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''Sir'', nandini said entering the manik's cabin, it was her first time seeing him let lone coming to his cabin, he was wearing a crisp white shirt which complemented him and his white office, it was her training period and she was assigned to manik

Manik rose his head to look at the person standing in front of him

''were you the on who approved these documents'', he said pulling out a file from a bunch of other files and it was indeed the file that nandini has approved just day before

''Yes sir'', she said in a meek voice, her mind has already gone through the content of file to make sure she has not made any mistakes while manik was just staring at her in a questioning manner as if giving her a chance to change her answer

''Is there any mistake sir'', she asked only after her brain approved that she has not made any mistake

''Where are the bills'', he asked in a plain voice his voice deep telling her that she is done

''Bills?'', nandini asked to confirm if this man sitting in front of her has asked what she heard, there were no bills to attach and only god knows what this man was talking about

''Miss..''.,manik paused a little as nandini interrupted him in between thinking that he was thinking what her name was

''Nandini sir, nandini murthy''

''Yeah whatever'', he said waving his hand in mid air in a dismissing manner, which she found immensely insulting

''Can you do me a favor'', he said

''Yes sir'', nandini said completely confused because just moments before he did not even care about her name and now he was asking for a favor in a voice usually used for threatening

''I want you to turn around and get out of this cabin , now here comes the most important part so listen carefully'', he said drawing her attention, '' forget where my cabin is and never show me your face again, and I want you to try your level best to make me believe that I do not exist on the same planet as you do, get that''

''Huh'', was all left nandinis mouth

''Now get out'', manik said as nandini turned back not saying a single world

Clearly not one of the most social person, this was maniks first image in her eyes


Mam we are here, cab driver told me bringing me out of her thought process, nandini adjusted her silk scarf on her head, today was a windy day and she did not want to look like I just got out of the bed .

She got out of cab , but soon a powerful wind came failing all her attempts of keeping the scarf on her head as the scarf flew away with wind, she would have turned to grab the scarf but the wind bought showers with her making her run inside the building forgetting her scarf that wind took with her.








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