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"I just wanna go home~" You whine while flailing your limbs again. But of course, you being you, you kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He abruptly let you go as you fall onto the floor.
He was in a state of paroxysm and he bent down with a groan.

"How did I not think of that?" You say to yourself while getting up.

Mark was in pain right now. You couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Oops. Karma's a bitch." You smile at him in a mocking way and start to walk home.

"(Y/N) don't leave." He calls out after you while getting up. You were turning onto the next street and were out of his vision but not too far away until he couldn't hear you.

"Oh no it looks like I've left for my one true lover. My bed."

"Screw you."

"Screw you too Lee."

"I mean only if you want to-"

"Shut up!"

Walking home, you were in a sorta good mood. It was an okay day today. Could have been better but it was good enough for you.

You were really tired though. It would be nice to take a nap and snuggle up in your covers while shopping on amazon because who doesn't love amazon prime?

It was looking gloomier than before. The clouds were dark and it was getting chilly.

A gust of wind passed by you and it gave you the chills.

Maybe it's a thunderstorm? I hope not. Last time I lost internet. Who knows what I'll lose this time...

You quickly enter your apartment complex and the inside atmosphere warmed you up.

Pressing the button to go up, the elevator dings and begins to lower to the lobby from the fourth level. You turn around and look at the news that was playing on one of the screens in the lobby.

"Fashion Designer Hyein Seo goes around school to school to pick Korea's next top designer?" You read out the headline and snap a picture of it while sending it to May.

Maybe she'll get pumped up about it or something.

Something to know about May is that she always, and she always, knows what's up in the fashion industry. She's always up with the new trends, she does cool hairstyles and she looks good in almost anything. An ugly Christmas sweater? May would know how to make it look amazing and would make anybody want to buy it. It's a big perk she has.

It's also nice that she can rip her own and your own jeans so you can buy cheap jeans and she can rip them for you.

It's like all of the fashion designers in the world had a baby and that baby was May. She made it seem so effortless and yet, anybody would struggle. And her make up? It was always perfect. It's a real talent.

Never had you nor your friends seen her going through a crisis where her clothes or her hair or anything along those lines, was ugly. Even a messy bun doesn't look messy on her.

The elevator dings as the doors open, frightening you slightly. You turn around and step inside while pressing the top floor. The doors close as a yawn escapes your lips.

You stretch while yawning and your back cracks. Waiting for the elevator to open, you glance at the floor number.

Second floor only? Jesus what is wrong with this elevator?

Foe some odd reason, it was really slow. Slower than usual. Which isn't a good thing.

The doors eventually open your designated floor and you yawn once again while exiting the elevator.

Trudging along to your room, your phone is blowing up with notifications.

"What the hell? Who's texting me?" You yawn out, while flipping your phone out of your back pocket.

"Mark? How did he even-?"

"I'll tex-" you cut off your own sentence as you realize that you don't even have his number.

"Sorry, what was that?" He taunts at you.

"I-I need your number." You stutter. You had no idea why you stuttered but you did. It was an instinct.

"My number? It's XXX." He says to you a smirk gracing his features.

"Oh my god that's right. Ugh. Now that stupid dork won't leave me alone anymore." You grumbled under your breath while unlocking your door.

Flipping your phone open, you see he changed his contact name.

"How did that prick even get my phone? And really? That of all names?"

Can u answer me plz
I wont bother u after

Ew dont call me that

And why do you have that picture of Ten?

I know u like it
And we were hanging out last week

And no i dont
What do u want

I'm lonely :(

What does that have to do with me?

Seen 4:45
Why u leaving me on read?

I'm sorry, the person you are trying to contact has blocked your annoying ass

Stop being so mean :(

Look who's talking -_-

Im coming to your place

If you do that I will call 911 on you


Nvm then
I wont go...
But am I lying....???

Im this close to calling the police

Jeez fine I'll be over in an hour instead of five


Do you not get the memo or do you just choose to ignore it?

What are you talking about •__• ?


I'm gonna lock all of my doors because of you.

That hurt in my kokoro


You shut off your phone and collapsed onto the couch. A sigh escaping your lips. Another notification dings from your phone and you check it quickly.

Amazon Prime
Your package should be arriving soon enough! What's inside???

You then remember your new yellow colored vans were arriving today. You check all of your orders and read for when they arrive. A couple arriving later this week and a couple were arriving tomorrow or had arrived yesterday.

Grinning, you change into pajama shorts and an oversized white t-shirt. Your house was abnormally warm and you weren't feeling so good.

Maybe it's just the weather change. But then again, my voice is really scratchy today. And it was yesterday too...

Covering yourself in your blankets, you feel snug and feel a smaller figure laying down next to you. He snuggled up and asked for you to pet him as he also fell asleep with you on the couch while watching some TV.

A noise wakes you up. It was your doorbell ringing. It rang twice and it paused and rang twice once again.

Oh! The delivery guy!

You roll out of the couch and make your way to the door. Opening it up, you try and block Shortie from leaving your apartment door.

"Hi-... What are you doing here?"

"Aw~ Why don't you wanna see me?" Of course. It's not the delivery guy. It's the one and only Mark Lee.

You sigh and close the door shut. He stopped it with his foot and waited for you to go back to the couch so he could enter.

You were wrapped up in your blanket when you noticed he entered your home. You just had to put up with his annoyingness for awhile.

It was really dark outside as it began to rain and looked stormy.

"Hey. You okay?" He leans in front of you. His face had some concern as he felt your forehead.

You move your blanket so that it was covering you completely.

"No funny business here but I'm like 99% sure you have a fever."

You just nod your head at him and grumble a "sure, whatever."

It's not like you really cared. He was probably lying anyways.

"(Y/N) I'm not kidding." You nod and he just sighs.

He pries the blanket off of your face. This makes you open your eyes as you wanted to glare at him.

While opening your eyes, you see him smile that sincere smile of his once again. Your cheeks flush even more.

He places his hand on your forehead once again and feels your scorching forehead.

"See. You're really warm." He tells you in that "I told you so" kind of voice.

You then pull the blanket over your head once again and face the opposite way so he can't see you anymore.

You don't know if your heart was beating extra hard because you were sick or because of Mark. But as much as you didn't want to admit it, it was probably the latter choice that was driving you crazy.

You hear his footsteps walk away from you and into the kitchen.

You glance outside and see it was really dark and stormy. You could hear the faint thunder and spotted flashes of light through the sky.

Checking your phone, you saw it was already 6. He wasn't kidding about being there in an hour or so.

"(Y/N) how much of a dose do you normally take when you're sick?" He asks you. You grunt and sit up.

"How much does it say to take?"

He flips the medication box and reads the instructions while mumbling them.

"It says 2 tablets." He looks in your direction.

"Then give me two tablets. It's not that hard Mark." You roll your eyes and lay down once again. He scoffs and playfully rolls his eyes as he fetches some water for you.

You hear his footsteps return to where you were and you sit up with all of your strength.

He could tell you were sick just by the way your cheeks and face were tinted red and you eyes were puffy and red, looking as if you cried.

While downing the water, you notice his gaze never leaves you.

You glance at him and he blows a kiss in your direction. You roll your eyes and give him back the cup.

He gets up to grab the cup but slips and pins you down onto the couch. A yelp escaped your mouth and he doesn't say anything.

"U-um... ahem... um Mark?" You barely squeak out.

He hums in response and looks at you. His eyes showed exactly what he was going to say.

I love you

"I'm gonna get you sick if you don't back off." He hums once again, showing how he didn't pay any form of attention to you as he was mesmerized by your beauty, placing the cup onto the side counter.

He was leaning closer to you and your heart sped up. You wanted to close your eyes and just wait for what was to come, but that would show a weakness in you. That was the last thing you wanted.

"(Y/N)?" He said. You hesitate and nod slightly. "Why do you reject me? Even after you know that I've always liked you. Why do you still reject me. It's not even like you don't like me." His last sentence made you flustered.

"Well I mean... I uh, I guess it's just some type of, uh, you know-"

"Why?" He hums again.

"B-because... well... I just... I honestly don't know. I never really wanted to be in a relationship in the first place. But I mean, I just-"He tilted his head to the right as his eyebrows arch. He was taken a back by your answer.

He was going to lean in for a quick peck but the lights started to flicker.

"Wait." You lightly pushed him away from you and yet he didn't dare to budge. "Mark please." You look at him in exhaustion. Your eyes were really tired and you didn't feel all too well.

"No, we can worry about that later." He hugs you and lays down right besides you. His embrace was almost impossible to get out of as the blanket you wrapped yourself in also helped prevent your escape.

"Hey, I don't think this is a good time to-" The lights all around you shut off. "-do that." Your voice was cracking from fear.

"Hey," He called for your attention. "Are you okay?" He could feel you shivering in fright in his embrace.

You didn't respond as you closed your eyes shut from fear. Everything was dark around you and you hated that. Not only hated, but you feared absolute darkness.

His embrace loosened a bit and you whimpered. It was loose enough to allow the blanket to lightly drape off of you.

You grabbed a fistful of the hem of his shirt.

"Stay." You whispered out in fear.

"Anything for you."



And thanks for your reads and comments. This book is getting a lot if views and votes. Personally, I didn't think I would ever reach these amounts of reads and votes and comments. I love all of y'all ❤️❤️❤️

On another note,

I've been tagged :)

1. Skiing. It's the only one I enjoy and the only one I'm queen at.

2. Lol idk. Maybe Got7 at the moment. I've been listening to them a lot.


4. Oof idk y'all. Recently I watched Aquaman and it was super good. Idk. I would recommend it but I personally prefer Marvel movies.

5. Maroon (maroon and it's the fifth question sksksksksk)

6. I love me some empanadas for all of you who eat Hispanic food.

7. I love me a pineapple and mango smoothie any day

8. I've been playing a lot of Horizon Zero Dawn and Warframe lately and it's pretty good. I usually play MMO games or RPG games (and MMORPG games lol)

My fifteen peeps:
reialaa Bluefood18 FiT2702 STOLENKOOKIIES Snakeu_Got_No_Jams_ Irrelevent- Artun_sj yikesyoungho sxtraykids boopboop- Boopin-Kookies VickyDaDino Straykids1232 luberetina ZathiaVira

Sorry if I didn't tag you. I still love you.

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