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"Hey, I don't think this is a good time to-" The lights all around you shut off. "-do that." Your voice was cracking from fear.

"Hey," He called for your attention. "Are you okay?" He could feel you shivering from fright in his embrace.

You didn't respond as you closed your eyes shut from fear. Everything was dark around you and you hated that. Not only hated, but you feared absolute darkness.

His embrace loosened a bit and you whimpered. It was loose enough to allow the blanket to lightly drape off of you.

You grabbed a fistful of the hem of his shirt.

"Stay." You whispered out in fear.

"Anything for you."

His arms wrapped around you tighter and your eyes were tightly shut while being lulled into sleep.

Mark heard small snores coming from you and he checked up on you.

You were still as warm as ever but you were sound asleep. He didn't want to wake you up at all, and so he stayed in his position with his arms wrapped around yours.

His right cheek was resting on the top of your head and he felt your breaths as you breathed in and out.


He couldn't help but steal glances at you as you still gripped onto the fabric of his shirt. His warmth and the cologne he wore were all factors into making you sleep. It was peaceful alright.

The doorbell rang and a knock was heard from the door. Mark tried his best to get away from you and open the door. You mumbled something he couldn't hear and he kissed your forehead. A small smile made it's way onto your lips and he awed at your cuteness.

He walks over to the door and opens the door. It was a somewhat older man with glasses and in a nice, pressed dress shirt and dress pants. His glasses made him look professional and he glanced at the unknown figure in front of him.

"Is Ms. (L/N) here?" He asked, eyeing the male in front of him.

"Yes but she's busy right now." He says to him, as he really didn't want you to be bothered.

"Right..." The man trails off and eyes Mark.

It makes him tense up a bit and he could see the emergency lights were on in the hallway. He hoped the power would come back soon.

"Anyways," The man coughs and Mark looks back at him. "The city has told me that the lights and power should be back on by later tonight at the least. Tomorrow would be the latest."

Mark raises his eyebrows in concern and grows a little nervous.

"And until now, they have said to not go out as it could be more dangerous. But I doubt anybody would go outside. So yeah, it's just to inform both you and Ms. (L/N). So until then." The man nods at the boy and moves down the hallway. Mark thanks him before he leaves and shuts the door.

He could barely see anything in front of him. You had candles lit up in your house that allowed him to somewhat see in front of him.

"Well, I guess it is Hurricane season after all." He mumbles while making his way back to you.

He lays back down with you and you move around in your sleep.

"Mark?" You whisper out as you open your eyes up a bit.

"Yes?" His heart was beating fast as he anticipated what you would have to say.

"C-can you stay?" You move the blanket that was covering you up a bit. It was great that it was dark so he couldn't see the blush on your face.

"Why's that?" He chimes in.

"Cuz I'm scared." You feel his grip on you grow. He rests his cheek on the top of your head and your breathing softens. Because for some odd reason, you find it comfortable being around him.

"If you want me to, then yes, of course I will." He smiles a bit, but you can't tell because you don't see him. And that was good because if you can't see him, he can't see the smile you had either.

"Wait where's Shortie?" You ask a little concerned for your doggy.

"Hm?" Mark answers sleepily.

He processes your question and then remembers he saw him sleeping on the recliner chair across from the two of you.

"He's on the recliner chair over there." He yawns out. You hum in response and lean your head onto his chest. Mark grows happier by the second and is also at peace with you in his arms.

"Can I ask you a quick question?" He says.

You sleepily hum, your eyes closing themselves. He shifts a bit and you slightly wake up.

"Why," He pauses and sighs out. "Why are you still with me even after you personally told me you don't like me. Is it actually because you're scared or is it because..."

Because you're getting payback by playing with my heart?

"You know what never mind." He doesn't get any response from you for after a minute and checks in on you.

You were out like a light.

The drowsiness of the medicine and not being able to sleep this past week knocked you out in one go. Both you and him doubted you would be able to go to school tomorrow. And there was a good chance Mark would get sick too.

Why not take a nap with her? There's nothing wrong with that.

He closed his eyes slowly and fell asleep with you, his embrace never loosening around you.

He dreamt about you.

He was so obsessed and so in love with you, all his thoughts never seemed to stop orbiting around you. You were the only thing he wished to never leave him.

You were his breath of life, the apple to his eye, the ice cream to his brownie (don't judge me). You played an important role in his life.

His dreams consisted of you and him living together until you grew old. Together forever. And in love.

But he was removed from his dreams sooner or later as he heard faint talking from somewhere.

Peeling his eyes open, he realizes the TV was on. Turning back behind him, he catches a glance of a K-Drama that was playing with the volume on really low. The peaceful humming of the electricity flowing in and out of the building could be heard.

Hallelujah the power is back.

He sighed in relief and tried his best to not wake you while getting up.

His plan was to transfer you over to your room where you could get some rest for tomorrow.

He was extra cautious with the way he lifted you up. He was aiming for bridal style but he found it hard as you kept moving around and shifting. And so, he carried you like an infant.

His right forearm was managing your weight as it rested on the back of your thighs. His left arm was keeping your balance in check as it was placed around your back. Your legs were dangling around his hips and your head resting on his shoulders.

He tried his best to not wake you up and not trip over anything. Your dog being one of the things he tried to avoid tripping on.

He walked over to what he believed was your bedroom and opened the door with his left hand, trying his best to not let you slip out of his grip.

He pushed the door open with his foot and carefully mad his way over to your bed. He placed you down and made sure you were comfortable by making sure your body didn't contort in weird directions and looked comfortable.

He pulled the covers up and over your fragile body as he took a pencil from your desk and a scrap piece of paper and scribbled a little note and left it on your nightstand.

He was about to leave before he looked back at you from the door frame. Stopping in his tracks he goes back to you and crouches down to your level.

He looks at your peaceful form sleeping and resting for the next day.

He smiles a bit and plants a kiss o your forehead as he hears you shift around in the bedsheets while mumbling and something inaudible.

"What's that princess?"

"Stop... don't leave..." You mumble out. You started to shake a bit as you were cold.

Even though you had a fever, the dream you had was sending shivers and chills down your spine.

It was scary. But you then dream about something else, calming down your fast heartbeat.

He sees you calm down and leaves your home. A smile was visible on his face when he saw that Shortie had jumped onto the bed to sleep with you.

Checking the time, it was late. Almost midnight.

He felt drowsy from being with you all day. Well, more like sick.

He was 99% sure he was sick now.

Great going Mark.


You awoke in the morning with a pounding headache. You slept past your alarm and felt a hand shaking you awake.

"D-david?" You grumble out.

"Hey. Stay home today. You're temperature is way too hot." He advises while placing his hand on your forehead.

You hum a yes as he says he'll be leaving now. You groan a response and feel around for your glasses.

They were on the side of your bed and yet they were there along with something that wasn't normally there. A piece of paper. Or to be more precise, a note.

Grabbing the paper, you move it towards your gaze and scan it while putting on your glasses.

Hey hey :D

So, you kinda sorta fell asleep while sick and I just wanted to make sure you got to your room safely. So yeah.

Also, stay home. You're really sick and I don't want anything bad happening to you :(

So take it easy princess

Marker :P

Ps. I'm pretty sure I got sick too sksksksk but that won't stop me from loving you >3<




And once again, I have been tagged.

Holy crap I'm getting tagged a lot.

So vikibangtann tagged me (thanks queen :D)

What rules? I'm kunfused lol

10 Facts about me :) :

1. I speak Spanish and English and I'm studying French and German (learning languages are cOOL DONT COME AT ME)

2. I go to church every Sunday (I'm a christian girlie)

3. I LOVE anime (kinda how I also got into Kpop)

4. I have a puppy :")))

5.I LOVE to do photography and edit pictures

6. I have 26 letters in my full name (it's really long rip)

7. I like to travel to Europe a lot

8. My younger brother is autistic

9. I still have scars on my knee from surgery (but they look cool so I don't really mind)

10. I'm exactly 5 feet for those of y'all who were wondering

I'm just gonna put this here (this counts as a joke right?)


Oh boy a spoiler?

Well this goes for both of my books I think but, there will be a love triangle somewhere. Y'all are never gonna guess who it'll be for "Hoodie". Hehe I'm kinda evil. And no it ain't David hehehehe

Oof 28 people? I have trouble tagging like 3 people omg:

reialaa Kay131313 WhatIAmAGamer STOLENKOOKIIES FiT2702 boopboop- luberetina Snakeu_Got_No_Jams_ Irrelevent- Artun_sj glowrene- btsMrTaehyung Bluefood18 12Fallen101 BaileyMayfield9 ZathiaVira Mint_madness SpeakToTheDevil Straykids1232 Btsbmthfangirl Wolfie160 gabytx moominyin nctjisungpwark pWerKJisUng user69776358 KpopTrash127U yikesyoungho 

Now that that's outta the way, I got an announcement!

I do wanna say that since I have many tests coming up, my chapters might not be as long and I'm very sorry in advance. I try really hard but if I have to study a lot, I might not post a lot for each chapter. I have placement tests and midterms coming up and I really feel like my school life is more important than Wattpad and I hope you can understand that.

Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean I won't update, it just means it might be shorter chapters or they might be chapters not focusing on the current plot line. They might be some qna's qith my characters or some info on them. Maybe a backstory. Not so sure.

And yes, this goes for my other book if y'all read it too.

I'm not giving unfair treatment to just one book. I'm being fair here.

So I hope you guys can accept that and once again, I'm kinda sorry but I have to focus on school too.

Another announcement (wow i have so many. Am I popular :") jkjk)

So during February vacation for me, Ima be on a trip in Germany and stuff so I doubt I'm gonna update anything.

So in instead, I'll be posting another qna chapter for February 14 (Jaejae's bday I love him so much :") ) along with the regular chapters that week and post just a little sum sum to keep y'all entertained lol.

I don't remember the dates of when I'm leaving off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it's either a Tuesday or Wednesday and I'll return in like a week.

So yeah, I won't really have any time (or wifi rip).

But yeah, just a heads up for some upcoming things in this beginning of 2019 :)

So I'll see y'all next update :)

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