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You awoke in the morning with a pounding headache. You slept past your alarm and felt a hand shaking you awake.

"D-david?" You grumble out.

"Hey. Stay home today. You're temperature is way too hot." He advises while placing his hand on your forehead.

You hum a yes as he says he'll be leaving now. You groan a response and feel around for your glasses.

They were on the side of your bed and yet they were there along with something that wasn't normally there. A paper. Or to be more precise, a note.

Grabbing the paper, you move it towards your gaze and scan it while putting on your glasses.

Hey hey :D

So, you kinda sorta fell asleep while sick and I just wanted to make sure you got to your room safely. So yeah.

Also, stay home. You're really sick and I don't want anything bad happening to you :(

So take it easy princess

Marker :P

Ps. I'm pretty sure I got sick too sksksksk but that won't stop me from loving you >3<

Your face grew redder than it already was with your fever. The redness on your face more visible as you laid back down again while covering your face.

You wanted to text him just to make sure that he was okay and not dying like you. But he was probably sleeping, or probably at school being a productive student. So you waited to text him until later today.

It's like you were glued down to your bed. It enveloped you in warmth that was too comfortable to get up from.

Although, you needed to go to the bathroom and felt quite famished. It was an inconvenience of the human body.

Standing up, your head was ringing and it was hurting really badly. You hold your head in your hands and decide it would be best to lay down for a while.

The pain began to subdue but it wasn't completely gone.

You lucked out that today was a half day at school since there were some places in the building that didn't have power.

You checked that it was already 10 am.

The weather outside made it look like it was much later in the day than it really was. The clouds were grey and gloomy, but they didn't have the same anger the clouds from yesterday night had shown. Everything looked depressing outside. Reminded you of one of those really sad music videos.

Your phone chimes. Your arm extends to go and grab the device that was next to you.

Hey hey :D
Are you awake or nah?
We had a half day today at school
So you didn't miss much school

Good to know


can you not
ur making my headache return

I was texting my brother minding my own business until u came around


Im sad now :(

Do I look like i care -_-

Why wouldn't u care about ur boyfriend?

I don't think im talking to Tom Holland here
Wait is this the right number???


I'm way more attractive than Tom Holland

You wish :P

Stop being mean to me when you love me :(
Btw, after school im coming over

U cant intrude my house

Jokes on you
I didn't lock the doors yesterday when I left
So hah


Lmao where did u get that XD


omg yES

But fr
Leave me alone
My brother's coming over

Thats a lie
U told me ur brother works full time and thats y u baby sit Jimin


C u later bby

*commits roof top hop*




Ten is Thai?
Read 10:03
Nvm then

Mark shut off his phone and learned something new. Ten was Thai. And that you hated the word "baby" or anything along those lines.

He shut off his phone and went to his last class.

It was a stupid note taking subject today. Music theory.

He sulked that you weren't next to him so he could be random with you again.

She might need the notes. I'll actually try to take notes then.

He found it easier said than done.

Mark kinda just wings every class.
He doesn't bother to take notes and just kinda does anything on a whim. He should probably change that habit, but doesn't everyone say that.

He sighs as he awaits until when class ends.

As if answering his prayers, the bell rings and everyone gets up, him included.

He dashes out the door and makes a beeline for the gates.

He rushed past everyone in the hallways as the only thing he could think of was you.

Walking out to the parking lot, he can't seem to remember where he parked his car. Using his keys to unlock his car, he pinpoints it's location and makes his way over to the driver seat.

He only got his license a couple days ago.

That stupid drivers school was so worth it.

The engine revs and he begins to drive his car over to your apartment.

His bag was tossed somewhere on the passengers seat. He really didn't care since he just wanted to see you.

Before leaving school grounds, he texted you saying that he was going over but got no response.

Eh, she's probably sleeping. She is sick after all.

He parks by the back door and takes the stairs up to your room, reminding himself to not go through the back door as he had to go up a bunch of stairs.

But his exhaustion soon turned into happiness as he was happy to be able to see you once again. It was a feeling of adrenaline rush nobody could give him but you. No rollercoaster could compare to being around you.

He trudged up the last few steps and walked to the first door on the left, since you were located at the end of your hallway.

Knocking on the door, he gets no response. He turns the door and sees it indeed was unlocked.

She didn't lock it? Is she alright? I don't see her anywhere...

He slowly closes the door behind him and hears some paws nearing him. Crouching down He begins to pet your dog and he started jumping, but it wasn't from excitement.

"Who's a good boy."

I know it's me but like you gotta see her you stupid hooman.

"Aw so cute." Mark cooed as he continued petting him.

I don't blame you for thinking that but will you stop?

Shortie barked and jumped onto Mark's leg.

"Aww, you're so cute." Mark patted his head and kept playing with Shortie. Shortie barks and runs down the hallway and scratches your bedroom door while running back to Mark.

"Are you... trying to tell me something?" Mark crouches down once again and waits for the dog to tell him something again.

Shortie repeats the same exact thing he did and Mark tries to connect together what the dog was trying to say.

"You want me to go there? Wait where's (Y/N)?" Shortie barks when he mentions your name. "Is she in trouble? Where is she?" Mark begins to panic and goes to your bedroom door, slamming it open as he doesn't care.

Finally you stupid prick.

He rushes into your door and sees you sleeping peacefully on the bed. A figure was near your bed as he put your phone to charge.

"The fuck are you?" He asks the figure.

The person jumps in response and turns around.

"M-Mark?" The person pulls down their face mask. Mark recognizes the person as David. "What the hell? Why are you here?"

"I could say the same for you." He was shocked to see him here.

"(Y/N) called Ten to ask him to come over. He couldn't go since he had a meeting at SM. I thought you were going but I guess not..." He trailed off and stared at the floor.

"W-wait that was today?" His eyes widen from realization as he checks the time.

"Yeah. It's at 1:30." He informs him.

"Oh shi- Listen, tell (Y/N) we'll finish the project tomorrow. Thanks man." He pats his shoulder and leaves, the door clicking shut.

He stands there and sighs.

"You can wake up now."

You sit up in bed and sigh.

"Remind me again why you don't wanna talk to him after all that stuff happened yesterday?" David sits on your bed next to you and turns on the TV. He lays down agains the bed frame and watches whatever was on.

"David, you of all people should know. You know what he's done to me." You sigh while hugging Shortie close to your body.

"(Y/N), you're the one of the only people that know I'm a trainee with Mark." He put emphasis on his name, showing you that you should trust him.

"I just-" You stop as you have no idea how to put your thoughts into words so he could understand. "How could somebody change that much in like 3 weeks. It's highly doubtful."

He sighs and throws his head back, accidentally banging it on your bed stand.

"Ah-" He soothes his head by rubbing his hand on his head as you giggle.

"Idiot." You roll your eyes at him and he rolls his eyes back at you.

"Listen," His tone becomes more serious, erasing the smile on your face. "I'm telling you to give him a chance. Me of all people."

You look away from him as he makes a good point. The overprotective mother of a friend you knew is actually telling you to date your used to be bully.

"Damn... I dunno what to say anymore." You sigh as he chuckles.

"Listen. Give him a chance. And also, I'm pretty sure your doggo thought I was an intruder or something." He giggles as he gets off of the bed. At that exact moment, your puppy jumped up on the bed and laid down.

Whoops. My b. Thought he was a perv or something. That new cologne threw me off.

David leaves your house and the soft click of your front door closing was a sign. You pet your puppy as you had nothing else to do. Sighing, you lay down and face the ceiling.

"Stupid kid. Making me date Mark..." You mumble.

But I don't mind...





But no for real. No screaming here.

Im so freaking thankful for all of your views. I never would have imagined that this book would reach that many reads even when it's not completed. This is a hUGE milestone for me. Believe it.

I'm also super thankful for the bunch of questions yall sent me for this upcoming qna.

Reminder that the qna chapter will be published on Thursday, February 14th. For those of yall that didn't know okay.

And if y'all dont wanna comment any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected] or follow me on insta @ andreronica. Either choices work.

I wont be answering any past questions that have been answered on my last qna because that would kinda be dumb ya know.

But yeah! I'm also doing pretty well on my midterms. I just gotta pass my placement exams for honors next year :"))) I'm so close.

And so,

Until the next update :D

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