The New Guy

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A new year, but the same old school. New classes, but same old students. My name is Cole, and I am one of many who feel tortured in the hollow halls of Paige Middle. People like to be asses to me because I'm not like them. Because I like Metal, and I wear ear rings, hair died black. But I never really cared. Its just how life goes. I had a past, and now I'm gonna get pushed forward until I can't take it anymore. But enough about that, its home room. The first mod of the first day of the new year. I look around and everything's familiar as expected. I decide to sit towards the middle of the class, trying to not be noticed so much. Some hate me for my looks, and others are scared of me because of my attitude. But I don't fucking care. I just want to glide by and escape this prison. Then role call. Every familiar name goes by, idiots being smart alec's about their name, and the pompous ones being stupidly proud. They go in order of rows, and each kid stands up, saying their name and something about theirselves. A girl I liked named Alisa stands cheerful, saying her name and how she liked to play Piano. She was as perky as ever, blonde hair let loose today, and her smile glows to everyone in the class. You wouldn't think that would be my past crush, but its true. I guess opposites attract, and I've always been fascinated by how happy she always is. It kind of makes me feel uneasy, like she hides behind a mask. But she rejected me awhile back... Sixth grade to be exact, two years ago. It sucked, a lot, but I can't help but still feel for her. Although I'll probably never go for it again. Its probably for the best anyway. Then suddenly, the teacher points to me. I decide not to stand like the others, instead sighing and saying my name coldly. "Cole." The teacher tries to ask me something about myself, "No interests." There goes my relationship with that teacher. I already feel like this class is gonna be hard. But then suddenly, I notice someone else the teacher has to point to to get his attention. He had brown hair, and a grey hoodie. I guess I missed him, because he looks new. Based off of what I see though, he is pretty unkept. Probably sloppy. He sat in the back corner of the class, next to the window in the sun. He stands awkwardly after that, everyone looking at him. He tries not to make eye contact with anybody, sweating and shaking. Poor guy. He looks scared, honestly. He must be shy. But oh well, I guess he'll face the hell of this school too. He raises a finger to the teacher, sitting back down and writing very large letters on a piece of paper. The teachers perplexed, and then suddenly the new guy gets back up quickly, raising the college ruled paper sideways. He smiles nervously, closing his eyes. On the paper is written:

And I'm Mute.

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