Chapter 4: Training to Recording

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(Cyanide's P.O.V.)

We finally got to the training grounds were Sky was already ready. "Let's train now!" Sky said. "Let me catch my breath first, Sky." I say panting. "Now?" Sky asked. "Fine." I just said fine because if Sky kept asking it would never end. "Yay!" Sky cheered and pinned me to the ground "I win!" Sky shouted. I groaned "Because I didn't even get a chance." "Should've been quicker." Sky said. "Okay, this time I'm sure I can beat you." I say. "Wanna bet." Sky said. "Okay, if I win you have to dance with fish." I say. "And if I win, you have to cover yourself with budder." Of course I thought. "Okay, three... two..." "One!" Sky shouts and he charged at me I dodge and knock Sky down. He quickly got back up and grabbed my leg making me trip and he pinned me to the ground with my hands behind my back. "I win!" Sky shouts getting off of me. "Rematch!" I call out but Sky refused. "Please." "Nope." "Please." "Nope." "Fine." "Yay! Let's go home and get you buddered!" I know this is going to be strange.

(Sky's P.O.V. :D)

I can't believe I beat Cyanide! Now I'll have a dream come true! We got home and everyone was asking why was I so happy. "You made a bet with Sky, did you?" Ian ask. Cyanide nodded "Looks like I'm getting 'buddered'." Cyanide said and everyone bursted out laughing. "Come on Cyanide, let's get you buddered." Mitch snickered. Cyanide groaned as we rubbed the budder all over him. "How long do I have to keep this on?" Cyanide asked. "Till' Sky licks it all off." Mitch said. I hugged Cyanide "Best. Idea. Ever!" I start licking three budder off right away. Cyanide tried running but I ended up tackling him. He ran into our room under the covers. I jump on top of him. "Cyanide?" I ask pulling the covers off of him. "There you are." I get on top of him licking hiss sleeve. "Sky stop, I'll be covered in your slobber." "But do you like it?" I ask. "A little." (WARNING: A BIT OF SMUT AHEAD! And it's just a teeny bit, and why not?) I saw some budder on his neck. This will be fun. I suck at it making him groan in pleasure because I found his sweet spot. "S-Sky." He tried to be the dominant but I simply didn't let him. I licked his bottom lip waiting for an answer. He opened his mouth signaling for a yes. I explored every corner of his mouth and sucking at his tongue. He moaned. I pulled away and smirked "Having fun?" He smiled. I went for another kiss but Mitch was at the door again! God damnit Mitch! "Oh, I'm sorry if I walked in on something. You can continue." Mitch was kind of being a pain in the butt since he knew me and Cyanide were together. "No need, you killed the mood." I say getting off of Cyanide. "Aww, but you two look adorable together." "Don't you have anything else better to do?" Cyanide asked. "No." "How about Jerome?" I noticed Mitch blushed a bit. "No, not really." He answered shuffling his feet. "You like Jerome, don't you?" I ask. "Please don't tell him." Mitch begged. "As long as you can give us privacy." Cyanide says. "Deal!" Mitch said and left. "So Sky, wanna make episode 6 of 'Crash Landing'?" Cyanide asked. "Sure." I reply and we got up and told the guys where we would be and got into the minecarts. "Hey Sky, can I ride with you?" Cyanide asked. "Why not, hop in!" Cyanide crawled on my lap slowly so we wouldn't break the cart. "Ready?" "Ready." I push the button and the minecart started moving. I kept spamming the button until we went incredibly fast. "Sky!" Cyanide panicked and held on to my waist. We got here faster then I thought. 3... 2... 1... and I pressed the other button to make it stop. Cyanide was shaking a bit like a terrified dog. I hop out of the cart "Coming?" I ask. He nodded and got out of the cart. We press the button in the Tp system and teleport to the Crash Landing Survival map. "Okay Sky, your recording ready." I nodded. "Okay, you do the intro Sky." He said and I smiled. "Okay!" Then we started recording.

===After Recording===

(Cyanide's P.O.V.! Ha! Didn't see that coming, did you! :3)

Sky's so cute! I also snuck a couple of apples during the recording and watch Sky desperately find apples. "Cyanide! The fans are coming!" I think a little after the recording we decided not to let anyone know about us because all the nonstop questions we would get. "I'm coming!" We hurried to the carts and jumped in as fast as we could. Sky was about to press the button until a girl grabbed my hood. "Ow!" Sky grabbed my leg and tried yanking me from the girl. "Cyanide! I want an autograph!" "Leave them alone! They are normal like us!" "Stop pushing me!" "Calm down, please!" All the people were arguing and pushing back and fourth. (I bet this is what famous people go through everyday XD Sorry, back to teh story!) I push the girls off my arm and tried getting into the cart, but the same thing happened again and again. "Sky, might need help!" Sky tried grabbing me while fans pulled him away. I manage to jump in the cart and grab Sky and push the button. "Why can't there ever be another Tp system!?" I complained as I hold tight to Sky. "They tried making another one, but fans and mobs wrecked it." Sky said. "Oh." Was all I said before the cart stopped. "Finally you guys are here!" Mitch yelled. "What happened?" Sky replied. "We can't find Tyler anywhere!" Jerome budged in. "Well, did you check the woods?" I asked. They nodded. "Yeah, last time we saw him was in the kitchen." Jerome said. "Okay, let's look for him." Sky said. I really didn't want to look because we just got attacked by fans but its Sky's friend. I got out the cart and caught up with the others. "So, where do we-?" Then we heard a faint scream. "Come non that sounds pike Tyler!" Sky said and we ran to the direction of the scream. Apparently it was in the woods and we looked for Tyler everywhere. "Guys! I found him!" Jerome yelled. We rushed and gasped. "T-Tyler?" Sky said. Tyler was scratched up badly with cuts that were definitely from a sword and he was bleeding everywhere. "T-Ty gone-" Then Tyler stopped. "Lets quickly get him back home!" Mitch said picking up Tyler. Sky had a really worried look on his face. "Who did this?" Sky asked. "He said Ty. So that must mean-" I was cut off by a splash potion and someone covering my mouth. It was sleep potion and I got dizzy and passed out.

(Quick A/N Hi Timepack! Love the cliffhanger? No? Why!? Oh, I know they suck, but trust me next chapter will be amazing! Like super amazing! But till next time enjoy the cliffhanger! Plz don't kill meh! I fan I fan!!!

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