The Imprisoned Power

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All the gang got their selves dried in the sun and had their a cup of water to drink and introduced themselves. "Thanks for A Drink, i haven't introduced to myself yet. I'm Ash, and this is my buddy Pikachu." said Ash. "Pika! Pika!" "I'm Serena" she said. "Hi, I'm Bonnie, and this is Dedenne." "Dedne ne!" "I'm Clemont" he introduced. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Mary, and I'm Hoopa's Caretaker." she said. "We were just heading to Desert Tower." said Serena. "Oh, You'll heading there too. It's what me and Hoopa were going." said Mary.

"Really! Why not we all go there together" He said. "Yea" Serena agreed Ash words. From above Team Rocket observes the gang from the hot air balloon and their target is to capture Pikachu until they saw something that caught their attention, "Hey look, who's that Pokémon?" said Jessie.
To me it looked like a rare Pokémon

"Hey, Why don't we go thru the ring!" said Bonnie. "Te he he! Hoopa will take all of you to the other side, Hula Hoopa Ring!" Hoopa takes out one of his Rings from his horn, toss it and it increased the size to be a portal. "Alright, C'mon!" Bonnie yelled happiness as she goes to the Portal. At the other side in the middle the square of Desert Tower, people walk by at the historical site then the ring appears in the middle of the square, Dedenne and Pikachu popped out of the portal ring and explores around the area. "Pika! pi!" "Dede ne ne" Two electric mouse Pokémon hops at the fountain and jumps at the water and haves fun, then they hops out of water fountain and sees Bonnie goes through the ring. "Whoa! I'm already made it to the other side!" Bonnie surprised.

Then Serena appears through the ring and amazed of seeing a great view surrounded of Dahara Tower, "We're here!" She squealed. As Serena goes all the way through the ring and peeks back at the Ring from her head, "Hey Ash, C'mon. Come and See!" she said to Ash. "Okay!" He goes to the ring, Serena helps out her old friend by pulling all the way through out the ring. While still hand holding, she point out and shows Ash of the tall tower. Both of them and Bonnie looks up and they're amazed of seeing the old structure. "Nice" said Ash. "Hey where's Clemont?" Bonnie wondered. In the other side, Hoopa happily going through the portal, "Hoopa! Coming through!" as he to the ring. "Hoopa Wait! You can't....." cried Mary. When Hoopa goes in, it blocks with surrounded electric force field that made pushed Hoopa out of the Ring and hits on the ground. "Ahh" shocked Clemont. "Whoa, are you Okay?" concerned Ash as pop out the ring to other side and reached to Hoopa and wraps around with his arms like holding a baby. "Oooohh" Hoopa muttered.

"Hoopa, i thought you know that can't get through the rings yet." said Mary. "Hoopa.... disappointed" Hoopa saddened.
"Hey guys, it's something wrong" Serena wondered as she seek through the ring back at the start. "I think we got a problem" said Ash as he turned facing at Serena. Everyone got off the ring and helps cheering up to Hoopa from being sad. "You see, Hoopa is still unable to go through the rings yet." Mary explained to the gangs. "HMmmmmm" Hoopa mumbled. "Aww, Poor Hoopa, that must be harsh right now." said Bonnie. "Whoa, can't go through the rings yet, that must sucked?" said Ash. "How are you gonna go somewhere else besides going to the rings." Serena wondered. " It must be impossible to go anywhere else besides it." said Clemont. "Well, that's easy, we can go by foot!" Ash encouraged "Pika! Pika! "Really, will Ash-Kan do that for Hoopa." he said. "Yea, what could happened." said Ash. "Pika! pi!"

"You're too kind to Hoopa, Ash-Kan!" Hoopa complimented. "Well, alright then. We might as well just walk instead, that's a good idea." said Bonnie.
"Hoopa is sorry for going through all this because of me." he glum. "It's okay Hoopa, it's not your fault. It maybe tough situation right now, but you'll able to go through your ring someday." said Mary helping cheer up Hoopa. "Hmm" he glum.
"Hey, Its alright. We're fine like this, no big deal." said Ash. "Pika! Pika! Serena steps forward to Hoopa, and takes out the box and opens up a dozen donuts, "Hey Hoopa look, i got something for you." she said as Hoopa turns around and faces at tasty Home made donut shape Pokepuffs, "Oohh. Yummy, Donuts My favorite!!!" Hoopa yelled happily when he sees his favorite donuts.

"Here, this will cheer you up, then we can all go." she said. Hoopa happily takes a donut and enjoys the chewy soft firm round shape. "Yum!" "Are they're good?" Serena asked. "Woooo! Yea, they're good! Hoopa likes it!" Hoopa goes hyperactive, Serena was glad. In the middle of sandy desert, A flying Pokémon Bravaly soars through the mountain of sand, Baraz flys back with a Prison bottle still possessed, A bottle cap shape of Hoopa Unbound its eyes begin to glow red and the other side, Hoopa scent of tinkling of his greatest fear approaching. Bravaly lands on their path, Baraz hops out from the bird Pokémon and takes out from his Pokeball to return. "It's Baraz, The bottle! you actually found it" Mary goes to check at Baraz and Hoopa stayed behind the beam afraid. Possessed Baraz face the bottle to Hoopa and opens up the Hoopa Unbound cap and then points at Hoopa's direction. "Wha! What are you doing!!" yelled Mary.
A dark purple aura comes out of the bottle lid and flies towards Hoopa and surrounded him. "Ahhhhhh! What's happening! Dahhhh!! Hoopa cried in pain and agony. Then his eyes turned bright red and begin to shape shift its form and body increasing its height. "What's happening to Hoopa!" said Ash. "It's growing!" shrieked Serena.
Hoopa's tail with triangle tip sticks out, the legs stretches out and its torso grew its big pack size and expand six arms. Hoopa's face shows possessed while going its form.

"Baraz!" cried Mary as she looks back to his brother as the dark arua got out of the bottle and he closed the cap as the evil spirit fades away back to normal and felt dizzy as he knee bend the ground. "HOOPAAAAAAAA" he roared out and people witnessed the giant Pokemon that rise from the Prison bottle. The gang were surprised of Hoopa's appearance. "What happened to Hoopa?" said Bonnie. "He changed" said Ash, "It's Huge!" cried Serena. "Did it Mega evolved???" Clemont wondered. "You see, that's Hoopa's true form." Mary explained. "It's true form!" Ash repeated. "Hoopa, I'm happy that you got your power back!" said Mary. "Yes! Yes! I'm the real Hoopa! Hoopa has the power! Ha! ha! ha!" He laughed of joy. "What?" Baraz freaked, "Are you okay Baraz? Mary concerned. "Mary, why are you here? And......Did I found the bottle?" he stumbled, "Shouldn't you opened it here?" she questioned. "I don't know....How did this happened all the sudden? Ugh, what's going on!" Baraz confused. "My true power surge all over of the true Hoopa!" Hoopa began go outta of control and destroying the Doughnut shop and Recreation park.

The Gangs runs away from getting involved of Hoopa's way as he stands up a dark aura surround its body now possessed and now he's going after the bottle, Hoopa reaches to the group with Baraz who's holding the prison bottle, let's out a bubble shield around them which it blocked from Hoopa for attempting to grab the bottle, gets angry and roars out in rage.

"He's after the bottle! That's why Hoopa is attacking us!" said Baraz. "Oh No!" Mary worried.
"HOOPA WANTS IT! NOW!" He begged for the prison bottle angrily. "Hoopa please, you've got to calm yourself! Pleaded Mary. "NOOO!!! GIVE IT!!! Hoopa unbound refused and about to threat them. "I'm begging to stop!" she said as she get close to possessed Pokémon. "C'mon Hoopa! You can do it, just stop!" said Ash as he was about to approach. "GAHHHHHH!!" Hoopa screamed. "Ash! Look out! Serena warned Ash in concerned.
Evil Hoopa pulls out of the ancient pillars and toss at them and the prison bottle use protect again and blocks the beam pillar and hits at Hoopa and gets angry.
From above, Team Rocket observes the terror of the giant possessed Hoopa Unbound wrecking havoc from Oasis park. "What's happening to that Pokémon! Jessie wondered. "It's going crazy i suppose!" James respond. "It's going Wacko already!" said Meowth. "WOOOBUFFET!"
Then he takes out the ring from its wrist and other mimic ring teleport the wind tower and breaks in half and throws right to everyone.

"Pikachu Quick! Use thunderbolt!" Ash command Pikachu the most effective electric type move. "PIKAAA.....CHUUUU!! Pikachu release its full energy of electricity and zaps the Towering Relic and explodes to pieces as one debris pops the meowth hot air balloon, sending Team Rocket away passing through Skyscrapers to the other side of the desert. Hoopa Unbound begin to strike as he emerge closer, the ancient pillars are falling off as all tourist got out of way and ran for their lives.

"It's getting even closer. We gonna go to the other side before we'll get hit!" Baraz warned everyone.
"Quick, This Way!" shouted Mary as she lead the gangs to go other location to avoid the danger from Hoopa's wrath. The gangs ran to other side of Oasis park and dodged the falling Debris as Hoopa is going after them. As one pillar is falling right where the gang is at, Ash turns around and sees the horror as the pillar is close to impact where He and Serena is at. "Pikachu, Use Iron Tail. Quick!!!" shouted Ash. (Pikaaa.....PIKA!) Pikachu jumps and its tail glow shiny and hits the middle of pillar that split it in half. "Thanks Pikachu" said Ash. (Pika!) "Thanks Ash, Pikachu, That's too close!" said Serena. "Keep Running Serena, Don't stop!" said Ash. "I wouldn't want to get left out!" she shrieked.

Everyone went to other side of direction, away from the raging Hoopa. "GAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Hoopa goes berserk as he catch them up as the group were surround at the edge of balcony and no where to run. "Oh No, Now What!!!" whined Bonnie.
"We're cornered!" said Serena as everyone are at near the rail bar wall. "There's got to be a way to stop Hoopa!" said Ash. "But what do we do!" shrieked Clemont. Baraz looks at the bottle and then he had a idea. "Alright, I got it, I gotta put Hoopa's power back to the bottle! Leave this to me." As he was about to open up the cap shape of Hoopa Unbound, Mary stops in process. "Wait Baraz! Let me do it!" As She takes the bottle  from his hand. "Mary" Baraz wondered. "Please, Let me handle it, this was my idea from before!" She confessed. Hoopa grabs another pillar and about to throw at the gang. "We gotta do something quick or else...." said Ash. "Or else it'll hit right to us!" said Serena.

As they look at Hoopa aiming at them in seconds of doom, but then Mary steps in and holds up the prison bottle causing Hoopa stunned, unable to move its muscle, Opens the cap and aims at Hoopa. it absorbs the power in making Hoopa scream to its pain and decrease back to its confined. Mary close the bottle as the dark force thrown itself and Mary away from each other falling to the grass and Baraz reached to her. "You're alright!" He asked
"Yea" Mary nodded. As Hoopa floats to the ground, Ash managed to reach him from falling to the floor. "Hoopa hang in there!" Ash cried out. (pika pi)
"H-h-Hoopa, disappear." he moaned. Ash, Baraz and Mary were puzzled of what Hoopa said. "Disappear, what you mean Hoopa?" said Mary. "What did it said" Baraz replied. As Serena looks at the bottle and goes there to retrieve it.

"DON'T TOUCH IT!" Baraz warned Serena. "Huh! Why?" She shook. "The bottle contains something evil, I know because it took control of me." he explained. "Whaa!" Serena surprised. "It something got to do of dark arua surrounding from the outside, Touch it and it'll be over your mind!" said Baraz while using his examining telepathic skills. Everyone was shock to hear what Baraz warning about holding the bottle. "Oh No!" said Mary. "Serena" Ash slightly concerned of her almost being possessed if she did grab it. *Giggles* "And I just got a thing!" said Clemont as he was moving his contact lens, it went shiny bright. "The future is now thanks to science, Clemont gear ON!" He activate the button for his Aipom arm to move and take out his latest invention. "I represent it to you, i called it The Fully Automatic Lifting Machine." It allows one to carry objects without touching them by suspending the object in a special force field. "The name...sounds that it needs a new one." Bonnie annoyed. "Not to worry about that, with this clever invention it'll take care things." Clemont defend. His Aipom arm goes torward the lying bottle as the magnet rise based on the move lifts up and secured. "Easy, easy does it.....And there you have it, the prison bottle is fully secured!" said Clemont. "Great!" said Mary. "Awesome!" Serena smiled. "Yea, Science is so amazing! said Ash as a running gag. "You're right" Serena agreed.

I hope you enjoy this, sorry for long delay cuz i was working on other things or feel lazy but now i feel like I'm getting things done right away. Stay hype for next chapter.


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