Chapter 6: Kaeya's Troubles

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After having breakfast, the Valkyries and I with Paimon and Aether went to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. We didn't tell Aether or Paimon why. We were gonna go see Kaeya to do his story quest. As soon as we stepped in, we saw Kaeya talking to himself then went on over to him.

Kaeya: This is bad... Such a hassle... What am I going to do...

Aether: What's wrong, Kaeya?

Kaeya: Oh, thank the Thousand Winds! Travelers, your arrival must be the grace of the gods! If I may ask — envoy sent by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal — could you spare a moment?

Paimon: Ewwww, cut it out!

Patrick: Actually yes we can.

Aether: Tell us what happened.

Kaeya: I cannot let my peers hear about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you guys. Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations... Let's talk in the courtyard just outside the headquarters. Come with me.

Paimon: What's with the sneakiness...

Kiana: He doesn't want anyone knowing about something about him. That's why.

We followed Kaeya outside to the courtyard.

Kaeya: This place will do.

Paimon: Tell us what it's about already!

Mei: Patients Paimon.

Kaeya: How should I begin... Oh, right, let me tell you a secret first. It's a secret of my past, and I confide in you guys to keep it.

Paimon: Don't worry, my lips are sealed.

Kiana: Mine too.

Kaeya: As a matter of fact, my grandfather was a pirate!

Paimon: Oh.

Kaeya: ...Wait, why do you sound so blithe? Do you think I'm making it up?

Patrick: No we don't think that you're making it up.

Kaeya: Look at my eye patch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood!

Aether: How surprising.

Kaeya: Yesterday I was glancing through the notes my grandfather left and stumbled upon records that spoke of a treasure...

Paimon: ...Treasure!?

Kaeya: According to his notes, the treasure is buried in the "Lost Arcadian Ruins."

Paimon: Treasure...

Kaeya: But the location of the ruins is currently unknown. I've tried searching for clues...

Paimon: Treasure! Kaeya! What kind of treasure is it? Gold? Or better yet, gems!?

Kaeya: Hmph! Treasures that consist of nothing but gold and gems are third-rate treasures... My grandfather's treasure is a sword! A magic sword that grants the weirder unrivaled power!

Paimon: Oh wowwwww!

Kaeya: The sword was dropped from Celestia into the sea by a god. It was later salvaged by my grandfather's crew by pure coincidence. The moment he gripped the sword, thunder roared, billows howled, and the clear skies were suddenly swallowed by raging winds... With the might sword, my grandfather went on to defeat a hydra, a silver-haired banshee, a wicked abyss-dragon... But the immense power of the sword enticed many more greedy pirates. To avoid meaningless conflicts, my grandfather hid the magic sword.

Aether: Eight-headed hydras, silver-haired banshees... Do they really exist?

Kaeya: The world we live in is fascinating, full of unknown and inexplicable wonders.

Paimon: Holy moley! That's just insane!

Kiana: That reminds us of this sword we once discovered in underwater ruins. When our teacher Himeko gripped the sword, it took control over the sword but we broke her out of the sword's control.

Mei: Then we had to destroy this giant beast and free a spirit from her curse.

Kayea: A gang of Treasure Hoarders has been very active lately and many ruins have had their relics stolen by them. I'm afraid that they will soon discover the Arcadian Ruins and the magic sword will be lost...

Paimon: We won't let it fall into the wrong hands! We must get the sword before them. You just reassured that we are here to help!

Kiana: That's right! We won't let you down! When we were finding the sword back where we came from we've had to deal with a bunch of bad guys after it too!

Kaeya: Wow~ Great! Please keep it a secret. I'll wait for your good news!

Paimon: Hey! So whatcha think, guys? Isn't it exciting? We're talking about a super-duper powerful sword!

Aether: Is it true?

Paimon: Well... let's go to the Adventurer's Guild and see if we can find out more. The adventurers should know more about the ruins, right?

Seele: Yes, let's do that.

First we asked an Adventurer named Jack.

Paimon: Hey! Do you have any intel on the Arcadian Ruins?

Jack: Arcadian... Can't say I've heard of it. Sorry, I'm still new here, so...

Paimon: Is that so...

Jack: But you can try posting a commission and see if there are any adventurers who know about it.

Paimon: That's a no-no! No way. We can't afford them beating us to the trea...

Bronya froze Paimon with her Cryo magic

Aether in mind: Now she's done it...

Bronya: It's nothing you need to know about.

Jack: Well then, I'll keep a lookout for your Arcadian Ruins.

I got Paimon out with my Pyro magic.

Paimon: Great! Thanks!

After we walked away, Paimon got in front of Bronya's face.

Paimon: What was that for!?

Bronya: Subject Paimon cannot say anything about treasure.

Then we went to a Branch Master named Cyrus.

Paimon: Hmph! We're not here for something that boring! We're looking for a sword that fell from Celestia... One that can kill eight-headed banshees and silver-haired hydras. It's super, mega, uber powerful!

Now Mei electrocuted Paimon to shut her up with her Electro magic.

Aether: You've said too much.

Mei: We told you not to say too much.

Paimon: It's fine as long as Paimon doesn't tell them the treasure's location! So, Cyrus, do you know where the Lost Arcadian Ruins...

Bronya froze Paimon again.

Cyrus: Arcadian Ruins... Never heard of them. Thanks for your intel anyway. If you do find these ruins, I'd love to see them.

Bronya: It's nothing you need to know about.

Mei: And I thought Kiana blurting things out was bad.

Kiana: Hey, I don't do that!

Patrick in mind: Well we didn't want to go with the flow of the game but I let them shut Paimon up anyway.

Someone was listening to us from behind. I turned to that direction then the spy got away.

Now we went to go find Kaeya.

Paimon: Why do you keep doing this to me?!

Bronya: Because someone could have been listening to us to flee with our intel.

Paimon: Still no clues! Well, it's not like it's gonna be easy! Come on, it's the hiding place of the super amazing sword! Anyway, we should go meet up with Kaeya first.

Seele: Lets do that.

We met up with Kaeya.

Kaeya: Oh, you're back. Do you have news for me?

Paimon: Listen, we asked around the Adventurers' Guild and found... Well, nothing.

Kaeya: Haha... That much is expected.

Paimon: Why is that?

Kaeya: Oh, I only mean that, what's fun in finding it without the hard work?

Patrick: That reminds me of this pirate I knew named Luffy who was looking for this treasure and when people offered him clues to where it was he turned them down because he wanted to find it with effort and didn't want to miss out what adventures he and his crew would have and all the places they would see.

Kaeya: However, I do have some clues. I sent someone to collate black market intel. It seems that someone does know about the Arcadian Ruins.

Paimon: Really? Where's the guy?

Kaeya: Now, now, as per the black market's rules, they will send someone to meet us to prevent leaks. We will be meeting at the informant at the Whispering Woods.

Paimon: Then, what are we waiting here for?

Aether: We'll get the intel back to you.

Kaeya: You have my thanks. Of course, you'll be compensated for your troubles... by the Knights.

Paimon: Ooh, no problemo!

(Whispering Woods)

When we got to the Whispering Woods, we saw the informant named Vile running from hilichurls.

Paimon: Look! She's in trouble!

We rushed in and attacked. In freeze frames I used my duel wielding swords and killed one, Kiana stabbed one with her lance then cut it down with her sword, Mei electrocuted and cut one in half, Bronya froze one then smashed it with a magical energy blast, Seele cut one in half with her scythe, and Aether slashed the last one in half with his sword. After the hilichurls corpses dispersed we checked on Vile.

Vile: Why is this happening to me? I shouldn't have helped him...

Paimon: Him, who?

Kiana: Who did this to you?

Vile: Thanks so much for saving me! You're far more reliable than those Favonius guys.

Paimon: It's nothing. They're travelers, they have to deal with stuff like this all the time.

Vile: Traveler? I've heard stories about you people. I didn't think I'd be saved by the ones I'm here to meet.

Paimon: Oh, so you're the...

Vile: Hahaha... I didn't know I could pay you back initially, but now, I think I'll just give you the intel for free.

People in our circle know how important the network is.

Aether: Thank you, friend.

Paimon: LUCKY! But... it's lucky for Kaeya, isn't it? He's supposed to pay for the intel...

Vile: Listen well then, the intel on the Arcadian Ruins... "Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure."

Paimon: Right... Wait, is that it?

Vile: There's also this map that comes with it.

Vile handed us the map.

Paimon: Could... this be the X-marks-the-spot? So the clue is more like a riddle... Well, should be a piece of cake for ya, right guys? Paimon'll leave it to you then!

Everyone: Sure thing.

Paimon: Well, if you can't solve it, we can ask Kaeya. He seems like a nerd too.

Vile: I'll leave you the intel so you can review it at any time.

Paimon: Thanks, Vile. "Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure." What does that mean? If you don't wanna ask Kaeya, you better figure it out!

(Knights of Favonius Headquarters)

Kaeya: You're back! Looks like you got the intel.

Paimon: Yes and no. It's a lot more complicated than that. "Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure." What do you make of it?

Kaeya: Riddles? How quaint. Let me think... "City in the lake" is clearly Mondstadt... as for the Six-Armored Giants... Hmm...

Aether: Should be... the windmills?

Kaeya: Hey! That's smart! A windmill has six blades... It fits.

Paimon: Wow! That makes sense!

Kaeya: So, out of the three windmills, two are close to the statue... The other one is guarding...

Paimon: Ooh! Ooh! This one Paimon knows! The treasure!

Kaeya: Hehehe... Let's hope it's really that simple.

Paimon: Come on, guys! Let's go take a look around that windmill!

We climbed up to the wind mill and found the next clue in a common chest.

Paimon: Ooh, lemme see what's inside! "She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed." There's another map.

Kiana: And it has an X on it.

Paimon: More riddles? Paimon's fizzy already. Oh, no! Paimon used up all her brain juice!

Aether: You never had any to begin with...

Bronya: Like Idiotka.

Kiana: HEY! DON'T CALL ME THAT! I totally have brain juice!

Aether and Paimon: Idiotka?

Patrick: Just a nickname Bronya calls Kiana every time she acts stupid because she's an idiot!

Kiana: I am not!

Patrick: You seem to lack intelligence like Kiana.

Paimon: Paimon'll let you have all the fun. Or, you could get Kaeya to help.

(Knights of Favonius Headquarters)

Kaeya: "She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed."

Paimon: Any idea what that means?

Kaeya: Is this some page stripped from a love novel you just happened to find?

Paimon: Oh, so it's not a clue. No wonder someone as cleaver as Paimon wasn't able to get it.

Kaeya: Hahaha... I'm just joking.

Paimon: Hmph... Take this more seriously, Kaeya!

Kaeya: Haha, this riddle is hard to figure out. Clear spring... Is it referring to Springvale? "Passion rushing through the clear spring..." So when does passion rush through a clear spring?

Aether: When the water level changes?

Kaeya: Not a bad idea! Like when... there's a waterfall, for example... It appears that the solution to this enigma relates to the waterfall behind Springvale. Only the clear spring that blesses Mondstadt can reveal the passion described here. And the "heart" of the waterfall must refer to the cliff on the left side of the waterfall. I noticed it once when I was out on patrol in the area. The ending, "cold and alone," probably has something to do with Cryo, which can be controlled by a Vision. You should probably take someone who can manipulate Cryo with you.

Bronya: The Bronya is on it.

Kiana: So am I.

Aether: Thanks for the help, Kaeya.

Kaeya: It's nothing. If a Knight of Favonius couldn't even answer a riddle, how could we be trusted to solve criminal mysteries?

Paimon: Let's go take a look in Springvale. We'll leave you to your "criminal mysteries!"

Kaeya: Erm...

Paimon: No, wait... Leave you to SOLVING your criminal mysteries!


There were three Cryo monuments and ice slimes. Mei and I killed the slimes with Pyro and Electro then we let Kiana and Bronya activate the Cryo monuments and an exquisite chest appeared.

Paimon: This time, the mysteries have all been solved, it sure took a lot of work. But in all fairness, this treasure map really is terrible... It looks like it was drawn by a pirate...

Patrick: Thats because treasure maps are always drawn by pirates.

Paimon: So now...

Aether: Let's go tell Kaeya.

Paimon: Hmm? Paimon believes that there is no need!

Patrick: Why's that?

Paimon: Let's go for it! Don't want anyone else to get there before we do! Like... like the Treasure Hoarders Kaeya told us about. Anyways, Paimon just wants to borrow the sword to... No, you heard nothing! Paimon ah— Paimon just wants to see it!Definitely not to become super, mega, powerful and do nothing but play...

Patrick: Or betray us?

Paimon: Or betray you. Hehe... Alright, Paimon'll save the chit-chat for later. Arcadian treasure hunt, here we go!

(Falcon Coast) 

We got to Falcon Coast by the shore where we found the entrance underneath the cliff.

Paimon: This must be the Arcadian Ruins. Is it just me, or does it look... plain?

Patrick: Maybe the actual ruins are inside.

Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it! The perfect disguise is always in plain sight! Kaeya's grandpa sure is impressive.

Patrick: Like Gol D. Roger.

???: *pitter-patter*

Aether: Listen, Paimon...

Kiana: Something must be already in there.

Paimon: Oh! Mice.

Mei: Not mice. They don't make a sound that loud.

Aether: You didn't even try, did you?

Paimon: It's no time to get suspicious. We're close! Hurry! The treasure is waiting for us!

With that we entered into the ruins.

When we entered into this chamber after getting through hilichurls and fire slimes we touched a console then all these fire slimes appeared but thanks to Seele's Hydro magic and Mei's Electro magic we were able to defeat them all then the door in between two other doors opened.

Patrick: Brings back any memories of finding the Xuanyuan Sword?

Bronya actually smiled.

Bronya: Yes... It does.

Kiana: Going through ancient stone doors.

Mei: And figuring out how to get to the sword.

Seele: I was never there myself but it was a great story you told me.

Paimon: Paimon wants to hear it!

Patrick: Later, after we find the sword we're currently looking for.

We went up the stairs and entered into another chamber with another set of three stone doors.

Paimon: Ugh... Is this the end? Where are you, my treasure!?

Paimon flew around but found nothing.

Paimon: Let's look around, guys.

???: Hahaha... I'll save you the trouble.

Someone with a mask walked in out of nowhere which caused us all to draw out our weapons.

Patrick in mind: This feels like meeting Sin Mal again.

???: How about you let me take over.

Kiana: Never! We'll never let you take over!

Kiana had her crossbow trained on the masked man

Aether: The Treasure Hoarders? The black market?

???: Sharp eye, but too slow. I'm Izzard. I thank you all on behalf of the Treasure Hoarders.

Paimon: Ugh... We've been keeping a low profile, how did word get out?

Aether: Low... profile...?

Bronya: This is what you get for saying too much, subject Paimon.

Paimon: Hmph! Paimon won't let you have the treasure without a fight!

Kiana: That's right! It's 7 against 1, Izzard!

Izzard: You would be wise not to underestimate us. My gang is just outside waiting for my order. However, they're not as... sociable as me.

Kaeya: I'm sorry to rain on your parade...

Kaeya walked in with two knights behind him.

Kaeya: But your gang won't be participating in your current plan. If you'd like to ask why, you can go see them... in Mondstadt Prison. Or perhaps you'd prefer to join them permanently?

Izzard: The Knights...?

Paimon: Hey, it's Kaeya! Kaeya, he wants to steal your treasure! Get him!

Izzard: Ugh... almost had it!

Kaeya: Oh, you mean the treasure? Sorry, but there wasn't any treasure to begin with.

What Kaeya said made us react by turning pale white with pale white eyes and a black background behind us.

Kaeya: You came all the way... for nothing. Just give it up.

Paimon: What? No... treasure? Did Kaeya just say, there isn't any treasure?

Izzard: Hah. You got me good. Didn't think the Knights would resort to such tactics.

Kaeya: A their has no right to criticize the methods of the Knights of Fav— Wait, what are you...

Izzard started to run away

Izzard: You're not gonna get me!

Patrick: Yes we will! Kiana! Bronya!

Kiana and Bronya: Right!

Kiana and Bronya shot Cryo blasts to stop Izzard in his tracks but he dodged them all till he got the stone door in the center which he touched and caused it to glow, then open.

Izzard: Okay... Oh god... Wh—What is this? I didn't mean it!

And out came a Ruin Guard.

Kaeya: Haha... What a troublemaker.

Paimon: Go on...

Izzard: You! Knight! You're not gonna watch me die, are ya?

Kaeya: Hmm, what an interesting suggestion.

Izzard: Fine! I'll confess and go quietly! Please, just help me!

Kaeya: Alright then, Guess I will have to do some overtime work after all.

Patrick: So will we. Right girls?

Valkyries: Right!

Aether and Paimon: Right!


We held our weapons prepared to charge at the Ruin Guard. Then Hilichurls appeared from the other doors.

Patrick: Looks like more enemies to defeat.

Kaeya: That makes more overtime for us.

Patrick: It does. Now charge!

We charged in screaming battle cries.


Kaeya, Aether, and I slashed with our swords against the hilichurls. Kiana and Mei fought side by side with Kiana jumping up and shooting ice arrows at the hilichurls for Mei to finish off. Seele and Bronya also fought side by side with Seele covering the hilichurls in water for Bronya to freeze then Seele used her scythe and cut them down. Now there was the Ruin Guard left.

Kiana shot Cryo arrows at the Ruin Guard's chest beginning to freeze him while Bronya froze its legs. Aether and Kaeya slashed off its arms then Mei and Seele slashed through it then I delivered the finishing blow with fire infused on my swords. I rushed in and delivered a large powerful fire slash and came to a halt after cutting through the Ruin Guard. When I sheathed my swords, the Ruin Guard exploded behind me.

 Kiana shot Cryo arrows at the Ruin Guard's chest beginning to freeze him while Bronya froze its legs. Aether and Kaeya slashed off its arms then Mei and Seele slashed through it then I delivered the finishing blow with fire infused on my swords. I rushed in and delivered a large powerful fire slash through the core and came to a halt after cutting through the Ruin Guard's core. When I sheathed my swords, the Ruin Guard exploded behind me.

Patrick: It's like they say, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall".

Now we had Izzard in captive.

Izzard: How embarrassing... Having my life saved by a knight...

Kaeya: Don't forget what you promised... or that thing will be the least of your worries.

Izzard: Hey... is this how the Knights of Favonius treats the people they catch?

Izzard: I'm just joking. Alright... Let's take him back.

Knight of Favonius: Sir! Yes sir! Captain, should we take them in as well?

Paimon: What!?

Kaeya: Haha, of course not. They are the ones who made this arrest possible. Without them spreading fabricated intel, we wouldn't have been able to catch the Treasure Hoarders.

Aether: So the intel is fake.

Paimon: *cries* You're bad man for lying to me... Shame on the Knights.

Kaeya: Alright, alright... Stop it already. Though the treasure doesn't exist, you did want it for yourself, didn't you? Otherwise you would have informed me of your intentions, no?

Paimon That... well... ah... Hmph!

Aether facepalmed.

Paimon: Let's go, guys. Paimon's done talking to him!

Kaeya: Ha. Just a sec. You did help me out, so you do deserve a reward.

Kaeya handed us a weapon.

Kaeya: This is "Triumphant Harbinger of Dawn That Points Towards Victory." As its name suggests, it symbolizes light and victory. If you don't mind, I would like to preset you with this Harbinger of Dawn as a reward.

Paimon: Harbinger of Dawn?

Kaeya: That's right. It suits a well-cultured and disciplined person such as yourself, wouldn't you say, Paimon?

Paimon: Well... If the reward is this Harbinger of Dawn...

Kaeya: You'd forgive me, right? I'm honored to have such an understanding friend.

Paimon: Yes... yes...

Kaeya: You have my apologies for the deception. I will not use the same method twice.

Aether: Means that you'll use a different method next time?

Kaeya: What a wonderful day. Now, I have to go interrogate my suspect... Please excuse me. Do come visit me at our headquarters when you have the chance.

After Kaeya left, a chest appeared and we got a lot of items.

Kiana: Well it wasn't all for nothing. At least.

Paimon: Yes. We at least got something from this.

We left the ruins and headed back to Mondstadt after a long day of a wild goose chase but wasn't really one but we still got something for catching criminals. 

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