Who Stole our Donuts?!

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Ash, Serena and the rest traveling off sea by a boat with sun shines bright as it get hotter and hotter. "Man, its getting really hot that fast!" said Ash fully exhausted from the sun aiming at them. Serena a honey-haired girl wearing a pink hat and brown boots who's next to Ash laying at the edge of boat also exhausted from heat. "Sigh, I could really use some nice shade." "A nice cold pool would be great...." Bonnie sitting at the corner going Exhaustion.
"When we make it to land, we could stop by at the hotel to cool off from the sun." said Clemont. "Sounds like a good idea...." said Bonnie in exhaustion mood. "Yea, there should be one in the desert. Right!" excitement Ash says to Serena. "Yea" she nod happily to Ash. "Look, Land Ho!" shouted Bonnie pointing at the sandy shore "De ne ne!". "Alright!" said Ash and Serena together. "Pikachu!"

(20 minutes later in the Desert Hotel and Resort)

"Yahoo!" shouted a raven-haired boy, as he jumped into a swimming pool, his Pikachu immediately following him.
"Wheee!" cried a young blonde-haired girl as she hopped in after Ash, wearing a green Ducklett-themed swimsuit. Dedenne, hopping in after her.

Narrator: As Ash and his friends continue their journey through the Kalos region, they have stopped as the luxurious Desert Hotel and Resort in the heart of the Kalos Desert to rest, relax, and recharge.

Ash emerged from under the water, laughing heartily with Pikachu. He turned to the lounge area and called out, "Serena! Clemont! Come on in! The water's great!" Over at a table, a young man with blonde-hair was tinkering with some machine parts and turned to Ash.

"I might, but I have to finish this invention first!" called back Clemont. Over on the ground, Clemont's Chespin was playing swordfight with Serena's Pancham, using screwdrivers as their makeshift-swords. "Hey you two!" Chespin and Pancham turned to Clemont, who had a look of beration on his face. " Be careful with those, that's dangerous!" Nearby, a honey-haired girl wearing a pink hat and brown boots exited the hotel, holding a tray of what appeared to be doughnuts in her hands.

"Hey guys! They're ready!" Serena called to the group. Ash and Bonnie exited the pool, and ran over to the table where Clemont was currently sitting at, and looked eagerly down at the tray that Serena had just set down. "Ta-da! Here I baked these doughnut shaped PokePuffs!"

"They look yummy!" said Bonnie, taking one in her hand and nibbling on it. At the same time, Ash took one and bit down into it.

"Taste Great!" said Ash, his mouth full of delicious goodness. Serena went over and set some PokePuff Doughnuts in a bowl for Chespin, Pancham, and Dedenne. Chespin eagerly popped one in his mouth, as did Pancham and Dedenne.

"I'm glad you'll like them!" said Serena, blushing slightly at Ash's delighted face. "You know, if we all want to get some more doughnuts, we should head over to Desert City!" Serena pulled out her pink pocket laptop-guide, and pointed at the displayed image of the city. "The city is famous for it's huge modern skyscrapers, high-quality and great tasting doughnuts!"

"That sounds great! So Pikachu, what do you say we all head over to Desert City and have some more doughnuts?" Pikachu and all of the Pokemon gave Ash a thumbs up, showing their approval.

What everyone didn't see, however, is that out of nowhere, a golden ring flashed into existence, with a purple portal swirling in it. A small hand reached out of the portal, grabbed the last PokePuff Doughnut, and disappeared for a moment, and then reappearing with a spiked red berry in its hand. The hand set it down and disappeared just in time for Chespin to grab it, and take a munch of it. Chespin stopped at the first bite, his mouth turning bright red, before screaming as a stream of fire flew out of his mouth, scaring Ash out of his seat, and causing Bonnie to stand up.

"Whoa!" cried Bonnie. "Chespin used Flamethrower!"

"But that's impossible...Chespin is unable to use Flamethrower", as the group watched Chespin run back and forth violently, before sticking his mouth into the pool, relieving his mouth from the burning sensation.

"What could've happened?" wondered Serena. Her eyes widened as she saw the bitten-into berry and picked it up. "Ah ha! It must've been this Tamato Berry! They're known for being really spicy."

"Where did it come from?" asked Ash to no one in particular. Then, Pikachu turned around and cried out, grabbing everyone's attention. A small hand had come from nowhere and grabbed the last PokePuff Doughnut off of the table, and was now attempting to retreat into a small golden portal ring. Pikachu grabbed the other end of the doughnut as Ash cried out, "Hold it!" Ash and Pikachu engaged in a game of tug-of-war with the hand, before being pulled into the portal somehow, knocking over the table, much to Serena, Clemont and Bonnie's shock and disbelief, "ASH!" cried out Serena.

"Ahley Hoopa Rin... Huh?" said a voice as Ash finished going through the portal, shouting in disbelief. Ash and Pikachu collapsed in a heap on a stone, grainy floor. As Ash pulled his head up, he was shocked to see that he was in a completely different location, in the middle of a city, upon a stone overview of the entire area: Desert City, the desert-ous city by the ocean. Ash clenched his eyes and saw a massive tower out in the bay. Ash turned around and looked at the ring that which he had come from, peering at it through eyes of confusion, not noticing the floating figure behind him, the figure's eyes gleaming with a sinister mischief. As Ash peered closer at the ring, the figure suddenly appeared in front of him, its face sticking into the ring.

"He he he...Were you surprised ?!" cackled the figure.

"Whoa! I sure am!" said Ash, reeling back, watching as the strange Pokemon put the ring on one its head horns. "Who are you?"

The Pokemon took a bite of the PokePuff Doughnut, before spinning around once and saying, "Hoopa!"

"Hi there....Hoopa!" said Ash happily. "My name's Ash, and this is my partner Pikachu!"

"Ash-kan! Ash-kan! Ash-kan!" shouted Hoopa happily, "Well it's Ash." he corrected "You're Ash-Kan" Hoopa teased. "No its Ash!" he corrected again. "Ash-Kan! Ash-Kan! Ash-Kaannn! Hoopa yelled happily, "Ehh you're kinda weird" said Ash. Hoopa spinning before turning to Pikachu and saying, "Pi-kan!"

"Pi-kan?" said Ash, confused.

"So Ash-kan, do you like Pi-kan a lot?" asked Hoopa merrily.

"Of course!" said Ash. "Pikachu's my number one partner and buddy!"

"Well then..." said Hoopa, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He floated up over to the grated bars of the balcony, and took both of its ear-horn rings and shouted, "Lots of Pi-kan! Come on through!" The ring's interior flashed yellow as a multitude of Pikachu began happily hopping out of the ring, causing Ash and Pikachu to turn their heads over their left shoulders in surprise. The Pikachu all merely stood there, chatting to one another in Pika-language. Ash then noticed that his Pikachu was no longer on his shoulder.

"Hey! Where did you go Pikachu?" Ash said, turning in circles.

"If you really know your Pi-kan, Ash-kan, you'll find him!" cackled Hoopa delightfully. Ash then walked over and sat down next to one of the Pikachu, walking by a full set of the five Cosplay Pikachu in the process, and said, "This one's my buddy!" Pikachu happily leapt into his arms.

Hoopa was dumbfounded and said, "But how did you know which Pi-kan was your Pi-kan, Ash-kan?"

"I'd always know my buddy!" said Ash happily. "Ohhhhhhh HOOPA LOST Hoopa whined and pounds the ground as he lost, As he finished saying that, all of the Pikachu suddenly shocked him with a Thunderbolt, electrocuting the forever 10 year-old into a charred submission.

"Hoopa!" said an angry female voice. "What are you doing?!" Hoopa turned to the voice's origin and sweatdropped. The woman was dressed in desert-style dress, complete with a blue long-sleeved turtleneck-undershirt, and a light-cyan blue scarf, which hung in a circle around her pitch-black hair, which she had part of in a bun above her head. "Return all of those Pikachu that you "borrowed!" or else you won't get any doughnuts!"

"Eek! Hoopa sorry!" said Hoopa, bowing to Mary, before re-opening the portals. Pikachu then got up on a ledge, and called out to all of the Pikachu, doing a left-ward circle motion with a his Pika-hands, pointing to the portals. The Pikachu all began to hop back into the twin portals, before they were all returned, and the portals closed. "Wow! Pi-kan is really impressive!"

The girl then approached Ash and Pikachu and said while holding a doughnut in the air, "I'm so sorry about Hoopa, he means no harm. I'm Mary, and I'm one of Hoopa's caretakers!"

(Jump Cut)

"I'm really worried about Ash." said Serena, packing up her supplies.

"We've got to get into the city and see if Ash is there." said Clemont, equally worried.

"I hope he's okay..." whimpered Bonnie, not noticing the portal appearing to her right. The portal flashed, as Ash's upper torso and head peeked through.

"You who... I'm back" said Ash quietly, causing Serena to turn in surprise.

"AH! ITS ASH?!" shrieked Serena as Ash grabbed her hands and began pulling her through the portal, much to her screaming surprise, which caught the attention of bonnie.

"Serena!" shouted Bonnie, grabbing Serena's legs and attempting to pull her back, only to be surprised when she was pulled through as well, causing Clemont to run over, grabbing his glasses with one hand, before he too was pulled through with screaming shock. On the other side, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena all gasped at the sight in front of them, Everyone were surprised that they're somewhere else. "AH! We're in Desert City! Clemont pointed out as they stare at the tall skyline. "But how!" said Serena. "You see, it's this ring that brought us here." explained Ash.

"Na-na! Were you surprised!" cackled Hoopa, spinning in the air. "We sure were." said Serena. "Oh, but you all look so dry...I know! A whole lot of water, come on through!" "We could just use a cup of water......" Bonnie nervously asked. The ring that let Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie through now floated above the four. The portal flashed blue, as a rushing ton of water poured itself on the four heroes, "Hoopa! They only want a cup of water!" screamed Mary. Until water stopped everyone got super wet much to Serena's annoyance.

"No! I'm soaked and wet,
Why did you do that?" pouted Serena, leaning back in disappointment at her outfit, which now was sopping wet.

Next Time: The Imprisoned Power.

Hoped you enjoy this alternate version of this chapter including some Amourshipping hint. Stay Hype.


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