amber: Either way, let's make a mental note of these markings. They're very clear. It appears that the elemental markings point this way.

Paimon: Huh. Well... D'you think he ran off ahead?

Amber: There's only one way to find out! C'mon guys, we should keep following the markings.

Paimon: Ooh, what's that? Looks like something's going on up ahead...

Amber: It sounds like there's a battle going on — could it be Raptor?

The Valkyries and I drew our weapons out.

Patrick: Only one way to find out.

Amber: Quick, let's keep going!

Amber drew out her bow while Aether drew out his sword then we ran to where the sounds were coming from and saw hilichurls surrounding a helpless man. We charged in and took are of the hilichurls.

Farrah: Thank goodness, the Knights of Favonius have arrived! The hilichurls won't dare pursue me any longer...

Amber: What happened?

Farrah: I can't believe it but... the hilichurls attacked our carts. Luckily I outran them.

Amber: Hilichurls? But I thought the Knights of Favonius had cleared out most of the hilichurl camps around these parts.

Farrah: It's a small camp not too far from the village. The route I take on my delivery runs ensures I steer clear of it. But today... some crazy fellow suddenly fell out of the sky and landed right in the camp!

Paimon: Hmm... Now who does that remind me of...

Farrah: It really riled them up. They chased the funny-looking fellow as he fled, which brought them out into the open. I managed to get away, but they smashed my fruit carts to smithereens. I don't know what I'm gonna do when the merchant caravan gets here tomorrow—

Amber: Funny-looking? IN what way?

Farrah: He was holding onto something. Must've been heavy, because he couldn't glide in a straight line to save his life... Maybe that's why he fell. Honestly, people like that shouldn't be allowed in the skies. It doesn't take a genius to know you're not supposed to carry heavy objects while gliding! I'm gonna report that idiot and make sure he get's his license revoked!

Amber: Heavy object... The artifact? This could well be our guy. Tell me, did you see which way he went?

Farrah: I managed to catch a glimpse as I ran from the hilichurls. I think he went... that way.

Amber: Seems like a strong lead. Guys, on with the chase!

Everyone: Right!

Amber: Oh, and don't worry — as soon as I get back I'll tell the Knights to mop up the rest of the hilichurls as soon as possible.

We went down the direction Raptor went then we defeated a bunch of thugs who were working with Raptor.

Paimon: Apart from the hilichurls, there's a bunch of funny-looking people too!

Amber: Judging from the type of wind gliders they've got, I'd say this lot is with Raptor.

Paimon: But if that's the case, what are they hanging around here for?

Amber: I wonder... Well, this measly bunch can't slow us down, that's for sure. But we also haven't found the artifact — which means, Raptor still has it on him. ...Forget these guys. C'mon everyone, let's keep following the elemental markings.

But soon the elemental markings stopped.

Paimon: Huh, look where we are...

Aether: There are no more elemental markings ahead.

Amber: The elemental power on the artifact must have worn off. Raptor must have realized the markings would give away his position, and sent his minions to slow us down. That way, when the effect wears off, he can make his escape. He won't get away with this! After him!

We entered into Raptor's hideout.

Amber: There's only one way over there. Raptor must be up ahead. However, it look like the only way we can catch up is if we glide.

Paimon: But there's a ton of enemies below... They'll definitely attack us after we take off.

Amber: If we're gonna do this, we'll have to glide and defeat them in one fell swoop... You still have one stage to go in your exams, right?

Paimon: Yeah, but what's that got to do with anything.

Amber: How about we make this the third stage of your gliding exam, guys?

Paimon: Are you sure that's how the exam is supposed to go!?

Amber:It's a custom version of the exam for everyone here, designed by yours truly! Besides, the normal version of the exam wouldn't be fit for the heroes of Mondstadt themselves! So, what do you say, guys?

Aether: We'll do it.

Patrick and Valkyries: Yeah!

Amber: Woohoo! Good answer. Everyone, prepare for take off! Raptor awaits you once you defeat all these enemies, then that gliding license is yours!

As we glided we dropped bombs on the enemies like dive bombers and thank to wind currents we were able to come back up higher. Then we got a door that opened.

Amber: Nice! You breezed through it. You guys are naturals. I knew you all would be fine. All that's left now is to grab ourselves a Raptor — let's go!

As we went through the door we continued on through the dungeon defeating more enemies and solving some puzzles and opening doors and gliding. Kiana and Amber covered from the rear while I, Aether, Mei, and Seele fought against the enemies on the front lines and Bronya healed us when we each took damage while also casting some spells to defeat the enemies.

Finally we reached the spot where the next cutscene happens as the song ended.

Kiana: Was it really necessary to play "Good Night" again twice?

Patrick: Sorry, Kiana. I just love this song so much with how well it goes with montages. I am going to use it a few more times.

Amber: It looks like there's no way across... Ugh, he must be around here somewhere.

Paimon: Amber, over there!

There he was. Raptor.

Raptor: If you insist on chasing me, so be it... Huh? Who brought the little girl?

Amber: You must be Raptor! You can't escape!

Raptor: I don't need to escape! There's no way you can make it over here.

Amber: Oh... It is pretty high... and quite far...

Patrick: But we can still shoot at you from a long distance! Like this!

I shot a fire blast from my right fist but then Raptor dodged it.

Raptor: You're gonna have to try better than that if you wanna hit me! Oh, little girl, why don't you run along home now and let your leader deal with this? Don't worry, I promise that once the Grand Master gets here, I'll surrender immediately! Haha!

Raptor's insults made Amber angry.

Amber: Hey, watch it! You're talking to a Knight of Favonius Outrider! You'll be sorry when I arrest you!

Patrick and Aether: Deep breaths, Amber! Don't let his insults get to you!

Amber: ...You're right.

Patrick in mind: At least he didn't't insult the Valkyries other wise they would have raged out. Bronya could of raged out like Blanc.

Amber: Ugh... He's right there in front of us... If only we could glide across.

Paimon: So how did HE get across?

Aether: Some kind of elemental magic?

Paimon: Guys, can you see anything with your Elemental Sight...? No? Oh, okay... Never mind...

Raptor: Bye-bye, kiddos...

Paimon: Oh no! He's getting away!

Amber: We can't hesitate any longer. The only way to get across is to glide there.

Paimon: But... but...

Amber: Don't worry — I'm the Gliding Champion of Mondstadt, remember! If Raptor can do it, I can do it too.

Raptor: Oi, Outrider! You have less chance of surviving this than jumping off the Anemo statue in Mondstadt without your wind glider! Haha!

Aether: I'm with Amber.

Patrick: So are we.

Paimon: Paimon sees your points... If you rule out everything that's completely impossible, gliding is the only idea left.

Amber: Remember that book I lend you? The one I thought was the gliding manual, but wasn't? The first birds couldn't fly. Flight was their reward for their courage to plunge into the canyon. Be my witness.

Everyone: Go! Go! Outrider!

Amber: Roger ! Let's show this guy what an Outrider is made of!

Raptor: Wait... Stop! You'll never make it! Come on, off you go now, back home like a good little girl.

Amber: Raptor says I'll never make it. But, if you listen carefully... The wind! The wind says I WILL make it, and that's good enough for me!

Amber stepped back a few feet then she ran and jumped before bringing out her wind glider.

Paimon: Amber, no! You're gonna fall! You're gonna fall—!

Then it happened.

Paimon: *gasp* It's a wind current! Sh—She's gliding, Amber's gliding!

With that Amber reached the other side then the door opened. We glided across too, and joined up with Amber. Inside were Raptor and his Treasure Hoarders.

Raptor: You're crazy, kid! You must have known about the wind current. There's no way you would have jumped otherwise!

Amber: The wind takes care of those who have courage. Now, sit still and await your arrest — like a good little boy!

We each smirked and intimidated them.

Patrick: Or else we'll beat you to a pulp. Because you haven't seen anything yet of what we can do.

I drew out my swords and did a battle pose.

Kiana: That's right. We maybe cute but we're all great fighters!

Then Kiana drew out her crossbow and did a battle pose too. Then everyone else did.

Mei: I may look beautiful but still fight with beauty.

Mei drew out her katana and did a battle pose.

Bronya: They look like they're made of tough stuff.

Then a shadow covered her eyes and had one red eye like Blanc.

Bronya: Ha, this should be fun.

Then she cracked her knuckles and she drew out her staff and did a battle pose.

Seele's eyes turned red, then she drew out her scythe and did a battle pose.

Seele: And you haven't seen my dark half of myself.

Aether drew out his sword and did a battle pose. Even Paimon did a battle pose too. Last but not least, Amber drew out her bow and did a battle pose.

Then we did another battle pose like we were "Power Rangers".


Raptor just smirked as he and his partners held their weapons.


Raptor: You think you're all so tough ganging up on us? We've handed worse.

Raptor's side: Ha!

My side: Ha!


Then we all charged in. We fought against Raptor and his partners and beat them. We had them in handcuffs and Bronya had them frozen in ice.

Amber: Alright! I got him!

Kiana: We got him!

Amber We got him, right. Sorry about that. We got him! I only noticed the wind current in the air — and it's the only one. It would be suicide to try and escape in the direction Raptor was going. In other words, the only way Raptor could have gotten out would be this way — past us.

Paimon: Aha! So he was just trying to fool us by acting smug, in hope that we would just give up and leave. Little did he know, we're not so easily fooled.

Amber: It was all thanks to your sharp thinking! Just like a wise man once said, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." At the end of the day, gliding is seven parts technique, three parts instinct — and 90 parts courage.

Paimon: What you did now looked more like 99 parts courage...

Amber: Ah, it was just like in my first gliding exam... I was super nervous, but in the end, there was nothing to be afraid of and I passed no problem. I kinda missed that nervous rush in the exams I've done since then... It just wasn't the same.

Paimon: ...Erm, sorry — Paimon thought you said you passed no problem? What do you mean, exams since then?

Amber: Ah... Well you see, the thing is, Mondstadt is all "no glide zone" this, "no landing zone" that... *sigh* Every time I get my license revoked. I must have taken the exam about 15 times altogether... But I always pass the first time. I guess my little gliding manuel ain't so bad after all!

Paimon: Let's go get a copy of the real gliding manual from Acting Grand Master Jean some time.

Aether: Sounds good.

Amber: I'll head off first because I need to escort Raptor back to the city. Once you're back in the city don't forget to come find me at the Cathedral. I'll issue your gliding license there.

Paimon: She just can't sit still, can she? Guess that's why she's the Outrider. When this is all done and dusted, let's head to the Cathedral in Mondstadt.

Patrick: We still have to carry these other crooks out with us.


After getting Raptor and his Treasure Hoarders turned in, we met with Amber in the Cathedral.

Amber: Congratulations, here is your gliding license! You're officially legal now, yay!

Amber handed us our gliding licenses.

Then we raised them high up into the air then jumped up as high as we could before the screen cut to a freeze frame of us at our jump heights.

Everyone: Alright! Gliding Licenses acquired!

Amber: I'm not surprised though, you are naturals after all.

Aether: Yeah, it was easy.

Amber: Oh — and I'll sign you all up for the next Wind Gliding Championship! I glide so fast that no-one can keep up — it's just me up there, on my own, gliding around... It's kinda boring.

Kiana: It actually might be fun.

Bronya: The Bronya likes some competition.

Aether: Cool. I'm definitely going to win.

Amber: Ooh... Fighting talk! Heh. It seems you have no idea how terrifying the championship really is... Well, until I kick your butt in the championship, I wish you all a happy, liberating, and above all law-abiding gliding experience. Make sure you obey the rules. Whatever you do, don't get your license revoked...

Paimon: Oh brother... If you ask me, that's a bit rich coming from Amber...

Patrick: Let's go get something to eat. It's on me.

Everyone: Yeah!

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